

The Citadis is a low-floor tram built by Alstom in La Rochelle, France, and Barcelona, Spain. 1,140 Citadis are currently in use in 28 cities [cite web | title= Planète CITADIS | publisher = Alstom, Citadis Mag10 | author= | date =2008-04-10 | accessdate = 2008-05-03 |url = fr icon] , among others: Bordeaux, Lyon, Montpellier, Orléans, the Paris area, and Barcelona, Dublin, Gdańsk, Katowice, Melbourne and Rotterdam outside France.

Citadis types

The Citadis family includes both partially low-floor and 100% low-floor trams, in versions with three, five, and seven sections.

The Citadis family comprises:
*Citadis 202 - double articulated 100% low floor (Melbourne)
*Citadis 301 - also three section but with 70% low floor (Orléans and Dublin) [Note: the Dublin Trams are currently being converted to 401s in a programme which will be completed during 2008] .
*Citadis 302 - five carbody sections, 100% low floor (Lyon, Bordeaux, Paris T2, Valenciennes, Rotterdam, Buenos Aires, Madrid, Melbourne, Murcia and Barcelona)
*Citadis 402 - seven carbody sections, 100% low floor (Bordeaux, Grenoble, Paris T3)
*Citadis 401 - five sections, 70% low floor (Montpellier and Dublin)
*Citadis 403 - seven sections, with modified end bogie design (Strasbourg)
*Regio-Citadis - three sections, 70% low floor (Kassel, Ridderkerk (connected to Zoetermeer and The Hague transportation systems), Salzgitter)
*Citadis-Dualis - derived from the Citadis series and adapted both to tramway lines and regional railway tracks, it will be operated by the SNCF [ [ CITADIS Dualis Information Sheet] ] "(see below)"

The 70% low-floorRegio-Citadisvariant allows for tram-train operation, in which trams run also on mainline railway tracks; it is used in the German city Kassel, and has been delivered for The Hague. This train type are having possibillities of duo-powering (diesel/600 VDC, 600 VDC/1,5 kV 16 Hz or 600 VDC/Bioenergy/diesel).

The Regio-Citadis model has now been superseded byCitadis-Dualis”, redesigned to operate on the same lines as regional trains (on the TER (Transport express régional) network) and intended for running at up to 100 km/h (62 mph, compared to 70 km/h (43 mph) for the Citadis tram), and for stop spacings ranging from 0.5 km to 5 km (460 yds to 3.1 mi). 31 have been ordered (plus 169 on option [f>cite web | title= CITADIS Dualis, Speed and smoothness from the city centre to the suburbs | publisher = "Alstom" | author= | date =2008 | accessdate = 2008-05-03 |url =] ) by the SNCF at an average cost of 3·2 millions per car (about $4.94 millions or £2.5 millions) [cite web | title= Dualis extends the reach of the Citadis family | publisher = "Railway Gazette International" | author= Harry Hondius | date =2007-07-02 | accessdate = 2007-09-09 |url =] .

Like most trams, Citadis vehicles are usually powered by overhead electric wires, but the trams in Bordeaux (and in the future Angers, Reims and Dubai) use the Aps” (ground-level power supply), a third rail which is only powered while it is completely covered by a tram so that there is no risk of a person or animal coming into contact with a live rail. In outer areas, the trams switch to conventional overhead wires [cite web | title= Bordeaux: Fronting the French tramway revolution | publisher = Light Rail Transit Association | author= CJ Wansbeek | date =2002-12-01 | accessdate = 2007-09-09 |url =] .

Competitors to the Citadis include Bombardier Transportation's Flexity family (Outlook, Swift, Classic, and the Link tram-train), Siemens Combino and Avanto trams and TMK 2200 from Crotram.

Ordered Citadis trams


*Buenos Aires: Tranvía del Este [cite web | title= Citadis Cars for an experimental line in Buenos Aires | publisher = Alstom | date =2006-12-28 | accessdate = 2007-09-09 |url =] . The service is provided by two Citadis 302 model trams, manufactured by the French [cite web | author=Atta, Carlos| year=2008| title=Francia quiere una red de tranvías en Buenos Aires | work=La Nación | url= | accessdate=2008-03-06 es icon] company Alstom and granted under a free concession by the city of Mulhouse.


*Melbourne: C class Melbourne tram, operated by Yarra Trams. Between 2008 and 2011, Melbourne is renting five of Mulhouse's Citadis 302 trams [ "See also Trams in Melbourne"] .


The Alstom Citadis has close to a monopoly in France, where all new trams are low-floored and almost all of them are Citadis trams.
*Bordeaux: Tramway de Bordeaux [ [ Fiche technique 302] ] [ [ Fiche technique 402] fr icon]
*Grenoble: Tramway de Grenoble [ [ Fiche technique Grenoble 2] fr icon]
*Le Mans: Setram (Société anonyme d'économie mixte des transports en commun de l'agglomération mancelle)
*Lyon: Tramway de Lyon [ [ Fiche technique] fr icon]
*Montpellier: TaM (Transports de l'agglomération de Montpellier) [ [ Fiche technique 401] fr icon]
*Mulhouse: Tramway de Mulhouse
*Nice: Tramway de Nice
*Orléans: SEMTAO (Société d'économie mixte des transports de l'agglomération orléanaise) [ [ Fiche technique Orléans] fr icon]
*Paris: Tramway parisien (a branch of the RATP) [ [ Fiche technique CIT-RATP] fr icon]
*Strasbourg: Tramway de Strasbourg [ [ Fiche technique Strasbourg] fr icon]
*Valenciennes: Tramway de Valenciennes
*Reims: Tramway de Reims – Delivery to commence in October 2009 [cite web | title= Reims tramway sparkles with colour | publisher = Alstom | date =2007-01-29 | accessdate = 2007-09-09 |url =] [cite web | title= Reims, sa cathédrale, son tram... | publisher = Admirable Design | | date =2007-05-14 | accessdate = 2007-09-09 |url = fr icon]


*Dublin: Luas


*Rotterdam: RET (Rotterdamse Elektrische Tram)


*Gdańsk: ZKM Gdańsk (Zakład Komunikacji Miejskiej w Gdańsku), ZTM (Zarząd Transportu Miejskiego w Gdańsku)
*Katowice: Tramwaje Śląskie


*Barcelona: Trambaix, Trambesòs
*Madrid: Metro Ligero de Madrid
*Tenerife: Tranvía Metro Tenerife
*Murcia: Tranvimur


*Tunis: Métro léger de Tunis / المترو الخفيف المدينة تونس

United Arab Emirates

* Al Sufouh Tram (Ar.: ترام الصفوح) in Dubai is expected to have 25 Citadis 402. It will use APS. Phase 1 will open in April 2011 [cite news |title=Al Safouh tram project consortium selected |publisher="Railway Gazette International" |date=2008-4-29 |url= |accessdate=2008-05-02 ] .

ee also

* Ground-level power supply used in Bordeaux


External links

* [ Alstom Transport]
* [ List of all ordered Citadis (en Français/in French)] (read the notes written by visitors at the end of the page, because there are some errors in the table)
* [ «Sensolab drives interior experimentation»] - design of Citadis tram interiors for Paris, Le Mans, Angers

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