



Caïssa originated in a poem called "Caïssa", written in 1763 in latin hexameters by orientalist Sir William Jones. [Edward R. Brace, "An Illustrated Dictionary of Chess", Hamlyn, 1979, ISBN 0-600-32920-8 p 52] The poem is based on "Scacchia ludus" ('The Game of Chess') written in 1510 by Marco Girolamo Vida – an Italian poet and later Bishop of Alba – where the nymph is called "Scacchis". [ [ About chess: Caissa] ] [ [ Brief notes on the history of chess 1500]] [ [ Caissa]] Jones also published an English language version of the poem. [citation|author=Philidor, A.D|year=1777|title=Systematic introduction to the game and the analysis of chess (L’analyze des échecs)|publisher=London|edition=Fifth|pages= [ 12] –20] [ [ English verse translation of the poem] ]

In the poem, Caïssa initially repels the advances of the god of war, Mars. Spurned, Mars seeks the aid of the god of sport – Euphron, brother of Venus/Aphrodite – who creates the game of chess as a gift for Mars to win Caissa's favor.

Modern use

Caïssa is referred to in chess commentary. Garry Kasparov uses this reference now and again, especially in his epic five-volume work "My Great Predecessors". It is used as a substitute for being lucky – "Caïssa was with me" – especially in unclear situations, for example in sacrifices. [citation|author=Kasparov, Garry|title=Garry Kasparov on My Great Predecessors, Part 1|publisher=Everyman Chess|edition=First|isbn=1857443306|year=2003] Caïssa as a concept has also been explored by some who seek the evidence of the sacred feminine in chess.

The first (Russian) computer program that won the World Computer Chess Championship (in 1974) was also named Kaissa.




External links

* [ Caïssa by William Jones 1763]
* [ Caissa's Web] a selection of Chess poem at

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