- ANTH domain
width =
caption = Clathrin assembly lymphoid myeloid leukemia (CALM ) protein
Pfam= PF07651
InterPro= IPR011417
Prosite =
OPM family= 39
OPM protein= 1hfa
PDB=PDB3|1hx8A:21-299 PDB3|1hg5A:19-285 PDB3|1hg2A:19-285PDB3|1hf8A:19-285 PDB3|1hfaA:19-285The ANTH domain is a membrane binding domain that shows weak specificity for
PtdIns(4,5)P2 . It was found in AP180 (a.k.a. CALM) endocytotic accessory protein that has been implicated in the formation of clathrin-coated pits. The domain is involved in phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate binding and is a universal adaptor for nucleation of clathrin coatscite journal |author=de Camilli P, McMahon HT, Peter BJ, Stahelin RV, Cho W, Long F, Murray D |title=Contrasting membrane interaction mechanisms of AP180 N-terminal homology (ANTH) and epsin N-terminal homology (ENTH)domains |journal=J. Biol. Chem. |volume=278 |issue=31 |pages=28993–28999 |year=2003 |pmid=12740367 |doi=10.1074/jbc.M302865200] cite journal |author=Payne GS, Duncan MC |title=ENTH/ANTH domains expand to the Golgi |journal=Trends Cell Biol. |volume=13 |issue=5 |pages=211–215 |year=2003
pmid=12742163 |doi=10.1016/S0962-8924(03)00076-X] .Its structure is a solenoid of 9 helices. The PtdIns(4,5)P2 binding residues are spread over several helices at the tip of the structure. The PtdIns(4,5)P2 binding sequence is Kx9Kx(K/R)(H/Y).
An ANTH domain is also found in
HIP1 andHIP1R , and the PtdIns(4,5)P2 binding sequence is conserved. More information is found on [http://www.endocytosis.org/AP180/AP180.html endocytosis.org] ..
Human proteins containing this domain
HIP1 ;HIP1R ;PICALM ;SNAP91 ;References
Ford, M.G.J., Pearse, B., Higgins, M., Vallis, Y., Owen, D., Gibson, A., Hopkins, C.R., Evans, P.R. and McMahon, H.T. (2001) Simultaneous binding of PI (4,5)P2 and clathrin by AP180 causes nucleation of clathrin lattices on membranes. Science 291, 1051-1055. [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?db=pubmed&cmd=Retrieve&dopt=AbstractPlus&list_uids=11161218&query_hl=11&itool=pubmed_docsum pubmed]
External links
* - Calculated spatial position of ANTH domain of CALM protein in membrane
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