- Tadeusz Góra
Tadeusz Góra (born
January 19 ,1918 ,Cracow ) is a former Polish glider and military pilot. He was the first winner of theLilienthal Gliding Medal in the world for his record-breaking 577.8-kilometer flight onMay 18 ,1938 , glider PWS-101 fromBezmiechowa to Soleczniki (nearVilnius ).During
World War II he joined the Polish Air Force (part ofRoyal Air Force ) as a pilot. He fought in Polish Fighter Squadrons: 306, 315, 316. He made 800 flights, only inP-51 Mustang s.[http://www.fai.org/awards/recipient.asp?id=749] FAI announcement
[http://www.fai.org/awards/award.asp?id=10] list of all FAI The Lilienthal Gliding Medal winners
[http://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tadeusz_G%C3%B3ra] Polish biography on Wikipedia
some changes and translating Polish bio version by-- () 22:27, 5 September 2008 (UTC)
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