- List of astronomy acronyms
This is a compilation of acronyms commonly used in astronomy. Most of the acronyms are drawn from professional astronomy and are used quite frequently in scientific publications. However, a few of these acronyms are frequently used by the general public or by amateur astronomers.
The acronyms listed below were placed into one or more of these categories:
* Astrophysics terminology - "a general category for physics-related acronyms"
* Catalog - "a category for collections of tabulated scientific data"
* Communications network - "a category that includes any network that functions primarily to communicate withspacecraft rather than performing astronomy"
* Data - "a general category for astrophysical data not associated with any single catalog or observing program"
* Celestial object - "a category that contains acronyms for natural objects in space and for adjectives applied to objects in space"
*Instrumentation - "a category for telescope and other spacecraft equipment, particularly detectors such as imagers andspectrometer s"
* Meeting - "a category for acronyms used to describe meetings that are not named after organizations"
* Observing program - "an astronomical program, often a survey, performed by one or more individuals; may also refer to the group that performs the survey"
* Organization - "a category for any large private organization, government organization, or company"
* Person - "a category form terms that refer to individual people"
* Publication - "a category for acronyms used for magazines, scientific journals, and similar astronomy-related publications"
* Software - "a category for all software except catalogued data (which is listed under "catalog") and scientific images
*Spacecraft - "a category that includes all spacecraft except space telescopes"
*Telescope - "a category that includes both ground-based and space telescopes; organizations that operate telescopes (for example, the National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO)) are listed under "organization"0-9
* 1RXH - ("catalog") 1st
ROSAT X-ray HRI, "a catalog of sources detected byROSAT in pointed observations with itsHigh Resolution Imager "
* 1RXS - ("catalog") 1ROSAT X-ray Survey, "a catalog of sources detected byROSAT in an all-sky survey"
* 2dF - ("instrumentation") Two-degree Field, "spectrograph on theAnglo-Australian Telescope "
* 2dFGRS - ("observing program") Two-degree-Field Galaxy Redshift Survey
* 2MASP - ("catalog") Two-Micron All Sky Survey Prototype, "an early version of the 2MASS catalog"
* 2MASS - ("observing program"/"catalog") Two-Micron All Sky Survey, "an all-sky survey in thenear-infrared ; also used to describe the catalog of sources from the survey"
* 2MASSI - ("catalog") Two-Micron All Sky Survey, Incremental release, "one of the versions of the 2MASS catalog"
* 2MASSW - ("catalog") Two-Micron All Sky Survey, Working database, "one of the versions of the 2MASS catalog"
* 2SLAQ - ("observing program") 2dF-SDSS LRG And QSO survey
* 6dF - ("instrumentation") Six-degree Field, "spectrograph on the UKST"A
* A&A - ("publication") Astronomy & Astrophysics, "a European scientific journal"
* AAO - ("organization") Anglo-Australian Observatory
* AAT - ("telescope") Anglo-Australian Telescope
* AAS - ("organization") American Astronomical Society
* AAVSO - ("organization") American Association of Variable Star Observers
* ABRIXAS - ("observing program") A BRoadband Imaging X-ray All-sky Survey
* AC - ("catalog") Catalogue Astrographique
* ACE - ("spacecraft") Advanced Composition Explorer
* ACIS - ("instrumentation") Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer, "an instrument on theChandra X-Ray Observatory "
* ACM - ("meeting") Asteroids, Comets, and Meteors
* ACP - ("instrumentation") - Aerosol Collector and Pyrolyser, "an instrument on theHuygens probe "
* ACS - ("instrumentation") Advanced Camera for Surveys, "an instrument on the Hubble Space Telescope"
* ACV - ("celestial object") Alpha Canes Venatici, "a class of rotatingvariable star s with strongmagnetic field s named after Alpha Canum Venaticorum (Cor Caroli), the archetype for the class"
* ACYG - ("celestial object") Alpha CYGni, "a class of rotatingvariable star s named after Alpha Cygni (Deneb), the archetype for the class"
* ADAF - ("astrophysics terminology") Advection Dominated Accretion Flow, "a mechanism by which matter is slowly accreted onto ablack hole "
* ADC - ("organization") Astronomical Data Center
* ADEC - ("organization") Astrophysics Data Centers Executive Council, "an organization that provides oversight for theAstrophysics Data and Information Services
* ADF - ("organization") Astrophysics Data Facility
* ADS - ("catalog") Aitken Double Stars
* ADIS - ("organization") Astrophysics Data and Information Services
* ADS - ("organization") Astrophysics Data Service, "an organization that maintains an online database of scientific articles"
* AFGL - ("organization") Air Force Geophysics Laboratory
* AFOEV - ("organization") Association Francaise des Observateurs d'Etoiles Variables
* AG - ("organization") Astronomische Gesellschaft
* AGAPE - ("observing program") Andromeda Galaxy and Amplified Pixels Experiment, "a search formicrolens es in front of theAndromeda Galaxy "
* AGB - ("celestial object") Asymptotic Giant Branch, "a description for a type of red giant star"
* AGK - ("catalog") Astronomische Gesellschaft Katalog
* AGN - ("celestial object") Active Galactic Nucleus
* AGU - ("organization") American Geophysical Union
* AIM - ("spacecraft") Aeronomy of Ice in the Mesosphere, "a spacecraft that will study theNoctilucent cloud s"
* AIPS - ("software") Astronomical Image Processing System
* AJ - ("publication") Astronomical Journal
*ALaMO - ("organization") Automated Lunar and Meteor Observatory
* ALEXIS - ("instrumentation") Array of Low Energy X-ray Imaging Sensors
* ALMA - ("telescope") Atacama Large Millimeter/Sub-millimeter Array
* ALPO - ("organization") Association of Lunar and Planetary Observers
* AMANDA - ("telescope") Antarctic Muon And Neutrino Detector Array, "aneutrino telescope
* AMASE - ("software") Astrophysics Multi-spectral Archive Search Engine
* AMS - ("organization") American Meteor Society
* AN - ("publication") Astronomische Nachrichten, "a German scientific journal"
* ANS - ("telescope") Astronomical Netherlands Satellite
* ANS - ("organization") Astro News Service
* ANSI - ("organization") American National Standards Institute
* AO - ("instrumentation") Adaptive Optics
* AOR - ("instrumentation") Astronomical Observation Request
* ApJ - ("publication") Astrophysical Journal
** ApJL - ("publication") Astrophysical Journal Letters
** ApJS - ("publication") Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series
* APM - ("instrumentation"/"catalog"), Automatic Plate Measuring machine, "describes both a machine for making measurements from photographic plates and a catalog based on measurements by the machine"
* APO - ("organization") Apache Point Observatory
* APOD - ("data") Astronomy Picture of the Day
* APT - ("telescope") Automated Patrol Telescope
* ARC - ("organization") Ames Research Center
* ARC - ("organization") Astrophysical Research Consortium
* ASA - ("organization") Astronomical Society of the Atlantic
* ASI - ("organization") Agenzia Spaziale Italiana
* ASIAA - ("organization") Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics
* ASP - ("organization") Astronomical Society of the Pacific
* ASTRO - ("spacecraft") Autonomous Space Transport Robotic Operations
* ATCA - ("telescope") Australia Telescope Compact Array
* AU - ("measurement") Astronomical Unit, "the distance between the Earth and the Sun"
* AUASS - ("organization") Arab Union for Astronomy and Space Sciences
* AURA - ("organization") Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy
* AWCA - ("meeting") American Workshop on Cometary Astronomy, "an older name for theInternational Workshop on Cometary Astronomy "
* AXP - ("celestial object") Anomalous X-Ray Pulsar
* AXAF - ("telescope") Advanced X-ray Astrophysics Facility, "an older name for theChandra X-ray Observatory "B
* B - ("catalog") Barnard catalog
* BAA - ("organization") British Astronomical Association
* BAAS - ("publication") Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society
* BAC - ("catalog") Bordeaux Astrographic Catalog
* BAO - ("organization") Beijing Astronomical Observatory
* BASIS - ("observing program") Burst and All Sky Imaging Survey
* BAT - ("instrumentation") Burst Alert Telescope, "an instrument on SWIFT"
* BATC - ("observing program") Beijing-Arizona-Taiwan-Connecticut, "the name of a multi-wavelenght sky survey"
* BATSE - ("instrument") Burst and Transient Source Experiment, "an instrument on theCompton Gamma-Ray Observatory "
* BATTeRS - ("telescope") Bisei Asteroid Tracking Telescopes for Rapid Survey
* BB - ("astrophysics terminology") Black Body
* BBXRT - ("telescope") Broad Band X-Ray Telescope
* BCD - ("celestial object") Blue Compact Dwarf
* BCD - ("software") Basic Calibrated Data, "data produced after basic processing"
* BCEP - ("celestial object") Beta CEPhei, "a class of pulsatingvariable star s for whichBeta Cephei is the archetypal object"
** "also" BCE
* BCG - ("celestial object") Blue Compact Galaxy, "another name for ablue compact dwarf , also Bright Central Galaxy
* BCVS - ("catalog") Bibliographic Catalogue of Variable Stars
* BD - ("catalog") Bonner Durchmusterung
* BD - ("celestial object") Brown Dwarf
* BEN - ("catalog") Jack Bennett catalog, "a catalog of deep-sky objects for amateur astronomers"
* BEL - ("celestial object") broad emission line clouds inActive galactic nucleus [ [http://arxiv.org/abs/astro-ph/0407404 The Origin of Fe II Emission in AGN] , J.A.Baldwin et al. 2004]
* BF - ("astrophysics terminology") Broadening Function
* BH - ("celestial object") Black Hole
* BHB - ("celestial object") Blue Horizontal Branch, "a description for a type of luminous star"
* BHC - ("celestial object") Black Hole Candidate
* BHXRT - ("celestial object") Black Hole X-Ray Transient
** "also" BHXT
* BIMA - ("telescope") Berkeley Illinois Maryland Array, "amicrowave telescope"
* BIS - ("organization") British Interplanetary Society
*BITP - ("organization") - Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics, "a Ukrainian research institute"
* BLLAC - ("celestial object") BL LACertae, "a class ofactive galaxies for whichBL Lacertae is the archetypal object"
** "also" BLL
* BLAST - ("telescope") - Balloon-borne Large Aperture Submillimeter Telescope
* BNSC - ("organization") British National Space Centre
