General frame

General frame

In logic, general frames (or simply frames) are Kripke frames with an additional structure, which are used to model modal and intermediate logics. The general frame semantics combines the main virtues of Kripke semantics and algebraic semantics: it shares the transparent geometrical insight of the former, and robust completeness of the latter.


A modal general frame is a triple mathbf F=langle F,R,V angle, where langle F,R angle is a Kripke frame (i.e., "R" is a binary relation on the set "F"), and "V" is a set of subsets of "F" which is closed under
*the Boolean operations of (binary) intersection, union, and complement,
*the operation Box, defined by Box A={xin F;,forall yin F,(x,R,y o yin A)}.The purpose of "V" is to restrict the allowed valuations in the frame: a model langle F,R,Vdash angle based on the Kripke frame langle F,R angle is admissible in the general frame F, if:{xin F;,xVdash p}in V for every propositional variable "p".The closure conditions on "V" then ensure that {xin F;,xVdash A} belongs to "V" for "every" formula "A" (not only a variable).

A formula "A" is valid in F, if xVdash A for all admissible valuations Vdash, and all points xin F. A normal modal logic "L" is valid in the frame F, if all axioms (or equivalently, all theorems) of "L" are valid in F. In this case we call F an "L"-frame.

A Kripke frame langle F,R angle may be identified with a general frame in which all valuations are admissible: i.e., langle F,R,mathcal{P}(F) angle, where mathcal P(F) denotes the power set of "F".

Types of frames

In full generality, general frames are hardly more than a fancy name for Kripke "models"; in particular, the correspondence of modal axioms to properties on the accessibility relation is lost. This can be remedied by imposing additional conditions on the set of admissible valuations.

A frame mathbf F=langle F,R,V angle is called
*differentiated, if forall Ain V,(xin ALeftrightarrow yin A) implies x=y,
*tight, if forall Ain V,(xinBox ARightarrow yin A) implies x,R,y,
*compact, if every subset of "V" with the finite intersection property has a non-empty intersection,
*atomic, if "V" contains all singletons,
*refined, if it is differentiated and tight,
*descriptive, if it is refined and compact.Kripke frames are refined and atomic. However, infinite Kripke frames are never compact. Every finite differentiated or atomic frame is a Kripke frame.

Descriptive frames are the most important class of frames because of the duality theory (see below). Refined frames are useful as a common generalization of descriptive and Kripke frames.

Operations and morphisms on frames

Every Kripke model langle F,R,{Vdash} angle induces the general frame langle F,R,V angle, where "V" is defined as:V=ig{{xin F;,xVdash A};,Ahbox{ is a formula}ig}.

The fundamental truth-preserving operations of generated subframes, p-morphic images, and disjoint unions of Kripke frames have analogues on general frames. A frame mathbf G=langle G,S,W angle is a generated subframe of a frame mathbf F=langle F,R,V angle, if the Kripke frame langle G,S angle is a generated subframe of the Kripke frame langle F,R angle (i.e., "G" is a subset of "F" closed upwards under "R", and "S" is the restriction of "R" to "G"), and:W={Acap G;,Ain V}.A p-morphism (or bounded morphism) fcolonmathbf F omathbf G is a function from "F" to "G" which is a p-morphism of the Kripke frames langle F,R angle and langle G,S angle, and satisfies the additional constraint:f^{-1} [A] in V for every Ain W.The disjoint union of an indexed set of frames mathbf F_i=langle F_i,R_i,V_i angle, iin I, is the frame mathbf F=langle F,R,V angle, where "F" is the disjoint union of {F_i;,iin I}, "R" is the union of {R_i;,iin I}, and:V={Asubseteq F;,forall iin I,(Acap F_iin V_i)}.

The refinement of a frame mathbf F=langle F,R,V angle is a refined frame mathbf G=langle G,S,W angle defined as follows. We consider the equivalence relation:xsim yiffforall Ain V,(xin ALeftrightarrow yin A),and let G=F/{sim} be the set of equivalence classes of sim. Then we put:langle x/{sim},y/{sim} anglein Siffforall Ain V,(xinBox ARightarrow yin A),:A/{sim}in Wiff Ain V.


