Heated bath

Heated bath

A heated bath is used in the laboratory to allow a chemical reaction to occur at an elevated temperature.

The heated bath is a fluid placed in an open (metal) pot. Water and oil are the most commonly used fluids. A water bath is used for temperatures up to 100 °C. An oil bath is employed for temperatures over 100 °C.

The heated bath is heated on a hot plate. The reaction chamber (florence flask, erlenmeyer flask, beaker) is immersed in the heated bath. A thermometer is usually kept in the fluid to monitor the temperature.

See also: sand bath

External links

* [http://www.nickel-electro.co.uk Nickel-Electro Ltd manufacturer of waterbaths]
* [http://www.grant.co.uk Grant Instruments Ltd manufacturer of waterbaths and other scientific products]
* [http://www.ika.net IKA Works Inc manufacturer of oilbaths and waterbaths]

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