* BOAO - ("observatory") Bohyunsan Optical Astronomy Observatory, "in Korea"
* BPM - ("catalog") Bruce Proper Motion
* BSG - ("celestial object") Blue Super Giant
* BSS - ("celestial object") Blue Straggler Star
** "also" BS
* BSS - ("observing program") Bigelow Sky Survey
* BY - ("celestial object") BY Draconis, "a class of rotatingvariable star s for whichBY Draconis is the archetypal object"C
* CADC - ("organization") Canadian Astronomy Data Centre
* CAHA - ("organization") Centro Astronómico Hispano Alemán, "a German-Spanish Astronomical Centre"
* CAPS - ("instrumentation") CAssini Plasma Spectrometer, "an instrument on theCassini spacecraft"
* CARA - ("organization") California Association for Research in Astronomy
* CARA - ("organization") Center for Astrophysical Research in Antarctica
* CASS - ("organization") Center for Advanced Space Studies
* CBR - ("celestial object") Cosmic Background Radiation
* CC - ("celestial object") Candidate Companion, "a newly detected observed object that initially appears to orbit another celestial object"
* CCD - ("instrumentation") Charge Coupled Device
* CCD - ("astrophysics terminology") - Color-Color Diagram, "a plot that compares the differences between magnitudes in different wave bands"
* CCDM - ("catalog") Catalog of Components of Double and Multiple Stars
* CCO - ("catalog") Catalogue of Cometary Orbits
* CCO - ("celestial object") Central Compact Object, "acompact star in the center of aplanetary nebulae "
* CCS - ("celestial object") Cool Carbon Star
* CD - ("catalog") Cordoba Durchmusterung
* CDIMP - ("catalog") Catalogue of Discoveries and Identifications of Minor Planets
* CDM - ("astrophysics terminology") Cold Dark Matter, "used to describe models for structure formation in the universe that include "cold" particles such as WIMPs asdark matter "
* CDS - ("organization") Centre de Données astronomiques de Strasbourg
* CELT - ("telescope") - California Extremely Large Telescope, "an older name for the Thirty Meter Telescope"
*CEMP - ("celestial object") Carbon-Enhanced Metal-Poor, "a type ofcarbon star "
** CEMP-no - ("celestial object") Carbon-Enhanced Metal-Poor star with no enhancement of elements produced by ther-process ors-process nucleosynthesis
** CEMP-r - ("celestial object") Carbon-Enhanced Metal-Poor star with an enhancement of elements produced byr-process nucleosynthesis
** CEMP-s - ("celestial object") Carbon-Enhanced Metal-Poor star with an enhancement of elements produced bys-process nucleosynthesis
** CEMP-r/s - ("celestial object") Carbon-Enhanced Metal-Poor star with an enhancement of elements produced by bothr-process ands-process nucleosynthesis
* CEP - ("celestial object") CEPheid, "a type of pulsatingvariable star "
* CEPS - ("organization") Center for Earth and Planetary Studies
* CfA - ("organization") Center for Astrophysics
* CFHT - ("telescope") Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope
* CFRS - ("observing program"), Canada-France Redshift Survey
* CG - ("astrophysics terminology") Center of Gravity
* CG - ("celestial object") Cometary Globule, "aBok globule that show signs of a tail-like extension"
* CG - ("celestial object") Compact Galaxy
* CGCS - ("celestial object") Cool Galactic Carbon Star
* CGRO - ("telescope") Compton Gamma Ray Observatory
* CGSS - ("catalog") Catalogue of Galactic S Stars
* CHARA - ("organization") Center for High Angular Resolution Astronomy
* CIAO - ("software") Chandra Interactive Analysis of Observations, "software for processingChandra X-ray Observatory data"
* CIAO - ("instrumentation") Coronagraphic Imager with Adaptive Optics, "an instrument for theSubaru Telescope "
* CIBR - ("celestial object") Cosmic Infrared Background Radiation
** "also" CIB
* CIDA - ("instrumentation") Cometary Interplanetary Dust Analyzer, "an instrument on the Stardust spacecraft"
* CINEOS - ("observing program") Campo Imperatore Near-Earth Object Survey
* CIO - ("catalog") Catalog of Infrared Observations
* CISCO - ("instrumentation") Cooled Infrared Spectrograph and Camera for OHS, "an instrument for theSubaru Telescope "
* CM - ("astrophysics terminology") Center of Mass
* CMBR - ("celestial object") Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation
** "also" CMB, CBR, MBR
* CMC - ("catalog") Carlsberg Meridian Catalogue
* CMD - ("astrophysics terminology") Color-Magnitude Diagram, "commonly used to describe the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram or similar diagrams"
** "also" CM
* CNB - ("celestial object") Cosmic Neutrino Background
*CNES - ("organization") Centre Nationale d'Etudes Spatiales, "the French Space Agency"
* CNO - ("astrophysics terminology") Carbon-Nitrogen-Oxygen, "a sequence of nuclear fusion processes"
* CNR - ("organization") Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
* CNSR - ("spacecraft") Comet Nucleus Sample Return
* COBE - ("telescope") Cosmic Background Explorer, "a space telescope used to study thecosmic microwave background radiation "
* COHSI - ("instrumentation") Cambridge OH-Suppression Instrument
* Col - ("catalog")Collinder catalog
* COMICS - ("instrumentation") COoled Mid-Infrared Camera and Spectrometer, "an instrument for theSubaru Telescope "
* CGRO - ("telescope") COMPton TELescope, "another name for theCompton Gamma Ray Observatory "
* COROT - ("telescope") COnvection ROtation and planetary Transits, "a space telescope for detectingextrasolar planet s"
* COSPAR - ("organization") COmmittee on SPAce Research
*COSTAR - ("instrumentation") Corrective Optics Space Telescope Axial Replacement, "corrective optics for theHubble Space Telescope "
* CP - ("astrophysics terminology") Chemically Peculiar, "a description for stars with peculiar chemical compositions"
* CPD - ("catalog") Cape Photographic Durchmusterung
* CRAF - ("spacecraft") Comet Rendezvous Asteroid Flyby
* CSA - ("organization") Canadian Space Agency
* CSBN - ("organization") Committee for Small-Body Nomenclature
* CSE - ("celestial object") Circumstellar Envelope, "structural descriptions of aplanetary nebula "
* CSI - ("catalog") Catalog of Stellar Identification, "a compilation of the catalogs, BD, CD, and CPD"
* CSO - ("telescope") Caltech Submillimeter Observatory
* CSPN - ("celestial object") Central Star of Planetary Nebula
** "also" CSPNe ("plural form of" CSPN)
* CSS - ("observing program") Catalina Sky Survey
* CST - ("astrophysics terminology") ConStanT, "used to describe non-variable stars"
* CSV - ("catalog") Catalog of Suspected Variables
* CTIO - ("telescope"/"organization") Cerro Tololo Interamerican Observatory
* CTTS - ("celestial object") Classical T-Tauri Star
* CV - ("celestial object") Cataclysmic Variable, "a type of variable binary star system that contains awhite dwarf and a companion star that changes"
* CW - ("celestial object") Cepheid W Virginis, "a class ofCepheid s named afterW Virginis , the archetype for the class"
** CWA - ("celestial object") Cepheid W Virginis A, "a subclass of CW stars that that vary in brightness on timescales of less than 8 days"
** CWB - ("celestial object") Cepheid W Virginis B, "a subclass of CW stars that vary in brightness on timescales greater than 8 days"
* CXBR - ("celestial object") Cosmic X-ray Background Radiation
* CXO - ("catalog") Chandra X-ray Observation, "a catalog based from the Chandra space telescope"D
* DAO - ("organization") Dominion Astrophysical Observatory
* DCEP - ("celestial object") Delta CEPhei, "a class ofCepheid s named afterDelta Cephei , the archetype for the class"
* DDEB - ("celectial object") Double-lined eclipsing binary
* DENIS - ("observing program/catalog") DEep Near Infrared Survey
* DENIS-P - ("catalog") DEep Near Infrared Survey, Provisory designation
* DES - ("observing program") Dark Energy Survey
* DES - ("observing program") Deep Ecliptic Survey
* DIB - ("celestial object") Diffuse Interstellar Band, "an absorption feature in stellar spectra with an interstellar origin"
* DISR - ("instrumentation") - Descent Imager/Spectral Radiometer, "an instrument on theHuygens probe "
* DN - ("celestial object") Dwarf Nova
* DNS - ("celestial object") DoubleNeutron Star , "another name for a binary neutron star system"
* DPOSS - ("data") Digitized Palomar Observatory Sky Survey
* DS - ("celestial object") Dwarf Star
* DSCT - Delta SCuTi, "a class of pulsatingvariable star s named afterDelta Scuti , the archetype for the class"
* DSN - ("communications network") Deep Space Network, "a network of radio antennas used for communicating tospacecraft "
* DSS - ("data") Digitized Sky Survey
* DWE - ("instrumentation") - Doppler Wind Experiment, "an instrument on theHuygens probe "E
* E - ("celestial object") Eclipsing, "used to describe a binary star system with variable brightness in which the stars eclipse each other"
** EA - ("celestial object") Eclipsing Algol, "a class of eclipsingbinary star s named afterAlgol , the archetype for the class"
** EB - ("celestial object") Eclipsing Beta Lyrae, "a class of eclipsingbinary star s named afterBeta Lyrae , the archetype for the class"
** EW - ("celestial object") Eclipsing W Ursa Majoris, "a class of eclipsingbinary star s named afterW Ursa Majoris , the archetype for the class"
* E-ELT - ("telescope") - European Extremely Large Telescope
* EAPSNET - ("organization") - East-Asian Planet Search Network
* EC - ("celestial object") Embedded Cluster, "a star cluster that is partially or fully embedded in interstellar gas or dust"
* ECA - ("celestial object") Earth Crossing Asteroid
* E-ELT - ("telescope") European Extremely Large Telescope
* EGG - ("celestial object") Evaporating Gaseous Globule
* EGGR - ("catalog") Eggen & Greenstein, "a catalog of mostlywhite dwarf s"
* EGP - ("celestial object") Extrasolar Giant Planet
* EGRET - ("telescope") Energetic Gamma Ray Experiment Telescope, "another name for theCompton Gamma Ray Observatory "
* EHB - ("celestial object") Extreme Horizontal Branch, "the description for a type of hot, evolvedstar "
* EJASA - ("publication") Electronic Journal of the Astronomical Society of the Atlantic
* EKBO - ("celestial object") Edgeworth-Kuiper Belt Object, "an alternative name forKuiper Belt Object s"
* ELIAS - ("observing program") European Large Area ISO Survey, "a survey of high redshift galaxies performed with the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO)"
* ELT - ("telescope") Extremely Large Telescope
* EMP - ("catalog") Ephemerides of Minor Planets
* EMP - ("celestial object") Extremely Metal-Poor, "a description for stars that contain few elements other thanhydrogen andhelium "
* ENACS - ("observing program") ESO Nearby Abell Cluster Survey, "a survey ofgalaxy cluster s
