

french commune

département=Lot ("préfecture")
arrondissement= Cahors
canton= Cahors
insee= 46042
maire=Marc Lecuru
longitude= 1.441389
alt moy=130 m
alt mini=
alt maxi=
dens= 309.1

Cahors (IPA2|kaɔʁ; Occitan: "Caors" pronounced IPA2|kaˈurs, ˈkɔws, ˈkɔw) is the principal town and commune in south west France capital of the Lot "département". Its site is dramatic being contained on three sides within an udder shaped twist in the river Lot known as a 'presqu'île' or "peninsula". Today it is perhaps best known as the centre of the famous AOC 'black' wine known since the Middle Ages and exported via Bordeaux, long before that region had developed its own viticulture industry.


Cahors has had a rich history since Celtic times, though it has declined economically since the Middle Ages and lost its university in the eighteenth century. Today it is a popular tourist centre with people coming to enjoy its mediaeval quarter and the unique 14th century fortified Valentré bridge.

Cahors was prominent in the Middle Ages and saw considerable conflict during the Hundred Years War and the later Wars of Religion . It was also infamous at that time for having bankers that charged interest on their loans. The church in these times said that using money as an end in itself (usury) was a sin. Because of this Cahors became synonymous with this sin, and was mentioned in Dante's Inferno alongside Sodom as wicked.

Pope John XXII, born Jacques Duèze or d'Euse, was born in Cahors in 1249, the son of a shoemaker.

Cahors was the start of Stage 18 in the 2007 Tour de France.

It is the seat of the Diocese of Cahors.

Main sights

* The "Valentré "Bridge, the symbol of the town. Building began in 1308 and it was completed in 1378. The legend associated with this bridge is one of the most fully realized of all Devil's Bridge legends, with a carefully developed plot, complex characters, and a surprising dénouement. When the bridge was restored in 1879, the architect Paul Gout made reference to this by placing a small sculpture of the devil at the summit of one of the towers.
*"Cathédrale Saint-Étienne", a national monument.
* "Saint-Barthélémy "Church, which dates from the 14th century [] [] .
*"Maison Henri IV" or "Hôtel de Roaldès" (15th century).
*Daurade quarter with:
**"Maison Hérétié "(14th-16th centuries)
**"Maison Dolive "(17th century)
**"Maison du Bourreau "(13th century)
*The barbican that once defended the Barre Gate.
*"Tour des pendus".
*"Palais Duèze".
*Tower of Pope John XXII.
*"Collège Pélegry".
*"Arc de Diane", a relic of ancient Roman baths.


The area around Cahors produces wine, primarily robust and tannic red wine. Wine from the Cahors appellation must be made from at least 70% Cot (also called Malbec, Mabeck, Auxerrois and Pressac) grape, with a maximum of 30% Merlot or Tannat grape varieties.

External links

* [ Official website] fr icon

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