

People commonly known by the family name Allawi include:
* Ayad Allawi, former Prime Minister of the Iraqi Interim Government
* Mohammed Allawi, former Iraqi Minister of Communications and Member of the Council of Representatives
* Ali Allawi, former Iraqi Defence and Finance minister
* Abdul Ameer Allawi, former Iraqi health minister
* Majeed Allawi, former Iraqi Minister of Transport, and also Minster of social affairs, Senator and (OBE) Order of British Empire.
* Hashim Allawi, former head of Tuwaitha Hospital, Baghdad and head of health district in Amara
* Sadiq Allawi, former head of health district in Najaf and Karbala and Director-General in Iraqi Ministry of Health
* Jaffar Allawi, former Iraqi minister of Housing
* Jaffar Sadik Allawi, Consultant Diabetologist, Well known Diabetes Specialist in the UK.Has several publications in both Arabic and English on the subject of diabetes mellitus. Dr. Jaffar Allawi has participated in and helped establish many diabetic centres in the Middle East.
* Karim Allawi, former head of Iraqi Rafidain Bank
* Hussein Allawi, one of the founders of Al-Nahtha Party with Sheikh Ameen Al-Charchafchi, also selected as one of the dignitaries to form the Iraqi government in 1920s.
* Haji Allawi, grand/father of all the well known prestigious Allawi family in Iraq, who was part of the three responsible for Iraqi affairs under the Ottoman Empire which had the right to call directly on the Ottoman caliph ('al-bab al-aali') in Istanbul.
* Zina Allawi, Well known Architect in the UK. Partner in Architects Firm Quad Design, London-U.K and Muscat-Oman. Specialist in Islamic and Arabic architecture. One of the designers of many mosques in the Arab World including Oman's biggest Sultan Qabous Mosque-Muscat, Oman.
* Luay Hashim Allawi, Well known banker in the Islamic World. Has combined experience in Biology and Banking, reside in the UK and work as an advisor for major finance organisations.
* Hikmat Abdul Majed Allawi, Prof. Baghdad University, Senior lecturer in Iberian/Spanish History, Culture and Languages.
* Ghazi Abdul Amir Allawi, Banker and Industrialist, His main financial activities in Brussels, Belgium.
* Tawfiq Hussain Allawi, Solicitor and Well known industrialist mainly Electrical, Electronic and high voltage Cabling industry in Iraq.

* Muawfaq Salman Allawi, One of the first Chemical Engineers in Iraq. Graduated from Cardiff - Wales University-UK. Was Director of Sugar industries in Iraq then promoted to director general of food industries - Ministry of Industries of Iraq.

In the Maghreb, some people spell their last name Allaoui or Alaoui, such as the Moroccan actress Morjana Alaoui.

See also Alawi

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