
The labarum: the definitive Chi-Rho chrismon

A chrismon is one of number of Christian symbols intended to represent aspects of the Person, life or ministry of Jesus Christ and the life, ministry or history of the Church through a single image, emblem or monogram. The term "chrismon" comes from the Latin phrase "Christi Monogramma", meaning "monogram of Christ". By definition, the literal monogram of Christ, which is the Greek letters Χ ("chi") superimposed upon Ρ ("rho"), is the more commonly named Chi Rho or labarum, which is actually the name of an imperial standard, where the chi rho was employed.

Chrismons can be found in all sizes, any sort of construction, and are used in numerous applications. Often, the Ρ is formed to look like a shepherd's crook and the Χ like a cross, symbolizing Jesus Christ as Good Shepherd of his flock, the Church.

Perhaps most commonly, chrismons are used to adorn liturgical devices and Christmas Trees during Advent and Christmas, where they are made from various materials ranging from needlepoint to woodwork and metalwork. They can also be found as decorations in and outside of Christian church buildings and homes, and even found on gravestones and personal stationary.

A US trademark is claimed for the term Chrismon, and trademarks are also claimed for some specific examples.

Many of these symbols have histories dating back to the earliest times of the Church. ("Monogram of Christ". New Advent. )

Other examples of common chrismons

These are just some examples of the scores if not hundreds of common, historical chrismons:

  • Ship on open waters - represents the community of the Church.
  • Anchored Cross - a Christian cross shaped like an anchor, symbolizing the steadfast faithfulness of God.
  • Pomegranate - the fruit is the Church and the seeds are its members.
  • Seashell - (the water of) Baptism.
  • Trefoil or Triquetros - a three-pointed knot symbolic of the Trinity.
  • Star of David - Jesus Christ's Jewish heritage as a descendent of King David.
  • Butterfly - the immortality of the soul.
  • Phoenix - rebirth, resurrection and new life.
  • Alpha and Omega - These Greek letters, Α and Ω respectively, together are a reference to Jesus Christ's self-description in Revelation 22:13 "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end." Though they can be found on a chrismon by themselves, they are often added to the ChiRho monogram.
  • Crown- shows royalty and power of Christ, Christ as the King of Kings.
  • Ichthys- also known as the fish symbol, a common symbol of the early Christian church under persecution, used to denote Christ.
  • Triangle- symbolic of the Trinity, like the trefoil.
  • Cornerstone- symbolic of Jesus Christ's ministry and life being the foundation of the Church, and the foundation of Christian principles and beliefs.
  • Cross- a generic Christian cross, a common symbol of Jesus' crucifixion and of salvation.
  • Dove- a white dove, symbolic of peace and as referenced in Christ's baptism.
  • Pearl- representative of the Bible containing precious "pearls of wisdom".
  • White rose- representative of the Nativity and of Virgin Mary.
  • Five-pointed star- the Epiphany of Jesus.

See also

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