

"Sukhasana" ("easy pose; perfect pose"), is a yoga asana (posture) that basically consists of sitting in the standard cross-legged position. While opening the hips and lengthening the spine, its relative ease on the knees makes this posture preferable to "siddhasana" and "padmasana" for many people with physical difficulties. Nevertheless, many schools don't consider it to be as effective for prolonged meditation sessions, although the 20th century Jnana Yoga guru Ramana Maharshi advocated it as suitable for attaining Enlightenment.


Sukhasana, sanskrit for Easy Pose is a common pose of asana, in yoga, buddhism and hinduism.

Take sitting position stretching both the legs together in front, hands by the side, palms resting on the ground. Fingers should remain together pointing forward. Fold the legs left and right slowly at the knees and join both the soles with each other. Hold the legs at ankle by the hands. Bring the legs slowly towards yourself till they reach under the perineum. The knees should remain on the ground, body erect and gaze in front. While returning back to the original position loosen the legs and come back to the first position. While practicing, a stretch is felt under the thighs, therefore practice it carefully This posture should be healthy for the lumbar region.

ee also

*List of Hatha yoga postures

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