* ERO - ("celestial object") Extremely Red Object, "a name applied togalaxies with red spectra
* ESA - ("organization") European Space Agency
* ESO - ("organization") European Southern Observatory
* ESTEC - ("organization") European Space research and TEchnology Centre
* EUV - ("astrophysics terminology") Extreme UltraViolet
* EUVE - ("telescope") Extreme UltraViolet Explorer, "anultraviolet space telescope"
* EVN - ("organization") European VLBI NetworkF
* FAME - ("telescope") Full-sky Astrometric Mapping Explorer
* FASTT - ("telescope") Flagstaff Astrometric Scanning Transit Telescope
* FCC - ("catalog") Fornax Cluster Catalog, " a catalog ofgalaxies in theFornax Cluster "
* FEB - ("celestial object") Falling-Evaporating Body, "a solid planetary object that is being evaporated by the stellar wind"
* FGS - ("instrumentation") Fine Guidance Sensors, "an instrument on theHubble Space Telescope "
* FHST - ("instrumentation") Fixed Head Star Trackers, "an instrument on theHubble Space Telescope "
* FIR - ("astrophysics terminology") Far InfraRed
* FIRST - ("observing program") Faint Images of the Radio Sky at Twenty-centimeters, "aradio survey of the sky with theVery Large Array "
* FIRST - ("telescope") Far InfraRed and Submillimeter Space Telescope, "an older name for theHerschel Space Observatory "
* FITS - ("software") Flexible Image Transport System, "the format commonly used for scientific astronomy images"
* FLAMES - ("instrumentation") Fibre Large Array Multi Element Spectrograph, "instrument on the VLT"
* FLOAT - ("telescope") Fibre-Linked Optical Array Telescope
* FLWO - ("telescope") Fred L. Whipple Observatory
* FMO - ("celestial object") Fast Moving Object, "a description forasteroid s so close to theEarth that they appear to be moving very fast"
* FOC - ("instrumentation") Faint Object Camera, "a camera formerly on theHubble Space Telescope "
* FOCAS - ("instrumentation") Faint Object Camera And Spectrograph, "an instrument for theSubaru Telescope "
* FOS - ("instrumentation") Faint Object Spectrograph, "aspectrometer formerly on theHubble Space Telescope "
* FOV - ("instrumentation") Field Of View
* FRED - ("astrophysics terminology") Fast Rise Exponential Decay, "used to describe the variations in the luminosity ofgamma ray bursts over time"
* FSC - ("catalog") Faint Source Catalogue, "one of the catalogs produced usingInfrared Astronomical Satellite data"
* FTL - ("astrophysics terminology") Faster Than Light
* FUOR - ("celestial object") FU Orionis objects, " a class of variablepre-main sequence star s named afterFU Orionis , the archetype for the class"
** "also" FU
* FUSE - ("telescope") Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer, "anultraviolet space telescope"
* FUVITA - ("instrumentation") Far UltraViolet Imaging Telescope Array, "anultraviolet imager for theSpectrum-Roentgen-Gamma mission"
* FWHM - ("instrumentation") Full Width at Half Maximum, "used to describe telescopes' resolution"
* FWZI - ("instrumentation") Full Width at Zero Intensity, "used to describe telescopes' resolution"G
* G - ("catalog") Giclas, "a catalog of nearby
stars "
* GAIA - ("telescope") Global Astrometric Interferometer for Astrophysics, "a planned space telescope that will be used to make high-precision measurements of stars"
* GALEX - ("telescope") Galaxy Evolution Explorer, "anultraviolet space telescope"
* GASP - ("software") Guide star Astrometric Support Package
* GAT - ("catalog") AO (Gatewood+), "catalog of G. Gatewood's observations"
* GBT - ("telescope") Green Bank Telescope
* GC - ("catalog") General Catalog, "a catalog of clusters, nebulae, and galaxies created byJohn Herschel and now superseded by theNew General Catalogue "
* GCAS - ("celestial object") Gamma CASsiopeiae, "a class of eruptivevariable stars named afterGamma Cassiopeiae , the archetype for the class"
* GCMS - ("instrumentation") - Gas Chromatograph and Mass Spectrometer, "an instrument on theHuygens probe "
** also GC/MS
* GCN - ("organization") GRB Coordinates Network
* GCR - ("astrophysics terminology") Galactic Cosmic Rays
* GCVS - ("catalog") the General Catalog of Variable Stars
* GD - ("catalog") Giclas Dwarf, "a catalog ofwhite dwarf "
* GDS - ("celestial object") Great Dark Spot, "a transient feature in the clouds ofNeptune "
* GEM - ("observing program") Galactic Emission Mapping
* GEM - ("observing program") Galileo Europa Mission, "the description for the science observation program of Europa performed by theGalileo spacecraft "
* GEM - ("observing program") Giotto Extended Mission, "the description for the extended operations of theGiotto spacecraft "
* GEMS - ("organization") Group Evolution Multi-wavelength Study
* GEMS ("survey") Galaxy Evolution from Morphology and Spectral energy distributions
*GEMSS - ("organization") Global Exoplanet M-dwarf Search-Survey, "a search for exoplanets around m-dwarf stars"
* GEODDS - ("telescope") Ground-based Electro-Optical Deep Space Surveillance, "a network of telescopes used in aUnited States Air Force program for observingspace junk "
* GH - ("catalog") Giclas Hyades, "a catalog of stars in the Hyades cluster"
* GHRS - ("instrumentation") Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph, "aspectrograph on theHubble Space Telescope "
** "also" HRS
* GIA - ("organization") Gruppo Italiano Astrometristi
* GIMI - ("instrumentation") Global Imaging Monitor of the Ionosphere, "anultraviolet imager on theAdvanced Research and Global Observation Satellite "
* GJ - ("catalog") Gliese & Jahreiß/Jahreiss catalog
* GL - ("catalog") Gliese catalog
* GLAST - ("telescope") Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope
* GLIMPSE - ("observing program") Galactic Legacy Infrared Mid-Plane Survey Extraordinaire
* GMC - ("celestial object") Giant molecular Cloud
* GMF - ("celestial object") Galactic Magnetic Field
* GMRT - ("telescope") Giant Meter Radio Telescope
* GMT - ("telescope") - Giant Magellan Telescope, "a telescope being built by a US-Australian collaboration"
* GONG - ("organization") Global Oscillation Network Group, "an organization that monitors oscillations in theSun "
* GOODS - ("survey") Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey "a survey of various redshifts to study galactic formation and evolution"
* GP - ("astrophysics terminology") Giant Pulses, "a description for a type of observed pulse emission frompulsar s"
* GPS - ("astrophysics teminology") GHz-Peaked Spectrum, "a description for theradio ormicrowave spectra of somegalaxies "
* GR - ("astrophysics terminology") General Relativity
* GR - ("catalog") Giclas Red dwarf, "a catalog ofred dwarf s"
* GRB - ("celestial object") Gamma Ray Burst
* GRO - ("telescope") Gamma Ray Observatory, "another name for theCompton Gamma Ray Observatory
* GROSCE - ("telescope") Gamma Ray Burst Optical Counterparts Search Experiment, "an automated telescope used to detect the optical counterparts togamma ray burst s"
* GRS - ("instrumentation") Gamma Ray Spectrometer, "an instrument on theMars Observer "
* GRS - ("celestial object") Great Red Spot, "a feature in the clouds ofJupiter "
* GSC - ("catalog") Guide Star Catalog, "a catalog of stars used for pointing theHubble Space Telescope "
* GSC2 - ("catalog") Guide Star Catalog version 2, "a catalog of stars used for pointing theHubble Space Telescope "
** "also" GSC II
* GSFC - ("organization") Goddard Space Flight Center, "aNASA institution"
* GSPC - ("catalog") Guide Star Photometric Catalog, "a catalog of stars with precisely-measured fluxes used to calibrate theGuide Star Catalog "H
* HAeBe - ("celestial object") Herbig AeBe star, "a type of
pre-main sequence star with strong spectral emission lines"
** HAe - ("celestial object") Herbig Ae star
** HBe - ("celestial object") Herbig Be star
* HALCA - ("telescope") Highly Advanced Laboratory for Communications and Astronomy, "a satellite that is part of theVLBI Space Observatory Program , a Japaneseradio astronomy project"
* HAO - ("organization") High Altitude Observatory
* HASI - ("instrumentation") Huygens Atmosphere Structure Instrument, "an instrument on theHuygens probe "
* HB - ("celestial object") Horizontal Branch, "a description for a type of evolved red giant star in which helium is burned in the core and hydrogen is burned in a shell around the core"
*HBRP - ("celestial object") High-magnetic field Radio Pulsar
* HBV - ("catalog") Hamburg-Bergedorf Variables, "a catalog ofvariable star s"
* HBMM - ("astrophysics terminology") Hydrogen Burning Minimum Mass
* HCO - ("organization") Harvard College Observatory
* HCS - ("celestial object") Heliospheric Current Sheet, "the boundary where the polarity of the Sun's magnetic field changes direction"
* HD - ("catalog") Henry Draper, "a catalog ofstar s"
* HDE - ("catalog") Henry Draper Extension, "a catalog ofstar s"
* HDF - ("data"/"celestial object") Hubble Deep Field, "an area of the sky with little foreground obscuration that was observed deeply with theHubble Space Telescope ; also the name for the data product itself"
* HDM - ("astrophysics terminology") Hot Dark Matter, "a description for cosmological models treatingneutrino s asdark matter "
* HDS - ("instrumentation") High Dispersion Spectrograph, "aspectrograph on theSubaru Telescope
* HE - ("catalog") Hamburg/ESO Survey
* HEAO - ("telescope") High Energy Astronomical Observatory, "a series ofX-ray andgamma ray space telescopes"
* HEASARC - ("organization") High Energy Astrophysics Science Archival Research Center, "aNASA organization that deals withX-ray andgamma ray telescope data"
* HESS - ("telescope") High Energy Stereoscopic System, "a telescope for detectingcosmic ray s"
* HETE - ("telescope") High Energy Transient Explorer, "a space telescope that performs multi-wavelength observations ofgamma ray burst s"
* HF - ("astrophysics terminology") High Frequency
* HGA - ("instrumentation") High Gain Antenna
* HH - ("celestial object") Herbig-Haro object, "objects formed when the ejecta from newstar s collides with theinterstellar medium "
** "also" HHO
* HIC - ("catalog") HIPPARCOS Input Catalog, "a catalog of data for the first targetstar s selected for observation by theHipparcos "
* HICAT - ("catalog") HIPASS catalog, "a catalog of HI sources, see also NHICAT"
* HID - ("astrophysics terminology") - Hardness-Intensity Diagram, "a type ofcolor magnitude diagram used in X-ray andgamma ray astronomy "
* HIP - ("catalog") HIPPARCOS, "the catalog of data produced byHipparcos "
*HIPASS - ("Observing program") HI Parkes All-Sky Survey, "survey of HI sources"
* HIPPARCOS - ("telescope") HIgh Precision PARallax COllecting Satellite, "a space telescope specifically designed to measure distances tostar s usingparallax "
