- Alberta Municipal Affairs and Housing
Alberta Municipal Affairs and Housing is a ministry of the Executive Council of
Alberta . It's duties include coordination ofgovernment at the local level and ensuring the safety and self-reliance of Albertan communities.As of December 2006, the Minister for Municipal Affairs and Housing was
Ray Danyluk .History
The Municipal Affairs ministry was established on December 20, 1911, following the example set in
Saskatchewan , with the purpose of implementing the new municipal legislation regarding incorporation of towns, villages, rural municipal districts, improvement districts and cities. [Cite web| url= http://www.municipalaffairs.gov.ab.ca/ms_DevelopmenLocalGovernment.htm | author= Alberta Municipal Affairs | title= Development of Municipalities in Alberta | accessdate=2007-02-15] Legislation passes in 1968, such as the "Municipal Government Act" [Cite web| url= http://www.qp.gov.ab.ca/documents/acts/m26.cfm | author= Alberta Queens Printer | title= Municipal Government Act | accessdate=2007-02-15] and "Local Authorities Election Act" [Cite web| url= http://www.qp.gov.ab.ca/documents/acts/L21.cfm | author= Alberta Queens Printer |title= Local Authorities Election Act | accessdate=2007-02-15] further improved and consolidated the provision of local government in the province.On December 15, 2006, the new ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing was created from "Alberta Municipal Affairs" and "Seniors and Community Supports". Libraries, community and voluntary sector services, previously under the authority of
Alberta Community Development , were amalgamated in the new ministry.Ministry structure
Department of Alberta Municipal Affairs
The Department of Alberta Municipal Affairs includes "Local Government Services" and "Public Safety".
Local Government Services provide support, advice and other assistance to municipalities (Municipal Districts, Counties, Regional Municipalities). [Cite web| url= http://www.municipalaffairs.gov.ab.ca/lgs_index.htm | author= Alberta Municipal Affairs | title= Local Government Services | accessdate=2007-02-15]
Branches of the service are:
* Municipal Services
* Assessment Services
* Special Areas Board.Public Safety regards safe buildings, equipment and facilities and emergency response, regulated by the "Safety Codes Act". [Cite web| url= http://www.municipalaffairs.gov.ab.ca/psd_index.htm | author= Alberta Municipal Affairs | title= Public Safety | accessdate=2007-02-15]
Public Safety is comprised by:
*Emergency Management Alberta
*Fire Commissioner's Office.Municipal Government Board
The Municipal Government Board is an independent Board that has jurisdiction granted by the "Municipal Government Act". The Municipal Government Board exists to rule on matters such as appeals/complaints resulting from property assessments, intermunicipal disputes and annexation recommendations.
External links
* [http://www.municipalaffairs.gov.ab.ca/ Alberta Municipal Affairs] - Ministry website
* [http://www.gov.ab.ca/home/index.cfm?page=57 Government of Alberta] - Municipal Affairs----
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