- Prefix grammar
computer science , a prefix grammar is a type of string rewriting system, consisting of a set of string rewriting rules, and similar to aformal grammar or asemi-Thue system . What is specific about prefix grammars is not the shape of their rules, but the way in which they are applied: only prefixes are rewritten.Formal definition
A prefix grammar "G" is a 3-tuple, (Σ, "S", "P"), where
*Σ is a finite alphabet
*"S" is a finite set of base strings over Σ
*"P" is a set ofproduction rule s of the form "u" → "v" where "u" and "v" are strings over ΣFor strings "x", "y", we write "x →G y" (and say: "G" can derive "y" from "x" in one step) if there are strings "u, v, w" such that "x = vu, y = wu", and "v → w" is in "P". Note that "→G" is a
binary relation on the strings of Σ.The "language" of "G", denoted "L(G)", is the set of strings derivable from "S" in zero or more steps: formally, the set of strings "w" such that for some "s" in "S", "s R w", where "R" is the
transitive closure of "→G".Example
The prefix grammar
*Σ = {0, 1}
*"S" = {01, 10}
*"P" = {0 → 010, 10 → 100}describes the language defined by theregular expression :01(01)^* cup 100^*Properties
The prefix grammars describe exactly all
regular language s. [ [http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=185820 M. Frazier and C. D. Page. Prefix grammars: An alternative characterization of the regular languages. Information Processing Letters, 51(2):67–71, 1994.] ]References
ee also
Regular grammar
*Simple grammar
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