

Germanía or jerigonza is the Spanish term for the argot used by criminals or in jails. Its purpose is to keep outsiders out of the conversation. The ultimate origin of the word is the Latin word "Germanus" (see thru Catalan "germà" (brother).

Some documentation for it occurs in picaresque works as early as the Spanish Golden Century, such as in Quevedo's "El Buscón". [Christopher J. Pountain, "A History of the Spanish Language Through Texts" (Routledge, 2000), 159.] Some writers used it in poetry for comical effect.

After the arrival of the Roma people and their frequent imprisonment, "germanía" incorporated much vocabulary from Romany and its descendant, the "caló" jargon. As time passed, several words entered popular use and even standard Spanish, losing their value for secrecy. "Germanía" survives today in the "cheli" jargon.

War of the Germanías

The term germanía ("brotherhood" in Catalan—compare with Galician "irmandade" and Spanish "hermandad") originated from the name of certain communities in Valencia, Spain, which made themselves notorious by rebelling against the local nobility during the sixteenth century. Subsequently, the term referred to the argot used by these communities and, eventually, it referred to improper argot.The Linguistics Department at the University of Pennsylvania ties the history of jerigonza to a word game played by children all over the world. They connect this creation of a secret languages to word games in Brazil, the United States, and other countries.

Other jargons based on Spanish

* Caló
* Lunfardo
* Tarish Fact|date=February 2007
* Barallete
* Gacería
* Quinqui
* Bron


External links

* [ Spain 1516–1522: The Troubled Succession Of Charles V - Part 9: The Germania]
* [ Germanía] in the RAE dictionary.

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