* HISA - ("astrophysical terminology") HI Self-Absorption region
* HK - ("catalog") Survey for metal-poor stars based on the strength of CaII H and K absorption lines
* HLIRG - ("celestial object") HyperLuminous Infrared Galaxy, "agalaxy that is brighter than 1013solar luminosities in theinfrared "
* HMC - ("instrumentation") Halley Multicolor Camera, "an instrument on the Giotto spacecraft"
* HMPO - ("celestial object") High-Mass Proto-stellar Object
* HMXB - ("celestial object") High-Mass X-Ray Binary, "anX-ray -luminous binary system consisting of acompact star and a massive star"
* HPMS - ("celestial object") High Proper Motion Star, "a star with highproper motion "
* HR - ("catalog") Hoffleit Bright Star
* HR - ("astrophysics terminology") Hertzsprung-Russell, "a description for a diagram that compares stars' colors to their luminosities"
* HRC-I - ("instrumentation") High Resolution Camera, "an instrument on theChandra X-Ray Observatory
* HRD - ("instrumentation") High Rate Detector, "an instrument on theCassini spacecraft "
* HRMS - ("observing program") High Resolution Microwave Survey, "a survey formicrowave signals fromextraterrestrial intelligence "
* HRI - ("instrumentation") High Resolution Imager, "an instrument on theROSAT telescope"
* HSP - ("instrumentation") High Speed Photometer, "an instrument formerly on theHubble Space Telescope "
* HST - ("telescope") Hubble Space Telescope
* HTRA - ("astrophysics terminology") High Time Resolution Astrophysics, "a term used to describe the observations of phenomena that vary on timescales of one second or less"
* HUT - ("telescope") Hopkins Ultraviolet Telescope, "an ultraviolet telescope that operated from the cargo bay of theSpace Shuttle "
* HVC - ("celestial object") High Velocity Cloud, "an interstellar cloud with a velocity that is too high to be explained by galactic rotation"
*HXD - ("instrumentation") Hard X-ray Detector, "an instrument on the on the Suzaku space telescope
* HVS - ("celestial object") Hypervelocity Star "or" High Velocity StarI
* IAC - ("organization") Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias
* IAPPP - ("organization") International Amateur/Professional Photoelectric Photometry
* IAS - ("organization") Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale
* IASY - ("observing program") International Active Sun Year, "the name given to a series of coordinatedSun -related observational programs performed in 1969 and 1971"
* IAU - ("organization") International Astronomical Union
* IAUC - ("publication") IAU Circular
* IAYC - ("meeting") International Astronomical Youth Camp
* IBAS - ("instrumentation") - INTEGRAL Burst Alert System, "an instrument on theINTEGRAL satellite"
* IBIS - ("instrumentation") - Imager on Board the INTEGRAL Satellite, "an instrument on theINTEGRAL satellite"
* IBVS - ("publication") Information Bulletin on Variable Stars
* IC - ("catalog") Index Catalog
* IC - ("celestial object") Intracluster, "a general term to describe either the regions between stars instar cluster s or the region between galaxies ingalaxy cluster s"
* ICE - ("spacecraft") International Comet Explorer
* ICM - ("celestial object") Intracluster Medium, "is the superheated gas present at the center of a galaxy cluster"
* ICQ - ("publication") International Comet Quarterly
* ICRF - ("astrophysics terminology") International Celestial Reference Frame, "a coordinate system based onradio sources used to define the locations of objects in the sky"
* ICRS - ("astrophysics terminology") International Celestial Reference System, "a coordinate system based onHipparcos observations used to define the locations of objects in the sky"
* IDA - ("organization") International Dark-Sky Association, "an organization that seeks to controllight pollution "
* IDP - ("celestial object") Interplanetary Dust Particle, "dust particles around planets or planetary bodies"
* IDS - ("catalog") Index catalog of Double Stars
* IEO - ("astrophysics terminology") Inner-Earth Object, "used to describe the orbits ofasteroid s"
* IERS - ("organization") International Earth Rotation geophysical Service "or" International Earth rotation and Reference systems Service, "an organization that monitors theEarth 's orientation with respect to theradio sources used to define the ICRF"
* IfA - ("organization") Institute for Astronomy, "the astronomy research division of theUniversity of Hawaii "
* IGM - ("celestial object") InterGalactic Medium
* IGR - ("catalog") Integral Gamma-Ray source, "a catalog based on observations by theINTEGRAL telescope"
* IGY - ("observing program") International Geophysical Year, "the name given to a series of coordinated geophysical and astronomical observation programs performed in 1957 and 1958"
* IHW - ("organization") International Halley Watch, "an organization created to coordinate observations ofHalley's Comet in 1986"
* ILOM - ("spacecraft") In-situ Lunar Orientation Measurement, "a mission to measure variations in the orientation of theMoon from the Moon's surface"
* IMBH - ("celestial object") Intermediate Mass Black Hole
* IMF - ("astrophysics terminology") Initial Mass Function, "used to describe the relative numbers of stars of different masses that form duringstar formation "
* IMO - ("organization") International Meteor Organization
* IMPACT - ("meeting") International Monitoring Programs for Asteroid and Comet Threat
* IMPS - ("observing program") IRAS Minor Planet Survey
* INAG - ("organization") Institut National d'Astronomie et de Geophysique
* ING - ("organization") Isaac Newton Group of Telescopes
* INS - ("celestial object") Isolated Neutron Star
* INT - ("telescope") Isaac Newton Telescope
*INTEGRAL - ("telescope") INTErnational Gamma-Ray Astrophysics Laboratory, "agamma-ray space telescope"
* IoA - ("organization") Institute of Astronomy, "an astronomy research department atCambridge University "
* IOTA - ("telescope") Infrared-Optical Telescope Array
* IOTA - ("organization") International Occultation Timing Association, "an organization for monitoringoccultation s"
* IPAC - ("organization") Infrared Processing & Analysis Center
* IPMO - ("celestial object") Isolated Planetary Mass Objects, "another name for isolatedplanemo s orsub-brown dwarf s"
* IQSY - ("observing program") International Quiet Sun Year, "the name given to a series of coordinatedSun -related observational programs performed in 1964 and 1965"
* IR - ("astrophysics terminology") InfraRed
* IRAC - ("instrumentation") Infrared Array Camera, "a mid-infrared imager on theSpitzer Space Telescope "
* IRAF - ("software") Image Reduction and Analisys Facility, "a general-purpose professional data-processing package"
* IRAIT - ("telescope") - International Robotic Antarctic Infrared Telescope
* IRAM - ("organization") Institut de Radio Astronomie Millimetrique
* IRAS - ("telecope"/"catalog") InfraRed Astronomical Satellite, "aninfrared space telescope; also used to describe the catalog produced using the telescope's data"
* IRCS - ("instrumentation") InfraRed Camera and Spectrograph, "an instrument on theSubaru Telescope "
* IRDC - ("celestial object") Infrared Dark Cloud
* IRTF - ("telescope") InfraRed Telescope Facility
* IRSA - ("organization") Infrared Science Archive
* ISAS - ("organization") Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
* ISEE - ("spacecraft") International Sun Earth Explorer, "a series of spacecraft designed to study the effects of theSun on theEarth 's space environment and magnetosphere"
* ISGRI - ("instrumentation") - INTEGRAL Soft Gamma-Ray Imager, "an instrument on theINTEGRAL satellite"
* ISM - ("celestial object") InterStellar Medium
* ISN - ("organization") International Supernovae Network
* ISO - ("telescope") Infrared Space Observatory
* ISPM - ("spacecraft") International Solar Polar Mission, "another name for the Ulysses spacecraft"
* ISSA - ("data") Infrared Sky Survey Atlas, "an atlas compiled fromInfrared Astronomical Satellite data"
* ISTeC - ("organization") International Small Telescope Cooperative
* ISY - ("observing program"/"meeting") International Space Year, "the name given to a celebration of space exploration as well as a series of coordinated astronomical observations and a series of meetings to plan future astronomy research efforts"
* ITA - ("organization") Institute of Theoretical Astronomy, "one of three organizations that was combined to form the Institute of Astronomy"
* IUE - ("telescope") International Ultraviolet Explorer, "anultraviolet space telescope"
* IUEDAC - ("organization") IUE satellite Data Analysis Center
* IWCA - ("meeting") International Workshop on Cometary AstronomyJ
* JAC - ("publication") Japan Astronomical Circular
* JAC - ("organization") Joint Astronomy Centre, "the organization that operates theUnited Kingdom Infrared Telescope and theJames Clerk Maxwell Telescope "
* JAPOA - ("organization") Japan Amateur Photoelectric Observers Association
* JAXA - ("organization") Japan Aerospace eXploration Agency
* JCMT - ("telescope") James Clerk Maxwell Telescope
* JD - ("astrophysics terminology") Julian Date, "an alternative time commonly used in astronomy"
* JET-X - ("telescope") Joint European Telescope for X-ray astronomy
* JGR - ("publication") Journal of Geophysical Research
*JILA - ("organization") formerly Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics
* JKT - ("telescope") Jacobus Kapteyn Telescope
* JPL - ("organization") Jet Propulsion Laboratory, "a research center associated withNASA "
* JSGA - ("telescope"/"organization") Japan SpaceGuard Association, "a Japanese telescope used to track near-Earthasteroid s andspace junk "
* JWST - ("telescope") James Webb Space Telescope, "a planned space telescope that will supersede theHubble Space Telescope "K
* KAIT - ("telescope") Katzman Automatic Imaging Telescope
* KAO - ("telescope") Kuiper Airborne Observatory
* KBO - ("celestial object") Kuiper Belt Object
* KCAO - ("organization") Kumamoto Civil Astronomical Observatory
* KIC - ("catalog") Kepler Input Catalog, "a catalog of stars with potential extrasolar planets to be observed by theKepler Mission "
* KPNO - ("organization") Kitt Peak National ObservatoryL
* L - ("astrophysics terminology") Lagrange, "used to describe
Lagrange point s"
* L - ("catalog") Luyten, "a catalog ofproper motion measurements ofstar s"
* LAD-C - ("instrumentation") Large Area Debris Collector, "a canceled program that was to collect and catalog low orbital dust on theInternational Space Station
* LAEFF - ("organization") Laboratorio de Astrofisica Espacial y Fisica Fundamental, "a Spanish astronomy research organization"