Unlike Kripke frames, every normal modal logic "L" is complete with respect to a class of general frames. This is a consequence of the fact that "L" is complete with respect to a class of Kripke models langle F,R,{Vdash} angle: as "L" is closed under substitution, the general frame induced by langle F,R,{Vdash} angle is an "L"-frame. Moreover, every logic "L" is complete with respect to a single "descriptive" frame. Indeed, "L" is complete with respect to its canonical model, and the general frame induced by the canonical model (called the canonical frame of "L") is descriptive.

The Jónsson-Tarski duality

General frames bear close connection to modal algebras. Let mathbf F=langle F,R,V angle be a general frame. The set "V" is closed under Boolean operations, therefore it is a subalgebra of the power set Boolean algebra langlemathcal P(F),cap,cup,- angle. It also carries an additional unary operation, Box. The combined structure langle V,cap,cup,-,Box angle is a modal algebra, which is called the dual algebra of F, and denoted by mathbf F^+.

In the opposite direction, it is possible to construct the dual frame mathbf A_+=langle F,R,V angle to any modal algebra mathbf A=langle A,wedge,vee,-,Box angle. The Boolean algebra langle A,wedge,vee,- angle has a Stone space, whose underlying set "F" is the set of all ultrafilters of A. The set "V" of admissible valuations in mathbf A_+ consists of the clopen subsets of "F", and the accessibility relation "R" is defined by:x,R,yiffforall ain A,(Box ain xRightarrow ain y)for all ultrafilters "x" and "y".

A frame and its dual validate the same formulas, hence the general frame semantics and algebraic semantics are in a sense equivalent. The double dual (mathbf A_+)^+ of any modal algebra is isomorphic to mathbf A itself. This is not true in general for double duals of frames, as the dual of every algebra is descriptive. In fact, a frame mathbf F is descriptive if and only if it is isomorphic to its double dual (mathbf F^+)_+.

It is also possible to define duals of p-morphisms on one hand, and modal algebra homomorphisms on the other hand. In this way the operators (cdot)^+ and (cdot)_+ become a pair of contravariant functors between the category of general frames, and the category of modal algebras. These functors provide a duality between the categories of descriptive frames, and modal algebras.

Intuitionistic frames

The frame semantics for intuitionistic and intermediate logics can be developed in parallel to the semantics for modal logics. An intuitionistic general frame is a triple langle F,le,V angle, where le is a partial order on "F", and "V" is a set of upper subsets ("cones") of "F" which contains the empty set, and is closed under
*intersection and union,
*the operation A o B=Box(-Acup B).Validity and other concepts are then introduced similarly to modal frames, with a few changes necessary to accommodate for the weaker closure properties of the set of admissible valuations. In particular, an intuitionistic frame mathbf F=langle F,le,V angle is called
*tight, if forall Ain V,(xin ALeftrightarrow yin A) implies xle y,
*compact, if every subset of Vcup{F-A;,Ain V} with the finite intersection property has a non-empty intersection.Tight intuitionistic frames are automatically differentiated, hence refined.

The dual of an intuitionistic frame mathbf F=langle F,le,V angle is the Heyting algebra mathbf F^+=langle V,cap,cup, o,emptyset angle. The dual of a Heyting algebra mathbf A=langle A,wedge,vee, o,0 angle is the intuitionistic frame mathbf A_+=langle F,le,V angle, where "F" is the set of all prime filters of A, the ordering le is inclusion, and "V" consists of all subsets of "F" of the form:{xin F;,ain x},where ain A. As in the modal case, (cdot)^+ and (cdot)_+ are a pair of contravariant functors, which make the category of Heyting algebras dually equivalent to the category of descriptive intuitionistic frames.

It is possible to construct intuitionistic general frames from transitive reflexive modal frames and vice versa, see modal companion.


*Alexander Chagrov and Michael Zakharyaschev, "Modal Logic", vol. 35 of Oxford Logic Guides, Oxford University Press, 1997.
*Patrick Blackburn, Maarten de Rijke, and Yde Venema, "Modal Logic", vol. 53 of Cambridge Tracts in Theoretical Computer Science, Cambridge University Press, 2001.

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