Gorki (band)

Gorki (band)

Luc De Vos at the 0110 concert in Ghent on October 1, 2006.
Background information
Origin Ghent, Belgium
Genres Pop-rock
Years active 1989–1993 (as Gorky), 1993–present (as Gorki)
Labels Virgin Records (1993 – 1996 & 1999)
Sony Music Entertainment (1996 – 2000)
PIAS (2000 – present)
Website Official website
Luc de Vos (vocals, guitar)
Erik van Biesen (bass guitar)
Eric Bosteels (drums)
Luc Heyvaerts (keyboards, clarinet)

Gorki is a Belgian rock group, consisting of lead singer and guitarist Luc De Vos, Luc Heyvaerts on keyboard and clarinet, Erik van Biesen on bass guitar and Eric Bosteels on the drums.

3 songs by Gorki were number one hits in the Studio Brussel alternative hitlist De Afrekening in Belgium: 'Lieve kleine piranha' (Gorky, 1992), 'Schaduw in de schemering (from the CD 'Plan B') and 'Joerie' in 2006.

Luc De Vos is also a well-known writer, columnist and television personality in Belgium[citation needed].




The band was originally named Gorky, which is Russian for 'the bitter'. The first members were Luc De Vos, Wout De Schutter and Geert Bonne. In 1990, the group finished 3rd in Humo's Rock Rally, which is a contest for upcoming Belgian talent organised by the popular magazine Humo. In 1991 came the band's breakthrough with the single 'Anja', referring to a Dutch singer from the sixties with that name.[1][2]


After 'Anja', several other singles were released from the debut album 'Gorky'. Among them was 'Soms vraagt een mens zich af' (Sometimes a man wonders), the b-side of which was 'Mia'. By making number one in the 'Tijdloze' (the Timeless), the 'best of all times' charts in Flanders by the music station Studio Brussel, for three consecutive years, 'Mia' became known as their largest hit. Likewise, it made number 1 in a similar chart of Radio 1 in Flanders, and best Belgian song in the chart by Radio Donna (in 2005). In 2006, it was elected the best song about girls on a TV-show on the public network 'één'. In 2008, the early music consort Capilla Flamenca issued 'Rosa (Mia)', a polyphonic adaptation of 'Mia' sung in Latin.

In 2008 a new award show was founded called "de Mia's" (the Mias). It was named after the best Flemish song of all times[citation needed] and officially stands for the Music Industry Awards.



'Gorky' was the title of the debut album in 1992, and was produced by Wouter Van Belle. It was released a second time in 2006.


  • Anja (1990)
  1. Anja
  2. Het einde is nabij (The end is near)
  • Lieve kleine piranha (1991) (vinyl)
  1. Lieve kleine piranha (Sweet little piranha)
  2. Ik word oud (I'm getting old)
  • Lieve kleine piranha (1991)
  1. Lieve kleine piranha (Sweet little piranha)
  2. Ik word oud (I'm getting old)
  3. Ria
  • Wacht niet te lang (1991)
  1. Wacht niet te lang (Don't wait too long)
  2. Eisen van de romantiek (Demands of romance)
  • Soms vraagt een mens zich af (1992)
  1. Soms vraagt een mens zich af (Sometimes one wonders)
  2. Mia


'Boterhammen' (Sandwiches) is a live album from 1992 . It contains 'Ooit was ik een soldaat' (Once I was a soldier). It was also released a second time in 2006.

Hij leeft (He lives)

It's an album from 1993, and the first album under the name 'Gorki' (instead of 'Gorky'). It was considered a rare album until it was released again in 2006.


  • Berejager (1993)
  1. Berejager (Bear hunter)
  2. Dit prachtige dier moet sterven (This beautiful animal must die) (1993)
  • Hij is alleen (1993)
  1. Hij is alleen (He's alone)
  2. In onze lage landen (In our low countries)
  • Beste Bill (1993)
  1. Beste Bill (Dear Bill)
  2. Hij Leeft (He's alive)
  • You'll never walk alone (1993)
  1. You'll never walk alone
  2. Ria (live)
  3. Beste Bill (Dear Bill) (live)
  4. Hij is alleen (He's alone) (live)

Monstertje (Little monster)


  • Lang zullen ze leven (1995)
  1. Lang zullen ze leven (For he's a jolly good fellow)
  2. Lang zullen ze leven II
  3. Lang zullen ze leven III
  • Monstertje (1996)
  1. Monstertje (Little Monster)
  2. Wie zal het in godsnaam anders doen (Who else will do it, for God's sake?)
  • Wie zal het anders doen (1996)
  1. Wie zal het anders doen (Who else will do it)
  2. Die brave meesteres (That good mistress)
  • Kom het toch halen (1996)
  1. Kom het toch halen (Come and get it)
  2. Kom het toch halen (barouo stylus fedrjean vervelt en pete boone kaboom mix)
  3. Kom het toch halen (bogey's bambi mix)

Ik ben aanwezig

This is an album from 1998 (the title translates to 'I am present').


