- Smallest organisms
The smallest organism found on
Earth can be measured using a variety of different methods, and can be defined as the smallest byvolume ,mass ,height , orlength . Because there is some dispute over what the definition of life is and what entities qualify asorganism s, the actual "smallestorganism " (microorganism s) may be unclear.Microorganisms
The majority of biologists consider
virus es to be non-living because they lack a cellular structure and cannot metabolize by themselves, requiring a host cell to replicate and synthesise new products. A minority of scientists hold that because viruses do havegenetic material they can be considered organisms. The smallestRNA virus es in terms ofgenome size are smallretrovirus es such asrous sarcoma virus with genomes of 3.5 kb and particle diameters of 80 nm. The smallestDNA virus es are the hepadnaviruses such asHepatitis B , at 3.2 kb and 42 nm;parvovirus es have smallercapsid s, at 18-26 nm, but larger genomes, at 5 kb. The smallest DNAbacteriophage is thePhi-X174 phage , thought to be larger than Hepatitis B, at about 4 kb. [http://www-iphicles.rcsb.org/pdb/lists/pdb-l/200012/msg00048.html]The
Porcine circovirus 2 is a single stranded DNA virus having a capsid diameter of 17 nm. [ [http://phene.cpmc.columbia.edu/ICTVdB/WWW/16002005.htm ICTVdB Virus Description - Porcine circovirus 2 ] ]Nanobes
Nanobe s are thought by some to be the smallest known organism, about one tenth the size of the smallest known bacteria. Nobes, tiny filamental structures first found in somerocks andsediments , were first described in 1996 byPhilipa Uwins of theUniversity of Queensland . The smallest are 20 nm long. Some researchers believe them to be merelycrystal growths, but a purported find ofDNA in nanobe samples may prove otherwise. They are similar to the life-like structures found inALH84001 , the famousMars meteorite from theAntarctic .Nanoarchaeum
"Nanoarchaeum equitans" is a species of tiny
microbe discovered in 2002 in ahydrothermal vent off the coast ofIceland byKarl Stetter . Athermophile that grows in near-boil ing temperatures, "Nanoarchaeum" appears to be an obligatory symbiont on the archaeon "Ignicoccus "; it must be in contact with the host organism to survive. Its cells are only 400 nm in diameter, making it the smallest known living organism, with the possible exception of nanobes (if they are considered to be living). Its genome is only 490,885nucleotides long; as of 2005 it remains the smallest non-viral genome ever sequenced.Mycoplasma genitalium
Mycoplasma genitalium ", a parasiticbacterium which lives in theprimate genital and respiratory tracts, is thought to be the smallest known organism capable of independent growth andreproduction . With a size of 0.2 to 0.3 µm (micrometers), "M. genitalium" is an ultramicrobacterium smaller than other small bacteria, includingrickettsia and chlamydia. However, the vast majority of bacterial strains have not been studied, and the marine ultramicrobacteria "Sphingomonas" sp strain RB2256 is reported to have passed through 0.22 µmultrafilter . A complicating factor is nutrient-downsized bacteria, bacteria that become much smaller due to lack of availablenutrient s. [ [http://www.madsci.org/posts/archives/sep2001/1001464156.Gb.r.html Re: What is the smallest living thing? ] ]mallest organisms in certain groups
mallest insect
Adult males of the parasitic wasp "
Dicopomorpha echmepterygis " can be as small as 139 μm long; females are 40 percent larger. [ [http://ufbir.ifas.ufl.edu/chap38.htm University of Florida Book of Insect Records] ]mallest beetle
Beetles of the tribe Nanosellini are all less than 1 mm long; the smallest include "Scydosella musawasensis" at 300 μm long, "Vitusella fijiensis" at 310 μm, and "Nanosella" at 300 to 400 μm. These are among the tiniest non-parasitic insects. [cite journal
quotes = no
author = Polilov, A.A.
