
By Place


* Cao Rui becomes emperor of the Kingdom of Wei of China.
* Ardashir I, a vassal of Parthian king Artabanus V, defeats Artabanus V at Hormuz and is crowned "King of Kings" of Persia (Iran), beginning the 400 year-reign of the Sassanid Empire.
* The Empire of Parthia falls.
* A merchant from the Roman Empire called "Qin Lun" by the Chinese, arrives in Jiaozhi (near modern Hanoi) and is taken to see Sun Quan, the King of Wu, who requests him to make a report on his native country and people. He is given an escort for the return trip including a present of ten male and ten female "blackish-coloured dwarfs." However, the officer in charge of the Chinese escort dies on the way and Qin Lun has to continue his journey home alone. See: [http://depts.washington.edu/uwch/silkroad/texts/weilue/weilue.html] An annotated translation of the "Weilue".


* Wang Pi, Chinese philosopher (d. 249)
* Lu Kang, son of Lu Xun (b. 274)


* June 29 - Cao Pi, Emperor of the Kingdom of Wei of China (b. 187)
* Shi Xie, ruler of Jiaozhi (b. 137)
* Shi Hui, son of Shi Xie
* Shi Zhi, eldest son of Shi Xie
* Artabanus IV, last ruler of the Parthian empire

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