  • Wie zal er voor de kinderen zorgen (1998)
  1. Wie zal er voor de kinderen zorgen '(Who will take care of the children) (promo)
  • Punk is dood (1998)
  1. Punk is dood (Punk is dead)
  2. Wij slapen aan de lopende band (We're almost always sleeping)
  • Mijn dierbare vijand (1998)
  1. Mijn dierbare vijand (My precious enemy)
  2. Ons brave wonderkind (Our good child prodigy) (live)
  3. Wij slapen aan de lopende band (live)
  • Ik ben aanwezig
  1. Ik ben aanwezig (I'm present)
  2. De volgende dag (The day after)

Het beste van Gorki

The best of Gorki (and Gorky), a compilation album from 1999 (which covers albums from 'Gorky' until 'Ik ben aanwezig'). It was later released again under the name 'Gorki essential'.


  • Soms vraagt een mens zich af 1998 remix (1998)
  1. Soms vraagt een mens zich af 1998 remix
  2. Soms vraagt een mens zich af

Eindelijk vakantie!

Album from 2000 (means: Finally, holidays!).


  • We zijn zo jong (2000)
  1. We zijn zo jong (We're so young) (promo)
  • Geld en olie (2000)
  1. Geld en olie (Money and oil) (promo)
  • XTC (2000)
  1. XTC
  2. In mijn betere wereld (In my better world) (promo)


Album from 2002 (means 'Progress'). The album contains an extra CD-ROM and a floppy disk.


  • Tijdbom (2002)
  1. Tijdbom (Time bomb) (promo)
  • Ik doe mee (2002)
  1. Ik doe mee (I'm on) (promo)
  • De Olifant is grijs (2002)
  1. De Olifant is grijs (The elephant is gray)
  2. Zal ik het ooit begrijpen? (Will I ever understand?)
  3. Zal ik het ooit begrijpen? (instrumentally)

Het beste van Gorki live

'The best of Gorki live', live shows, released on DVD in 2003.

Plan B

Album from 2004, which includes a free CD-R to make a legal copy.


  • Schaduw in de schemering (2004)
  1. Schaduw in de schemering (Shadow in the dusk) (promo)

Homo erectus

An album that was released January 1, 2006. A spare CD was included for the earliest buyers. The cover depicts Yuri Gagarin, and there are two songs who refer to him. On the 2nd Cd are 2 hidden tracks; the first is 'Ria' and the second is a song by Jan de Wilde which was written by Luc De Vos, called 'Wij houden stand' (Eng: We are making a stand, or We are holding on).


  1. Adem in en uit (Breathe in and out)
  2. Joerie
  3. Morse
  4. Sneller dan Joerie (Faster than Joerie)
  5. Homo erectus
  6. De zomer van de liefde (The summer of love)
  7. In de wolken (In the clouds)
  8. Een nieuw seizoen (A new season)
  9. Een bekend verhaal (A famous story)
  10. Wees eens stil jongens (Be quiet guys)
  11. Winternacht (Winternight)
  12. Mijn oude hart (My old heart)
  • Joerie
  • De zomer van de liefde (B-side: remix from Zaki De Waele)

Voor Rijpere Jeugd

Voor Rijpere Jeugd (For the Older Youth) is Gorki's ninth studio album and was released on March 10, 2008. The first single, Veronica komt naar je toe (Veronica is coming to you) was released on February 14, 2008.


  1. Ik kan nooit meer naar huis (I can never return home)
  2. Veronica komt naar je toe (Veronica is coming to you)
  3. Surfer Billy
  4. Stotteraars aller landen (Stutterers of all countries)
  5. Asfalt en beton (Asphalt and concrete)
  6. Naaktgeboren (Born nude)
  7. United Kashmir
  8. Driekoningen (Three Wise Men)
  9. Surfen op de golven (Surfing on the waves)
  10. Geluk in het spel (Lucky in the game)
  11. Spiegelbeeld (Mirror view)
  • Veronica komt naar je toe - 14 February 2008


  1. ^ "Gorky/Gorki". The Belgian Pop & Rock Archives. http://houbi.com/belpop/groups/gorky.htm. Retrieved 22-08-2011. 
  2. ^ "Official biography" (in dutch). http://www.gorki.be/newsite/index.php/bio. Retrieved 22-08-2011. 

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