* LAL - ("catalog") LALande, "a historical catalog ofstar s"
* LAMOST - ("telescope") Large sky Area Multi-Object fiber Spectroscopic Telescope
* LANL - ("organization") Los Alamos National Laboratory
* LASCO - ("instrumentation") Large Angle and Spectrometric COronagraph, "an instrument on theSolar and Heliospheric Observatory "
*LASER - ("instrumentation") Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
* LBN - ("catalog") Lynds Bright Nebula, "a catalog of bright nebulae
* LBNL - ("organization") Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
* LBT - ("telescope") Large Binocular Telescope
* LBV - ("celestial object") Luminous Blue Variable, "a type of very brightvariable star "
* LCDM - ("astrophysics terminology") Lambda Cold Dark Matter, "used to describe models for structure formation in the universe that includedark energy "
** "also" ΛCDM
* LCROSS - ("spacecraft") Lunar CRater Observation and Sensing Satellite
* LCRS - ("observing program") Las Campanas Redshift Survey
* LDN - ("catalog") Lynds Dark Nebula, "a catalog ofdark nebula e"
* LDS - ("catalog") Luyten Double Star
* LEO - ("astrophysics terminology") Low Earth Orbit
* LEST - ("telescope") Large Earth-based Solar Telescope
* LETGS - ("instrumentation") Low Energy Transmission Gratings Spectrometer, "an instrument on theChandra X-Ray Observatory "
** "also" LETG
* LF - ("astrophysics terminology") Luminosity Function, "used to describe the spatial density of objects such asstar cluster s andgalaxies as a function of theirluminosity "
* LFT - ("catalog") Luyten Five-Tenths, "a catalog ofstar s withproper motion s exceeding 0.5"
* LGA - ("instrumentation") Low Gain Antenna
* LGM - ("celestial object") Little Green Men, "a humorous name applied topulsar s soon after their discovery"
* LHEA - ("organization") Laboratory for High Energy Astrophysics
* LHS - ("catalog") Luyten Half-Second, "a catalog ofstar s withproper motion s exceeding 0.5"
* LIC - ("celestial object") Local Interstellar Cloud, "the cloud in theinterstellar medium through which thesolar system is currently moving"
*LIGO - ("telescope") Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory, "an instrument for detectinggravitational wave s"
* LINEAR - ("observing program") Lincoln Near-Earth Asteroid Research
* LINER - ("celestial object") Low Ionization Nuclear Emission Region, "a galactic nucleus that is characterized byspectral line emission from weakly-ion ized gas"
* LIRG - ("celestial object") Luminous Infrared Galaxy, "a galaxy that is between 1011 and 1012solar luminosities in theinfrared "
* LISA - ("telescope") Laser Interferometer Space Antenna, "a series of spacecraft that can be used to detectgravitational wave s"
* LLAGN - ("celestial object") Low Luminosity Active Galactic Nucleus, "anactive galactic nucleus with a lowluminosity "
* LLNL - ("organization") Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
* LMC - ("celestial object") Large Magellanic Cloud, "anirregular galaxy near theMilky Way "
* LMS - ("celestial object") Lower Main Sequence star, "used to describe the less massive hydrogen-burningmain sequence stars"
* LMXB - ("celestial object") Low-Mass X-Ray Binary, "anX-ray -luminous binary star system in which one of the stars is aneutron star orblack hole that is stripping material away from the other star in the system"
* LN2 - ("instrumentation") Liquid Nitrogen
*LOFAR - ("telescope") LOw Frequency ARray, "for radio astronomy"
* LONEOS - ("observing program") Lowell Observatory Near-Earth Object Search
* LOSS - ("observing program") Lick Observatory Supernova Search
* LOTIS - ("telescope") Livermore Optical Transient Imaging System, "a telescope designed to find the optical counterparts ofgamma ray burst s"
* LOTOSS - ("observing program") Lick Observatory and Tenagra Observatory Supernova Searches
* LP - ("catalog") Luyten Palomar, "a catalog ofproper motion measurements ofstar s "
* LPI - ("organization") Lunar and Planetary Institute
* LPL - ("organization") Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, "the planetary science department of theUniversity of Arizona "
* LPO - ("organization") La Palma Observatory
* LPV - ("celestial object") Long Period Variable, "a type ofvariable star that changes in brightness slowly over time"
* LRG - ("celestial object") Luminous Red Galaxy, "generally refers to a dataset of galaxies from theSloan Digital Sky Survey that were selected on the basis of their red colors"
* LRO - ("spacecraft") Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter
* LSR - ("astrophysics terminology") Local Standard of Rest, "used to describe the frame of reference with avelocity equal to the average velocity of all thestar s in the solar neighborhood, including theSun "
* LSST - ("telescope") Large Synoptic Survey Telescope
* LST - ("astrophysics terminology") Local Sidereal Time, "theright ascension that is currently at thezenith "
* LTE - ("astrophysics terminology") Local Thermodynamic Equilibrium, "refers to a state where variations in temperature, pressure, etc. do not vary on small scales"
* LTP - ("astrophysics terminology") Lunar Transient Phenomenon, "used to describe an observed event (such as a flash of light) on the surface of theMoon "
* LTT - ("catalog") Luyten Two-Tenths, "a catalog ofproper motion measurements forstar s"M
* MARVEL - ("project") Multi-object Apache Point Observatory Radial Velocity Exoplanet Large-area Survey, "a NASA-funded project to search for
exoplanet s"
* M - ("catalog") Messier
* M - ("celestial object") Mira, "a class of long period pulsatingvariable star s named afterMira , the archetype for the class"
* MAC - ("observing program") Multi instrument Aircraft Campaign, "a program to study the cometary dust from theLeonids meteor shower s"
* MACHO - ("celestial object"/"observing program"/"catalog") MAssive Compact Halo Object, "an object in theMilky Way 's halo thought to comprise part of the galaxy'sdark matter ; also used to refer to a survey to detect these sources throughgravitational lensing and the catalog of sources detected by the survey"
* MAGIC - ("telescope") Major Atmospheric Gamma-ray Imaging Cherenkov telescope
* MAP - ("telescope") Microwave-background Anisotropy Probe, "an older name for theWilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe "
* MASER - ("astrophysics terminology") Microwave Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation, "microwave emission that is similar to the optical emission from alaser "
* MBA - ("celestial object") Main Belt Asteroid
* MBH - ("celestial object") Massive Black Hole
* MCG - ("catalog") Morphological Catalog of Galaxies
* MCO - ("spacecraft") Mars Climate Orbiter
* MDS - ("observing program") Medium Deep Survey, "a survey of high-redshift galaxies with theHubble Space Telescope "
* MECO - ("celestial object") Magnetospheric Eternally Collapsing Object, "a type of object proposed as an alternative tosupermassive black hole s as the central compact source withinactive galactic nuclei "
*MEPAG - ("organization") Mars Exploration Program Analysis Group
* MEPCO - ("meeting") Meeting of European Planetary and Cometary Observers
* MER - ("spacecraft") Mars Exploration Rover
* MGC - ("catalog/observing program") Millennium Galaxy Catalogue
* MGS - ("spacecraft") Mars Global Surveyor
* MHD - ("astrophysics terminology") MagnetoHydroDynamic
* MICO - ("software") Multi-year Interactive Computer Almanac, "astronomy almanac software created by theUnited States Naval Observatory "
* MIPS - ("instrumentation") Multi-band Imaging Photometer, "an instrument on theSpitzer Space Telescope "
* MJD - ("astrophysics terminology") Modified Julian Date, "theJulian date " minus 2400000.5"
* MLO - ("organization")
* MMO - ("spacecraft") Mercury Magnetospheric Orbiter, "JAXA space probe to Mercury"
* MMR - ("astrophysics terminology") Mean-Motion Resonance
* MMT - ("telescope") Multiple Mirror Telescope
* MNRAS - ("publication") Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
* MO - ("spacecraft") Mars Observer
* MOA - ("observing program") Microlensing Observations in Astrophysics, "a survey searching forgravitational lenses "
* MOC - ("instrumentation") Mars Observer Camera, "an instrument on theMars Observer "
* MOID - ("astrophysics terminology") Minimum Orbit Intersection Distance, "the minimum distance between two objects' orbital paths"
* MOLA - ("instrumentation") Mars Observer Laser Altimeter, "an instrument on theMars Observer used to studyMars 'stopology "
* MOND - ("astrophysics terminology") Modified Newtonian Dynamics
* MONS - ("telescope") Measuring Oscillations in Nearby Stars, "a Danish space telescope that was proposed and designed but not built" [http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?bibcode=2003AdSpR..31..363K&db_key=AST&data_type=HTML&format=&high=44cedd215811186]
* MOST - ("telescope") Microvariability and Oscillations of STars, "a space telescope designed to detect oscillations in the atmospheres of stars andextrasolar planets s in orbit around other stars
* MOST - ("telescope") Molonglo Observatory Synthesis Telescope, "an Australianradio telescope "
* MOTIF - ("telescope") Maui Optical Tracking and Identification Facility
* MOXE - ("instrumentation") Monitoring X-ray Experiment, "anX-ray all-sky monitor designed for theSpectrum-X-Gamma satellite"
* MPC - ("publication") Minor Planet Circulars ("also called" Minor Planets and Comets)
* MPEC - ("publication") Minor Planet Electronic Circulars
* MPF - ("spacecraft") Mars PathFinder
* MPL - ("spacecraft") Mars Polar Lander
* MPO - ("space craft") Mercury Planetary Orbiter, "ESA space craft to Mercury"
* MPP - ("instrumentation") Multi-Pinned-Phase, "CCD technology that reducesdark current noise"
* MPCS - ("publication") Minor Planet circulars Supplement
* MPS - ("observing project") Microlensing Planet Search, "a program designed that detectextrasolar planet s using a gravitational lensing technique"
* MRO - ("spacecraft") Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter
* MSP - ("celestial object") MilliSecond Pulsar
* MSSS - ("organization") Maui Space Surveillance Site
* MSX - ("telescope") Midcourse Space EXperiment, "aninfrared space telescope"
* MSSSO - ("organization") Mount Stromlo and Siding Spring Observatories
* MUNICS - ("observing program") MUnich Near-Infrared Cluster Survey
* MUSES - ("spacecraft") MU Space Engineering Spacecraft, "used to describe a Japanese science-related spacecraft launched in a Mu rocket"
* MUSTANG - ("instrumentation") Multiplexed SQUID TES Array at Ninety GHz, "A bolometer camera on theGreen Bank Telescope ."
