- Catfolk
notable = April 2008
synthesis = April 2008
context = April 2008Infobox D&D creature
alignment=Chaotic Neutral
wizards_image_URL=http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/mhbk_gallery/76978_CN.jpgIn theDungeons and Dragons fantasy role-playing game , the Catfolk are a race of humanoid felines (similar to Rakshasas andTabaxi ).Physical description
Catfolk resemble a cross between a large predatory cat and a human, with a sleekly muscled humanoid body and the head and mane of a feline. Most male catfolk wear their thick hair in braids, while females keep theirs short and sleek. The most common catfolk have feline characteristics reminiscent of lions, including thick manes for the males. Other groups have the characteristic markings and appearance of leopards, tigers, or cheetahs. Catfolk have thicker nails than other humanoids, but not the powerful claws of their feline counterparts, and they make unarmed attacks just like humans. They have the habit of leaping impulsively out of hiding and into combat when a foe is in the vicinity.
Many catfolk favor the use of charms and totems that they braid into their hair for luck in battle, success on the hunt, and good fortune in other such endeavors.
Catfolk are usually Chaotic Neutral in Alignment.
Catfolk appeared in the "Miniatures Handbook", and were further explored in "Races of the Wild".
D&D Races of the Wild (2005)
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