year = 2008
title = Anatomy of the Smallest Coleoptera, Featherwing Beetles of the Tribe Nanosellini (Coleoptera, Ptiliidae), and Limits of Insect Miniaturization
journal = Entomological Review
volume = 88 | issue = 1 | pages = 26–33]mallest amphibian
At 9.6 to 9.8 millimeters long, the
Monte Iberia Eleuth ("Eleutherodactylus iberia") and theBrazilian Gold Frog ("Brachycephalus didactylus") are tied as the smallestfrog ,amphibian , ortetrapod [ [http://magma.nationalgeographic.com/ngexplorer/0403/articles/mainarticle.html National Geographic Explorer (Student Magazine) - Freaky Frogs ] ] .mallest reptile
Jaragua Sphaero (dwarf gecko) ("Sphaerodactylus ariasae"), agecko in the "Sphaerodactylus "genus , is the world's smallest knownreptile species, at 16 mm long. The species was first described in the December 2001 issue of the "Caribbean Journal of Science " byPennsylvania State University evolutionary biologistBlair Hedges andUniversity of Puerto Rico biologist Richard Thomas. The dwarf gecko is endangered and lives inJaragua National Park in theDominican Republic and onBeata Island ("Isla Beata"), off the southern coast ofHispaniola inHaiti . [ [http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/1689313.stm BBC News | SCI/TECH | Tiny gecko is 'world's smallest' ] ] The species's binomial name was in honor ofYvonne Arias , the leader of the Dominican environmental groupGrupo Jaragua . [http://www.conservation.org/xp/news/press_releases/2001/120301.xml] [http://forests.org/archive/samerica/wosmliza.htm]mallest bird
bee hummingbird ("Mellisuga helenae") is the world's smallest knownbird species and the smallest knownwarm-blooded vertebrate . "M. helenae", called the "zunzún" in its native habitat onCuba and theIsle of Youth , has a mass of about 1.8 g, which is lighter than a Canadian or U.S. penny. Said to be "more apt to be mistaken for abee than a bird," the hummingbird's wings beat 80 times per second and up to 200 times when mating. [ [http://www.mschloe.com/hummer/carib.htm Hummingbirds of the Caribbean [mschloe.com ] ] The bee hummingbird is said to eat half its totalbody mass and drink eight times its total body mass each day. Its nest is 3 cm across.mallest fish
The smallest known fish (and smallest known vertebrate) are part of the "
Paedocypris "genus ofIndonesia , which dwell inpeat swamp s and can survive extremedrought in part due to their small size (just 7.9 mm long at maturity). Much of their habitat isacid water, withpH as low as 2.9. The members of the genus are thought to be highly endangered.Male individuals of the species
anglerfish "Photocorynus spiniceps " have been documented to be 6.2-7.3 mm at maturity, and thus claimed to be a smaller species. However, these survive only by sexual parasitism and the female individuals reach the significantly larger size of 50.5 mm. [ [http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/4645708.stm BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Scientists find 'smallest fish' ] ] [ [http://www.amonline.net.au/fishes/faq/smallest.htm What is the smallest species of fish? ] ] [ [http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/4666736.stm BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Smallest fish compete for honours ] ] [ [http://www.livescience.com/animalworld/041027_Smallest_Fish.html Bragging Rights: The Smallest Fish Ever | LiveScience ] ]mallest mammal
The endangered
Kitti's Hog-nosed Bat (bumblebee bat; "Craseonycteris thonglongyai") ofThailand is the smallestmammal , at 30-40 mm in length and 1.5 to 2 g in weight, about the weight of a Canadian or U.S. dime. However, theEtruscan Shrew is the smallest mammal by mass, though it exceeds the Bumblebee Bat inskull size .ee also
Largest organism References
External Links
* [http://creatures.ifas.ufl.edu/misc/beetles/featherwing_beetles.htm featherwing beetles] on the
UF / IFAS Featured Creatures Web site
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