Red-bellied Paradise-flycatcher

Red-bellied Paradise-flycatcher

name = Black-headed Paradise-flycatcher
status = LC | status_system = IUCN3.1
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Aves
ordo = Passeriformes
familia = Monarchidae
genus = "Terpsiphone"
species = "T. rufiventer"
binomial = "Terpsiphone rufiventer"
binomial_authority = (Swainson, 1837)

The Black-headed Paradise-flycatcher ("Terpsiphone rufiventer"), also known as the Red-bellied Paradise-flycatcher, is a medium-sized passerine bird.

However, the Red-bellied Paradise-flycatcher is a common resident breeder in tropical western Africa south of the Sahara Desert. This species is usually found in thick forests and other well-wooded habitats. Two eggs are laid in a tiny cup nest in a tree.

The adult male of this species is about 17 cm long, but the long tail streamers nearly double the birds length. It has a black head, and the rest of the plumage is chestnut, other than a prominent black wingbar. The female is duller and lacks the tail streamers. Young birds are plain brown.

The males show considerable variation in plumage in some areas. There is a morph of this species in which the male has the chestnut parts of the plumage replaced by white, and some races have black tail streamers.

The Red-bellied Paradise-flycatcher is a noisy bird with a sharp "zweet"call. It has short legs and sits very upright whilst perched prominently, like a shrike. It is insectivorous, often hunting by flycatching.

The black-bellied African Paradise-flycatcher, "Terpsiphone viridis", is closely related to this species, and hybrids occur with the underparts a mixture of black and red.


* "Birds of The Gambia" by Barlow, Wacher and Disley, ISBN 1-873403-32-1

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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