* MW - ("celestial object") Milky Way
* MWD - ("celestial object") Magnetic White Dwarf
* MXRB - ("celestial object") Massive X-Ray Binary, "anX-ray -luminous binary system consisting of acompact star and a very massive star"
* MYSO - ("celestial object") Massive Young Stellar ObjectN
* N - ("celestial object") Nova
* NACA - ("organization") National Advisory Committee on Aeronautics, "the older name forNASA "
* NAMN - ("organization") North American Meteor Network
* NAOJ - ("organization") National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
* NAS - ("organization") Norsk Astronomisk Selskap, "the Norwegian name for the Norwegian Astronomical Society"
*NASA - ("organization") National Aeronautics and Space Administration
* NASDA - ("organization") NAtional Space Development Agency
* NBS - ("organization) National Bureau of Standards, "an older name for theNational Institute of Standards and Technology "
* NEAP - ("spacecraft") Near Earth Asteroid Prospector, "a space probe used to study anear-Earth asteroid "
* NEAR - ("spacecraft") Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous, "a space probe used to study anear-Earth asteroid "
* NEAT - ("observing program") Near-Earth Asteroid Tracking
* NED - ("software") NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database
* NEO - ("celestial object") Near-Earth Object
** "also" NEA - ("celestial object") Near-Earth Asteroid
* NEMP - ("celestial object") Nitrogen-Enhanced Metal-Poor star, "a type ofCarbon star with high amounts of nitrogen"
*NEODyS - ("organization") Near Earth Objects Dynamic Site, "an Italian web-based service that provides information onnear-Earth asteroid s"
* NEOIC - ("organization") Near Earth Object Information Center, "a United Kingdom organization that provides information onnear-Earth asteroid s"
* NESS - ("telescope") Near Earth Space Surveillance, "a telescope for observingnear-Earth asteroid s"
* NESSI - ("organization") Near Earth Space Surveillance Initiative, "a collaboration planning to use a ground-based telescope to observenear-Earth asteroid s"
* NGC - ("catalog") New General Catalog
* NGST - ("telescope") Next Generation Space Telescope, "an older name for theJames Webb Space Telescope "
* NHICAT - ("catalog") Northern HIPASS CATalog, "the northern extension of theHIPASS catalogue"
* NICMOS - ("instrumentation") Near Infrared Camera / Multi Object Spectrometer, "aninfrared instrument on theHubble Space Telescope "
* NIMS - ("instrumentation") Near-Infrared Mapping Spectrometer, "an instrument on theGalileo spacecraft "
* NIR - ("astrophysics terminology") Near-InfraRed
* NIST - ("organization") National Institute of Standards and Technology
* NLTE - ("astrophysics terminology") Non-Local Thermodynamic Equilibrium, "used to describe situations where the temperature, pressure, etc of a system are not in equilibrium"
* NLTT - ("catalog") New Luyten Two-Tenths, "a catalog ofstar s with highproper motion s"
* NOAA - ("organization") National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
* NOAO - ("organization") National Optical Astronomy Observatories
* NODO - ("telescope") NASA Orbital Debris Observatory, "a now-defunct telescope used to observespace junk and other objects"
* NOT - ("telescope") NOrdic Telescope
* NPS - ("celestial object") North Polar Sequence, "a series ofstar s near theNorth Celestial Pole once used as standards for measuring magnitudes"
* NRAO - ("organization") National Radio Astronomy Observatory
* NRL - ("organization") Naval Research Laboratory
* NS - ("celestial object") Neutron Star
* NSF - ("organization") National Science Foundation
* NSO - ("organization") National Solar Observatory
* NSSDC - ("organization") National Space Science Data Center
* NSV - ("catalog") New Suspected Variable, "a catalog ofvariable star s"
* NT - ("astrophysics terminology") Non-Thermal, "used to describe radiation that is not related to the emission source's temperature (such assynchrotron radiation)"
* NTT - ("telescope") New Technology Telescope, "a telescope operated by theEuropean Southern Observatory "O
* OAO - ("observatory") Okayama Astrophysical Observatory, "in Japan"
* OAO - ("telescope") Orbiting Astronomical Observatory, "a series of satellites with astronomical instruments that operated in the 1970s"
* OC - ("celestial object") Open Cluster, "a cluster of stars"
* OCA - ("organization") Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur
* OCO - ("celestial object") Oort Cloud Object, "an object (usually acomet ) in theOort cloud "
* OGLE - ("observing program"/"catalog") Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment, "an observing program to survey the sky for microlensing events; also refers to the catalog of sources produced by the project"
** BLG - ("catalog") BuLGe, "used to designate a source detected in the direction of the bulge of theMilky Way "
** TR - ("catalog") TRansit, "used to designate a potential observation of a microlensing event caused by a transiting star"
* OPAG - ("organization") Outer Planets Assessment Group, "a group established by NASA that provides advice onsolar system exploration"
* ORFEUS - ("telescope") Orbiting and Retrievable Far and Extreme Ultraviolet Spectrometer, "anultraviolet space telescope that could be released and later retrieved by theSpace Shuttle "
* OSSE - ("instrumentation") Oriented Scintillation Spectrometer Experiment, "an instrument on theCompton Gamma Ray Observatory "
* OTA - ("instrumentation") Optical Telescope Assembly, "used to describe the optics of theHubble Space Telescope "
* OVV - ("celestial object") An Optically Violent Variable quasar.
* OWL - ("telescope") Orbiting Wide-angle Light-collectors, "two satellites that will work together to observe cosmic rays hitting the Earth's atmosphere"
* OWL - ("telescope") OverWhelmingly Large Telescope, "a proposed telescope with a primary mirror with a width of 100 m"P
* P60 - ("telescope") Palomar 60-inch telescope
* PA - ("astrophysics terminology") Position Angle
* PAH - ("astrophysics terminology") Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon
* PAMELA - ("telescope") Payload for Antimatter Matter Exploration and Light-nuclei Astrophysics, "a space telescope used to studycosmic ray s"
*Pan-STARRS - ("telescope") Panoramic Survey Telescope And Rapid Response System
* PASJ - ("publication") Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan
* PASP - ("publication") Publications of the Astronomical Society of Pacific
* PCA - ("instrumentation") Proportional Counter Array, "anX-ray detector on theRossi X-ray Timing Explorer "
* PCAS - ("observing program") Planet-Crossing Asteroid Survey
* PDBI - ("telescope") Plateau de Bure Interferometer, "aradio telescope"
* PDR - a photodissociation region or photon-dominated region (both terms are used synonymously); "a region in the neutral ISM in which far-ultraviolet photons dominate the heating and chemistry"
* PEP - ("instrumentation") PhotoElectric Photometry, "used to describe an observing technique usingphotometer s"
* PEPE - ("instrumentation") Plasma Experiment for Planetary Exploration, "an instrument onDeep Space 1 "
* PHA - ("celestial object") Potentially Hazardous Asteroid
* PI - ("person") Principal Investigator, "the person who leads a scientific project"
* PK - ("catalog") Perek-Kohoutek, "a catalog ofplanetary nebula e"
*Planemo - ("celestial object") Planetary Mass Object
* PLANET - ("observing program") Probing Lensing Anomalies NETwork, "a program to search for microlensing events"
* PLS - ("observing program") Palomar-Leiden Survey, "a program to search forasteroid s"
*PMPS - ("observing program") Parkes Multibeam Pulsar Survey
* PMS - ("celestial object") Pre-Main Sequence, "used to describe youngstar s that are still in the process of formation"
** "also" pre-MS
* PMT - ("instrumentation") PhotoMultiplier Tube
*P-L - a set of asteroid discoveries in the 1960s
* PN - ("celestial object") Planetary Nebula
** "also" PNe ("plural form of" Planetary Nebula)
* PNG - ("catalog") Galactic Planetary Nebula
* PNLF - ("astrophysics terminology") Planetary Nebula Luminosity Function, "used to describe the density ofplanetary nebulae as a function of theirluminosity "
* PNN - ("celestial object") Planetary Nebula Nucleus, "the centralstar in aplanetary nebula "
* PNNV - ("celestial object") Planetary Nebula Nucleus Variable, "avariable star in the center of aplanetary nebula "
* POSS - ("observing program") Palomar Observatory Sky Survey
* PPARC - ("organization") Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council, "a major government-sponsored science agency in theUnited Kingdom , merged into theScience and Technology Facilities Council in 2007"
* PPM - ("catalog") Positions and Proper Motions, "a catalog of the positions andproper motion s ofstar s"
* PPN - ("celestial object") Proto-Planetary Nebula, "an object that has partially evolved from ared giant to aplanetary nebula "
* PRE - ("astrophysics terminology") Photospheric Radius Expansion
* Proplyd - ("celestial object") Protoplanetary Disk
* PSC - ("catalog") Point Source Catalog, "a catalog of point-likeinfrared sources detected with theInfrared Astronomy Satellite "
* PSF - ("instrumentation") Point Spread Function, "a function that describes the blurring of a point source that is caused by the optics of the telescope and instrument (as well as other effects)"
* PSI - ("organization") Planetary Science Institute
* PSR - ("celestial object") Pulsar
* PVTEL - ("celestial object") PV TELescopii, "a class of pulsatingvariable star s named afterPV Telescopii , the archetype for the class"
* PVO - ("spacecraft") Pioneer Venus Orbiter
* PWD - ("celestial object") Pre-White Dwarf, "a star that no longer creates energy through fusion that will eventually evolve into awhite dwarf "
* PZT - ("telescope") Photographic Zenith Tube, "a general name for any telescope designed to observe objects passing at thezenith "
* PWN - ("celestial object") Pulsar Wind NebulaQ
* QBO - ("astrophysics terminology") Quasi-Biennial Oscillation, "a type of season variation in the
Earth 's atmosphere"
* QE - ("instrumentation") Quantum Efficiency, "used to describe the sensitivity of CCDs"
* QPO - ("astrophysics terminology") Quasi-Periodic Oscillation
* QSO - ("celestial object") Quasi-Stellar Object
*Quasar - ("celestial object") QUASi-stellAR radio sourceR
* RA - ("astrophysics terminology") Right Ascension
* RAMBO - ("celestial object") An association ofbrown dwarf s orwhite dwarf s form a dark cluster.
