- Topic outline of poetry
Poetry is a form ofart in whichlanguage is used for its aesthetic qualities, in addition to, or instead of, its ostensible meaning.The following topic outline is provided as an overview of and introduction to poetry:
Essence of poetry
Types of poetry
Common poetic forms
Sonnet - Jintishi -Villanelle - Tanka -Ode -Ghazal -Haiku Periods, styles and movements
"For movements see
List of poetry groups and movements .":Automatic poetry - Black Mountain -Chanson de geste -Concrete poetry -Cowboy poetry -Digital poetry -Epitaph -Erasure poetry -Fable -Flarf -Found poetry -Haptic Poetry -Imagism - Libel - Limerick poetry -Lyric poetry -Metaphysical poetry -Medieval poetry -Minnesinger - The Movement -Narrative poetry - Objectivist -Occasional verse -Odes and Elegies -Parnassian -Pastoral -Performance poetry -Poetry slam -Post-modernist -Romanticism -San Francisco Renaissance -Sound poetry - Symbolism -Troubadour -Trouvère -Visual poetry -Painted Poems History of poetry
Basic elements of poetry
: Accents -
Couplets -Elision - Feet - Intonation - Meter - Moras - Prosody -Rhythm -Scansion -Stanzas - Syllables -Caesura Methods of creating rhythm
:"See also Parallelism,
inflection , intonation, foot"canning meter
spondee — two stressed syllables together
*iamb — unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable
*trochee — one stressed syllable followed by an unstressed syllable
* dactyl — one stressed syllable followed by two unstressed syllables
*anapest — two unstressed syllables followed by one stressed syllableThe number of metrical feet in a line are described in Greek terminology as follows:
dimeter — two feet
*trimeter — three feet
*tetrameter — four feet
*pentameter — five feet
*hexameter — six feet
*heptameter — seven feet
*octameter — eight feetCommon metrical patterns
Iambic pentameter (John Milton , "Paradise Lost " [Two versions of "Paradise Lost" are freely available on-line from Project Guttenberg, [http://www.gutenberg.net/etext/20 Project Gutenberg text version 1] and [http://www.gutenberg.net/etext/26 Project Gutenberg text version 2] . ] )
* Dactylic hexameter (Homer, "Iliad ;" [The original text, as translated by Samuel Butler, is available at Wikisource. [http://en.wikisource.org/wiki/The_Iliad] ]Ovid , "The Metamorphoses")
*Iambic tetrameter (Andrew Marvell , "To His Coy Mistress ")
*Iambic tetrameter (Aleksandr Pushkin , "Eugene Onegin ") [The full text is available online both in Russian [http://www.rvb.ru/pushkin/01text/04onegin/01onegin/0836.htm?start=0&length=all] and as translated into English by Charles Johnston. [http://lib.ru/LITRA/PUSHKIN/ENGLISH/onegin_j.txt] Please see the pages onEugene Onegin and onNabokov's Notes on Prosody and the references on those pages for discussion of the problems of translation and of the differences between Russian and English iambic tetrameter.]
*Trochaic octameter (Edgar Allan Poe , "The Raven ") [The full text of "The Raven" is available at Wikisource [http://en.wikisource.org/wiki/The_Raven_%28Poe%29] .]
*Anapestic tetrameter (Lewis Carroll , "The Hunting of the Snark "; [The full text of "The Hunting of the Snark" is available at Wikisource. [http://en.wikisource.org/wiki/The_Hunting_of_the_Snark] ] Lord Byron, "Don Juan") [The full text of "Don Juan" is available on-line. [http://www.sensible.it/personal/resio/donjuan/byron/] ]
*Alexandrine , also known as iambic hexameter (Jean Racine , "Phèdre ") [See [http://abu.cnam.fr/cgi-bin/donner_html?phedre2 the Text of the play in French] as well as an English translation, gutenberg|no=1977|name=Phaedra]Rhyme, alliteration and assonance
Alliteration -Alliterative verse -Assonance -Consonance -Internal rhyme -Rhyme Rhyming schemes
Chant royal -Ottava rima -Rubaiyat tanzas and verse paragraphs
* 2-line stanza:
couplet ordistich
* 3-line stanza: triplet ortercet
* 4-line stanza:quatrain
* 5-line stanza:quintain orcinquain )
* 6-line stanza:sestet
* 8-line stanza:octet *
verse paragraph Poetic diction
Figure of speech
*Stylistic device
*Rhetorical device
*Meter (poetry)
*Refrain Famous poems and poets
William Shakespeare
* Basho (芭蕉松尾)
*Li Bai (李白)
*Rainer Maria Rilke
*Alexander Pushkin (Алекса́ндр Серге́евич Пу́шкин)
*Mikhail Lermontov (Михаи́л Ю́рьевич Ле́рмонтов)
*Arthur Rimbaud
*Robert Frost
*Ignacy Krasicki , "Fables and Parables "
*Edgar Allan Poe , "The Raven "
*Shel Silverstein
*Ferdowsi , "Shahnameh "
*Jalal ad-Din Rumi
*Oscar Wilde
*Emily Dickinson
*Sylvia Plath "Lady Lazarus "
*Gwendolyn Brooks "We Real Cool "
*Adrienne Rich
*Elizabeth Bishop
*Maya Angelou
*Emily Bronte
*Kamala Das
*Sandra Cisneros
*Rita Dove
*Louise Gluck
*Ethan Conley Poetry lists
List of poems
*List of poets References
External links
* [http://www.poetryoutloud.org/poems/browsepoems.html Poetry Out Loud List of Poems]
* [http://www.learningforacause.org Learning for a Cause] , a non-profit educational organization that publishes the poetry and fiction of young writers under the age of eighteen.
* [http://www.emule.com/poetry Poetry archives]
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