- The Sprawl
William Gibson 'sfiction , the Sprawl is a colloquial name for theBoston -Atlanta Metropolitan Axis (BAMA), anurban sprawl environment on a massive scale, and a fictional extension of the realBosWash megalopolis .The novels "
Neuromancer " (1984), "Count Zero " (1986), and "Mona Lisa Overdrive " (1988) (collectively known as theSprawl trilogy ) take place in this environment, as well as the short stories "Johnny Mnemonic ", "New Rose Hotel " and "Burning Chrome".Characteristics
The Sprawl is a
dystopia n visualization of a future where virtually the entire East Coast of theUnited States , from Boston to Atlanta, has melded into a single mass ofurban sprawl . [cite news |first=John |last=Markoff |title=Ideas & Trends; Art Invents A Jarring New World From Technology |url=http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9C0CE7D8133FF936A15752C1A966958260 |work=The New York Times |publisher=The New York Times Company |date=November 25 1990 |accessdate=2008-07-30 ] It has been enclosed in severalgeodesic dome s and merged into one megacity. The domes are depicted as leaky. The city has become a separate world with its own climate, no real day cycle, and a constant grey sky. It is said of the Sprawl that "the actors change but the play remains the same."Although there are areas of rich people in the Sprawl, a vast majority of the people are poor. Regardless of wealth, however, advanced technology has become ubiquitous. People spend much of their time in the "matrix" for work or recreational purposes. A common technological addiction are "simstims" ("sim"ulated "stim"uli), a form of
virtual reality that allows people to experience a television program, typicallysoap opera s, from the point of view of one of their characters.Comparative setting
The Sprawl is a typical example of a
cyberpunk setting. Related places visited in Gibson's fiction include Chiba City, a high-tech district nearTokyo , and Freeside, an orbital complex which includes the family estate of the richTessier-Ashpool clan, as well as theRastafarian colony New Zion. A notable non-fictional precursor to The Sprawl isBosWash , the present-day group of metropolitan areas extending from Boston toWashington, DC .Cultural allusions
* "The Sprawl" is a song recorded by
Sonic Youth for their album "Daydream Nation " and inspired by Gibson's creation.See also
Coruscant , the capital of the Galactic Republic and later Empire inStar Wars . It is anecumenopolis , a city which takes up an entire planet.
*Trantor , capital of the galactic empire inIsaac Asimov 'sFoundation Series . With the exception of the Imperial Palace, the city is entirely enclosed in artificial domes. Because the planet has no rural areas, it is entirely dependent upon spaceships to bring in food and remove waste. After the fall of the Empire, the survivors are forced to rip up the steel floors to expose the fertile soil underneath for growing food.
*Mega-City One in theJudge Dredd series.References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.