* RAS - ("organization") Royal Astronomical Society
* RASC - ("organization") Royal Astronomical Society of Canada
* RASS - ("observing program"/"catalog") ROSAT All-Sky Survey, "used as both a name for a survey withROSAT and the catalogs produced from the survey"
* RC - ("celestial object") Red Clump, "used to describe a type of metal-richred giant star"
** "also" RCG - Red Clump Giant
* RC - ("catalog") Reference Catalogue, "a catalog of nearbygalaxies "
** RC2 - Reference Catalogue, 2nd edition
** RC3 - Reference Catalogue, 3rd edition
* RC - ("organization"/"telescope") Ritchey Chretien, "a manufacturer of amateur and professional telescope equipment; also refers to the telescopes themselves"
* RCB - ("celestial object") R Coronae Borealis, "a class of eruptivevariable star s named afterR Coronae Borealis , the archetype for the class"
* RDI - ("astrophysics terminology") Radiation Driven Implosion
* RECONS - ("organization") Research Consortium on Nearby Stars, "a survey of nearby stars"
* RGB - ("celestial object") Red-Giant Branch, "used to describe a star that is evolving from amain sequence star into ared giant "
* RGO - ("organization") Royal Greenwich Observatory
* RLOF - ("astrophysics terminology") Roche Lobe Overflow, "used to describe the result of when an object in a binary system is larger than itsroche lobe (i.e. when an object in a binary system expands to a radius where tidal forces become stronger than gravitational forces)"
* RLQ - ("celestial object") Radio LoudQuasar , "aquasar that produces strongradio emission"
* RNGC - ("catalog") Revised New General Catalog
* RORF - ("astrophysics terminology") Radio/Optical Reference Frame, "aninertial reference frame based on extragalacticradio sources "
*ROSAT - ("telescope") ROentgen SATellite, "anX-ray space telescope"
* ROTSE - ("observing program"/"telescope") Robotic Optical Transient Search Experiment, "an observing program for detecting the optical counterparts ofgamma ray bursts ; also used to describe the telescopes used in this program"
* RQQ - ("celestial object") Radio QuietQuasar "aquasar that produces weakradio emission"
* RRAT - ("celestial object") Rotating Radio Transient, "a population of rotatingneutron star s that produce periodic bursts of emission that are separated by intervals of minutes or hours"
* RRL - ("celestial object") RR Lyrae, "a class of pulsatingvariable star s named afterRR Lyrae , the archetype of the class"
** "also" RR
* RSA - ("catalog") Revised Shapley Ames, "a catalog of nearbygalaxies "
* RSA - ("organization") Russian Space Agency
* RSG - ("celestial object") Red Super Giant
* RSN - ("celestial object") Radio SuperNova
* RTG - ("instrumentation") Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator, "a type of power generator used in spacecraft that travel far from theSun "
* RV - ("astrophysics terminology") Radial Velocity, "the velocity along the line of sight"
* RX - ("catalog") ROSAT X-ray, "a catalog of sources detected byROSAT "
* RXTE - ("telescope") Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer, "a space telescope designed to observe variability inX-ray emission"S
* S&T - ("publication") Sky & Telescope
* SAAO - ("organization") South African Astronomical Observatory
* SALT - ("telescope") Southern African Large Telescope
* SAO - ("organization"/"catalog") Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, "the name of astrophysics research organization associated withHarvard University ; also refers to a catalog ofstar s"
* SARA - ("organization") Society of Amateur Radio Astronomers
* SAS - ("software") Science Analysis Software, "a software package used for processing data from theXMM-Newton Observatory
* SAT - ("telescope") Synthetic Aperture Telescope
* SB - ("celestial object") Spectroscopic Binary
** SB1 - Spectroscopic Binary, single lined spectra
** SB2 - Spectroscopic Binary, double lined spectra
* SB - ("astrophysics terminology") Surface Brightness
* SBIG - ("organization"/"instrumentation") Santa Barbara Instrument Group, "the name of both a company that manufactures telescope equipment and the company's products"
* SBNC - ("organization") Small Bodies Names Committee, "an older name for the Committee for Small Body Nomenclature"
* SCP - ("observing program") Supernova Cosmology Project, "a project to measure the expansion of theuniverse usingsupernovae at highredshift s"
* SCR - ("observing program") SuperCOSMOS-RECONS, "a survey that measured theproper motion s ofstar s"
* SCT - ("telescope") Schmidt-Cassegrain Telescope, "a general name for a type of compact telescope that uses both lenses and mirrors"
* SCUBA - ("instrumentation") Submillimetre Common User Bolometer Array, "a submillimeter imager formerly at theJames Clerk Maxwell Telescope "
*SCUBA-2 - ("instrumentation") Submillimetre Common User Bolometer Array 2, "a submillimeter imager that will replace SCUBA"
* sd - ("celestial object") subdwarf, "used to describe stars fainter thanmain sequence stars with the same colors; often used as a prefix to a star's spectral type"
* SDO - ("celestial object") Scattered Disk Object, "Kuiper Belt object s with highly eccentric, highly inclinedorbit s"
** "also" SKBO - Scattered Kuiper Belt Object
* SDOR - ("celestial object") S DORadus, "a class of eruptivevariable star s named afterS Doradus , the archetype for the class"
* SDSS - ("observing program"/"catalog") Sloan Digital Sky Survey, "a large imaging and spectroscopic survey; also used to describe the catalog of sources from the survey"
* SDSSp - ("catalog") Sloan Digital Sky Survey provisory
* SED - ("astrophyics terminology") Spectral Energy Distribution
* SEDS - ("organization") Students for the Exploration and Development of Space
* SERC - ("organization") Science and Engineering Research Council
* SEST - ("telescope") Swedish-ESO Submillimetre Telescope
*SETI - ("observing program") Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence
* SF - ("astrophysics terminology") Star Formation
* SFR - ("astrophyics terminology") Star Formation Rate
* SGF - ("organization") SpaceGuard Foundation, "an organization that tracksnear-Earth asteroid s"
* SGR - ("celestial object") Soft Gamma Repeater, "a type ofneutron star with strong magnetic fields that produces very large bursts of energy"
* SID - ("astrophysics terminology") Sudden Ionospheric Disturbance, "a disturbance in theEarth 'sionosphere caused by theSun "
* SIDC - ("organization") Sunspot Index Data Center
* SIM - ("telescope") Space Interferometry Mission, "a planned optical space telescope that will be used to measure distances tostar s"
*SIMBAD - ("software") Set of Identifications, Measurements, and Bibliography for Astronomical Data, "a website that provides catalog data on astronomical objects"
* SINGS - ("observing program") Spitzer Infrared Nearby Galaxies Survey
* SIPS - ("observing program"/"catalog") Southern Infrared Proper Motion Survey, "a program to identifystar s with highproper motion s atinfrared wavelengths"
* SIRTF - ("telescope") Space InfraRed Telescope Facility "or" Shuttle InfraRed Telescope Facility, "older names for theSpitzer Space Telescope
* SIS - ("Instrumentation") Superconductor-Isolator-Superconductor
* SKA - ("telescope") Square Kilometre Array
* SL - ("catalog") Shoemaker-Levy, "used to refer to thecomet s discovered byShoemaker andLevy , particularly Shoemaker-Levy 9"
* SL - ("spacecraft") SpaceLab
* SMA - ("telescope") Submillimeter Array
* SMART - (spacecraft) Small Missions for Advanced Research in Technology
* SMBH - ("celestial object") Super Massive Black Hole
* SMC - ("celestial object") Small Magellanic Cloud
* SME - ("spacecraft") Solar Mesosphere Explorer, "a spacecraft used to study theEarth 'sozone layer "
* SMEX - ("spacecraft") SMall EXplorers, "the name of a series of small astronomical spacecraft; also used to describe the program to develop the spacecraft"
* SMM - ("telescope") Solar Maximum Mission, "a solar space telescope"
* SN - ("instrumentation") Signal-to-Noise, "used to describe the ratio between the signal from an object and the noise from the detector that measured the signal"
** "also" SNR - Signal-to-Nosie Ratio
* SN - ("celestial object") SuperNova
** also SNe ("plural form of" SN)
* SNAP - ("telescope") SuperNova Acceleration Probe, "proposed space telescope"
* SNR - ("celestial object") SuperNova Remnant
* SNU - ("astrophysics terminology") Solar Neutrino Units
* SOARD - ("software") Steward Observatory Asteroid Relational Database
* SOFIA - ("telescope") Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy, "aninfrared telescope currently under construction that will fly inside a modifiedBoeing 747 aircraft"
* SOHO - ("telescope") SOlar and Heliospheric Observatory, "a solar space telescope"
* SPARTAN - ("telescope") Shuttle Pointed Autonomous Research Tool for AstroNomy, "anultraviolet space telescope that can be released and retrieved by theSpace Shuttle "
* SPIRIT - ("instrument") SPace InfraRed Imaging Telescope, "aninfrared instrument on theMidcourse Space Experiment spacecraft"
* SPS - ("spacecraft") Solar Power Satellite, "a general name for proposed satellites that would convert solar power into energy and then beam the energy to the surface of a planet (such asEarth in the form ofmicrowave s"
* SPT - ("telescope") South Pole Telescope
* SQIID - ("instrumentation") Simultaneous Quad Infrared Imaging Device
* SQM - ("celestial object") Strange Quark Matter
* SR - ("astrophysics terminology") Special Relativity
* SRON - ("organization") Space Research Organization of the Netherlands
* SS - ("celestial object") Symbiotic Star, "a type ofbinary star system containing ared giant and a hot dwarf star that generate a cone-shapednebula "
* SSI - ("instrumentation") Solid-State Imager, "an instrument on theGalileo spacecraft "
* SSI - ("organization") Space Studies Institute
* SSP - ("instrumentation") - Surface-Science Package, "on board theHuygens probe "
* SSS - ("observing program") SuperCOSMOS Sky Surveys
* SSSPM - ("catalog") SuperCOSMOS Sky Survey Proper Motion
* SST - ("telescope") Spectroscopic Survey Telescope
* SST - ("telescope")Spitzer Space Telescope , "a space telescope"
*STEPS - ("observing program") STEllar Planet Survey
* STIS - ("instrumentation") Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph, "an instrument on theHubble Space Telescope "
* STS - ("vehicle") Shuttle Transport System "or" Space Transportation System
* STScI - ("organization") Space Telescope Science Institute
* STSDAS - ("software") Space Telescope Science Data Analysis System
* SUGRA - ("astrophysics terminology") SUperGRAvity
* SUPRIME - ("instrumentation") SUbaru PRIME focus CAMera, "an instrument on theSubaru Telescope "
* SUSI - ("telescope") Sydney University Stellar Interferometer, " an optical interferometer"
* SWAN - ("instrumentation") Solar Wind ANisotropy, "an instrument on SOHO"
* SWAS - ("telescope") Submillimeter Wave Astronomy Satellite, "asubmillimeter space telescope"
* SWEEPS - ("observing program") - Sagittarius Window Eclipsing Extrasolar Planet Search, "a survey of a subsection of the plane of theMilky Way performed with theHubble Space Telescope "
* SWIRE - ("observing program") Spitzer Wide-area InfraRed Extragalactic survey
* SwRI - ("organization") Southwest Research Institute
* SXARI - ("celestial object") SX ARIetis, "a class of rotatingvariable star s named afterSX Arietis , the archetype for the class"
* SXPHE - ("celestial object") SX PhoEnicis, "a class of pulsatingvariable star s named afterSX Phoenicis , the archetype for the class"T
* TAC - ("organization") Time Allocation Committee "or" Telescope Allocation Committee, "a general name for a committee that awards telescope observing time"
* TAC - ("catalog") Twin Astrograph Catalog
* TAI - ("astrophysics terminology") International Atomic Time
* TAMS - ("astrophysics terminology") Terminal-Age Main Sequence, "used to describe stars at the point in their lifetimes where they have finished burninghydrogen in their cores"
* TAROT - ("telescope") Télescope à Action Rapide pour les Objets Transitoires
* TASS - ("observing program") The Amateur Sky Survey
* TAU - ("spacecraft") Thousand Astronomical Unit, "a spacecraft mission proposed in the 1980s that would reach 1000 AU in 50year s"
* TCB - ("astrophysics terminology") Barycentric Coordinate Time
