- Lithium orotate
width = 150px
CAS_number = 5266-20-6
ATC_prefix =
ATC_suffix =
ATC_supplemental =
PubChem = 23686432
DrugBank =
chemical_formula = C5H3LiN2O4
molecular_weight =
bioavailability =
protein_bound =
metabolism =
elimination_half-life =
pregnancy_category =
legal_status =
routes_of_administration =Lithium orotate, is a
lithium salt ofpyrimidinecarboxylic acid andlithium . It is available as the monohydrate, LiC5H3N2O4·H2O [cite journal
author= Ina Bach, Otto Kumberger, Hubert Schmidbaur
title = Orotate complexes. Synthesis and crystal structure of lithium orotate( - I) monohydrate and magnesium bis [ orotate( - I)] octahydrate
journal = Chem. Ber.
year = 1990
volume = 123
issue = 12
pages = 2267–2271
doi = 10.1002/cber.19901231207 ] .Lithium orotate is generally marketed as a dietary supplement used in small doses to treat conditions including stress, manic depression, alcoholism, ADHD and ADD, aggression, PTSD, Alzheimer's and to improve memory. It has controversially been promoted as an alternative to
lithium carbonate . In this compound, lithium is present as an orotateion , rather than to acarbonate or other ion. Lithium orotate is sold under a wide variety of brand names and is available at some drugstores and health food stores.Although a few psychiatrists prescribe lithium orotate to their patients, it is most often naturopaths and other alternative health practictioners who recommend this drug to their patients.
cientific studies
There is no evidence for the use of lithium orotate in clinical treatment in preference to lithium carbonate, and some suggest that it may be harmful. However, one study suggests that lithium orotate may be useful in the treatment of addictions. [Alcohol. 1986 Mar-Apr;3(2):97-100.] Some patients prefer to use it in place of lithium carbonate, as they believe that it is more bioavailable and the side effects are perceived to be significantly reduced.
An animal study by Smith and Schou suggests that the
kidney s clear lithium orotate significantly less effectively than lithium carbonate, and that this accounts for the higher serum levels of lithum when lithium orotate is taken compared to the equivalent amount of lithium carbonate. They conclude: "The higher lithium concentrations could be accounted for by the lower kidney function. It seems inadvisable to use lithium orotate for the treatment of patients."Smith DF, Schou M. [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=34690&dopt=Abstract Kidney function and lithium concentrations of rats given an injection of lithium orotate or lithium carbonate.] "J Pharm Pharmacol." 1979 Mar;31(3):161-3. Retrieved 18 April 2007] Proponents of lithium orotate therapy argue that this study was flawed because equal amounts of each compound of lithium was employed, whereas the point of using lithium orotate is to consume less elemental lithium than with lithium carbonate therapy. [ [http://www.bipolar-lives.com/lithium-orotate.html Lithium Orotate - Herbal Miracle or Internet Snake Oil?] . Retrieved February 22, 2008.]The study which concluded that lithium orotate was inadvisable for treatment of patients was done as a direct follow-up study to one performed by Kling, Manowitz and Pollack in 1978. Their study suggested that lithium orotate could be used in lower amounts than the amounts required when using lithium carbonate, while achieving therapeutic results. [Kling MA, Manowitz P, Pollack IW. [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=26768&dopt=Abstract Rat brain and serum lithium concentrations after acute injections of lithium carbonate and orotate.] "J Pharm Pharmacol." 1978 Jun;30(6):368-70.] However, an earlier study did not find a difference in the uptake, distribution and elimination of the orotate salt, as compared to carbonate or chloride salts of lithium. [cite journal
journal=Br J Pharmacol.
title=Lithium orotate, carbonate and chloride: pharmacokinetics, polyuria in rats
url=http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?tool=pubmed&pubmedid=1260219]Self-treatment of a psychiatric disorder with these supplements is potentially dangerous, since lithium is toxic in high doses. [cite journal |author=Pauzé DK, Brooks DE |title=Lithium toxicity from an Internet dietary supplement |journal=J Med Toxicol |volume=3 |issue=2 |pages=61–2 |year=2007 |month=June |pmid=18072162 |doi= |url=http://jmt.pennpress.org/strands/jmt/pdfHandler.pdf?issue=20070302&file=20070302_061_062.pdf] The active principle in these salts is the lithium ion Li+, which interacts with the normal function of sodium ions to produce numerous changes in the neurotransmitter activity of the brain. Therapeutically useful amounts of lithium are only slightly lower than toxic amounts when lithium carbonate or lithium citrate are used, so the blood levels of lithium must be carefully monitored during treatment.
*cite journal
author= Kling M. A, Manowitz P., Pollack I. W.
title = Rat brain and serum lithium concentrations after acute injections of lithium carbonate and orotate
journal =J Pharm Pharmacol
year = 1978
volume = 30
issue = 6
pages = 368–70
doi =
*cite journal
author= Kling M. A, Manowitz P., Pollack I. W.
title = Peter Tyre
journal = Drug treatment for personality disorders
year = 2004
volume = 10
issue =
pages = 389–398
doi =External links
*"Ask the Expert" [http://www.mhsource.com/expert/exp1121602b.html article on lithium orotate] at mhsource.com
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