* TCG - ("astrophysics terminology") Geocentric Coordinate Time
* TDB - ("astrophysics terminology") Barycentric Dynamical Time
* TDRSS - ("communications network") Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System, "an array ofsatellite s used byNASA to communicate with many spacecraft in low Earth orbit"
* TES - ("instrumentation") Thermal Emission Spectrometer, "aspectrometer on theMars Observer "
* TEP - ("organization") Transits of Extrasolar Planets
* TGF - ("celestial object") - Terrestrial gamma-ray flash,gamma ray s emitted fromEarth 'slightning stroms
* THEMIS - ("instrumentation") Thermal Emission Imaging System, "a camera on the Mars Odyssey spacecraft"
* TIC - ("catalog") Tycho Input Catalog, "a predecessor of the Hipparcos Input Catalog"
*TIMED - ("spacecraft") Thermosphere Ionosphere Mesosphere Energetics and Dynamics
* TIE - ("organization") Telescopes In Education
* TLP - ("astrophysics terminology") Transient Lunar Phenomenon, "an unexplained flash of light observed from theMoon "
* TMC - ("celestial object") Taurus Molecular Cloud
* TMT - ("telescope") - Thirty Meter Telescope, "formerly known as California Extremely Large Telescope"
* TNO - ("celestial object") Trans-Neptunian Object, "any object that orbits theSun at a distance greater than that ofNeptune "
* TO - ("person") Telescope Operator, "the technician who assists in operating a telescope during astronomical observations"
* TOPS - ("meeting") Toward Other Planetary Systems, "a series of educational astronomy workshops"
* TPF - ("telescope") Terrestrial Planet Finder, "a planned space telescope that will be used to find extrasolar Earth-like planets"
* TRACE - Transition Region and Coronal Explorer, "a solar space telescope"
* TrES - ("telescope") Transatlantic Exoplanet Survey
* TT - ("astrophysics terminology") Terrestrial Time
** "also" TDT - Terrestrial Dynamical Time
* TTS - ("celestial object") T-Tauri Star
* TWA - ("celestial object") TW Hydrae Association
* TYC - ("catalog") Tycho, "a catalog that was the predecessor of the Hipparcos (HIP) Catalogue"
* TZO - ("celestial object") Thorne-Żytkow Object, "the object that forms when aneutron star merges with ared giant "U
* UARS - ("spacecraft") Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite, "a satellite used to study the
Earth 's upper atmosphere"
* UCAC - ("catalog") USNO CCD Astrometric Catalog
* UESAC - ("observing program") Uppsala-ESO Survey of Asteroids and Comets
* UFO - ("astrophysics terminology") Unidentified Flying Object
* UG - ("celestial object") U Geminorum, "a class of cataclysmic variable stars (also known asdwarf novae ) that are named afterU Geminorum , the archetype for the class"
** UGSS - ("celestial object") UG SS Cygni, "a subclass of UG-type stars named afterSS Cygni , the archetype for the subclass"
** UGSU - ("celestial object") UG SU Ursae Majoris, "a subclass of UG-type stars named afterSU Ursae Majoris , the archetype for the subclass"
** UGWZ - ("celestial object") UG WZ Sagittae, "a subclass of UG-type stars named afterWZ Sagittae , the archetype for the subclass"
** UGZ - ("celestial object") UG Z Camelopardalis, "a subclass of UG-type stars named afterZ Camelopardalis , the archetype for the subclass"
* UGC - ("catalog") Uppsala General Catalog, "a catalog ofgalaxies "
* UIT - ("telescope") Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope, "anultraviolet telescope that was operated from the cargo bay of theSpace Shuttle "
* UKIDSS - ("observing program/catalog") UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky Survey
* UKIRT - ("telescope") United Kingdom Infrared Telescope
* UKST - ("telescope") United Kingdom Schmidt Telescope
* ULIRG - ("celestial object") UltraLuminous InfraRed Galaxy, "a galaxy that is brighter than 1012solar luminosities in theinfrared "
* ULX - ("celestial object") UltraLuminous X-ray source
* UMS - ("celestial object") Upper Main Sequence, "used to describe the more massive hydrogen-burningmain sequence stars"
* USAF - ("organization") United States Air Force
* USGS - ("organization") United States Geological Survey
* USNO - ("organization") United States Naval Observatory
* UT - ("astrophysics terminology") Universal Time
* UTC - ("astrophysics terminology") Coordinated Universal Time
* UV - ("astrophysics terminology") UltraViolet
* UVS - ("instrumentation") UltraViolet Spectrometer, "the name of instruments on the Voyager andGalileo spacecraft "
*UXOR - ("celestial object") UX ORionis objects, a class of variable pre-main sequence stars named after UX Orionis, the archetype for the classV
* VBO - ("organization") Vainu Bappu Observatory, "located in India"
* VBT - ("telescope") Vainu Bappu Telescope, "located atVainu Bappu Observatory "
* VCC - ("catalog") Virgo Cluster Catalog, "a catalog ofgalaxies in theVirgo Cluster "
* VdS - ("organization") Vereinigung der Sternfreunde, "the German amateur astronomers society
* VEEGA - ("astrophysics terminology") Venus-Earth-Earth Gravity Assist, "used to describe the path taken by theGalileo spacecraft to reachJupiter "
* VeLLO - (celestial object) Very Low Luminosity Object
*VERITAS ("telescope") Very Energetic Radiation Imaging Telescope Array System, "gamma-ray telescope inArizona sensitive toGeV /TeV gamma ray s"
* VERA - ("telescope") VLBI Exploration of Radio Astrometry, "a Japaneseradio telescope designed for studying objects in theMilky Way "
* VHE - ("astrophysics terminology") Very High Energy, "used to describegamma ray s with high energies"
* VIMOS - ("instrumentation") VIsible Multi-Object Spectrograph, "instrument on the VLT"
* VISTA - ("telescope") Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy
* VLA - ("telescope") Very Large Array, "aradio telescope inNew Mexico operated by theNational Radio Astronomy Observatory "
* VLBA - ("telescope") Very Long Baseline Array, "aradio telescope operated by theNational Radio Astronomy Observatory with antennas spread across theUnited States "
* VLBI - ("instrumentation") Very Long Baseline Interferometry, "used to describe combining signals from multiple telescopes/radio antennas that are separated by large distances"
* VLM - ("astrophysics terminology") Very Low Mass, "a description for objects (usuallystar s) that have relatively low masses"
* VLT - ("telescope") Very Large Telescope, "four 8.2 meter telescopes inChile that operate either independently as individual telescopes or together as aninterferometer "
* VO - ("software") Virtual Observatory
* VOIR - ("spacecraft") Venus Orbiting Imaging Radar, "a spacecraft for mappingVenus that was canceled and then superseded by theMagellan spacecraft "
* VRM - ("spacecraft") Venus Radar Mapper, "an older name for theMagellan spacecraft "
* VSOLJ - ("organization") Variable Star Observers League in Japan
* VSOP - ("organization") VLBI Space Observatory Program, "a project to use bothsatellite s and ground-basedradio telescope s as aninterferometer "
* VST - ("telescope") VLT Survey Telescope
* VVDS - ("observing program") VIMOS-VLT Deep SurveyW
* WD - ("celestial object") White Dwarf
* WDM - ("astrophysics terminology") Warm Dark Matter, "used to describe models for structure formation in the universe that use "hot" particles such asneutrino s asdark matter "
* WDS - ("catalog") Washington Double Star, "a catalog ofdouble star s"
* WEBT - ("organization") Whole Earth Blazar Telescope, "a network of observers across theEarth who work together to perform continuous observations ofblazar s"
* WET - ("organization") Whole Earth Telescope, "a network of astronomers spread across the Earth who work together to perform continuous observations ofvariable star s"
* WFCAM - ("instrumentation") Wide Field Camera, "a camera on theUnited Kingdom Infrared Telescope "
* WFMOS - ("instrumentation") Wide-Field Multi-Object Spectrograph, "proposed instrument for the Gemini telescopes"
* WFPC - ("instrumentation") Wide Field and Planetary Camera, "a camera formerly on theHubble Space Telescope that was replaced with WFPC2"
* WFPC2 - ("instrumentation") Wide Field and Planetary Camera 2, "a camera on the Hubble Space Telescope"
* WFC - ("instrumentation") Wide-Field Channel, "one of the detectors in theAdvanced Camera for Surveys on the Hubble Space Telescope"
* WGPSN - ("organization") Working Group for Planetary System Nomenclature
* WHT - ("telescope") William Herschel Telescope
*WIMP - ("celestial object") Weakly Interacting Massive Particle, "a hypothetical subatomic particle that may comprise most of the dark matter in the universe"
* WIRCam - ("instrumentation") Wide-field InfraRed Camera, "instrument on theCanada-France-Hawaii Telescope "
* WISARD - ("software") Web Interface for Searching Archival Research Data
* WISE - ("observing program") Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer
* WIYN - ("telescope") Wisconsin-Indiana-Yale-NOAO, "the name of a telescope atKitt Peak operated by theUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison ,Indiana University ,Yale University , and theNational Optical Astronomy Observatory "
* WLM - ("celestial object") Wolf-Lundmark-Melotte, "a nearbydwarf galaxy in theconstellation Cetus "
* WMAP - ("telescope") Wilkinson Microwave Anisotrophy Probe, "a space telescope used to study thecosmic microwave background radiation "
* WR - ("celestial object") Wolf-Rayet, "a type of hot, luminous star with strong stellar winds"
** WC - ("celestial object") Carbon-rich Wolf-Rayet, "aWolf-Rayet star with strongcarbon spectral line emission"
** WN - ("celestial object") Nitrogen-rich Wolf-Rayet, "a Wolf-Rayet star with strongnitrogen spectral line emission"
*** WNE - ("celestial object") Early-type Nitrogen-rich Wolf-Rayet, "a WN star withouthydrogen spectral line emission"
*** WNL - ("celestial object") Late-type Nitrogen-rich Wolf-Rayet, "a WN star with hydrogen spectral line emission"
** WO - ("celestial object") Oxygen-rich Wolf-Rayet, "a Wolf-Rayet star with strongoxygen spectral line emission"
* WSRT - ("telescope") an aperture synthesis interferometer that consists of a linear array of 14 antennas
* WTTS - ("celestial object") Weak-Line T-Tauri Star, "a type of youngstar with weak spectral line emission"X
* XCS - ("observing program") XMM Cluster Survey
*XIS - ("instrumentation") X-ray imaging spectrometer, "an instrument on the on the Suzaku space telescope
* XMM - ("telescope") X-ray Multi Mirror, "part of the name of theXMM-Newton X-ray space telescope"
* XN - ("celestial object") X-ray Nova
* XRF - ("celestial object") X-Ray FlashY
* Ys - ("celestial object") Yellow Straggler
* YSG - ("celestial object") Yellow Super Giant star
* YSO - ("celestial object") Young Stellar ObjectZ
* ZAHB - ("celestial object") "Zero-Age" Horizontal Branch, "a description for
horizontal branch stars that have just begun burning helium in their cores and hydrogen in a shell around the cores"
* ZAMS - ("celestial object") Zero Age Main Sequence, "a description for a star that has just become amain sequence star (i.e. a star that has begun burning hydrogen in its core)"
* ZAND - ("celestial object") Z ANDromedae, "a class of eruptivevariable star s named after the binary star systemZ Andromedae , the archetype for the class"
** ZANDE - ("celestial object") Z ANDromedae with Eclipses, "a subclass of ZAND stars where the stars eclipse each other"
*ZEPLIN - ("instrumentation") ZonEd Proportional scintillation in LIquid Noble gases, "a dark matter detector"
* ZHR - ("astrophysics terminology") Zenith Hourly Rate, "the maximum number ofmeteor s perhour that may be observed during ameteor shower "See also
List of common astronomy symbols
* Modern Constellations
*List of astronomical catalogues References
[http://www.aavso.org/typelist.txt AAVSO Type List] . Information retrieved on 2006-09-10 - 2006-09-11
[http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~se2k-sgwr/comet_p/ryakugo.html Abbreviations and acronyms frequently used in astronomy] . Information retrieved on 2006-08-28 - 2006-09-12
[http://www.daviddarling.info/encyclopedia/ETEmain.html The Encyclopedia of Astrobiology, Astronomy, and Spaceflight] . Information retrieved on 2006-08-27 - 2006-09-12
[http://tla.surly.org/ Frequently Seen Space/Astronomy Acronyms] . Information retrieved on 2006-08-27 - 2006-09-12
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.