Todd Heisler

Todd Heisler

Todd Heisler (born 1972) is an American photojournalist. He is currently a staff photographer for the New York Times.

While at the Rocky Mountain News, Heisler was awarded the 2006 Pulitzer Prize for Feature Photography for "Final Salute," a series of photographs, taken over the course of a year, profiling the funerals of Marines who died in the war and the work of then Major Steve Beck, who is responsible for notifying the family members of the Marine's death. The award citation referred to Heisler's work as a "haunting, behind-the-scenes look" at the funerals. Heisler won the prize the same year as fellow "Rocky Mountain News" reporter Jim Sheeler, who won a 2006 Pulitzer Prize for Feature Writing, covered Major Beck, the Marine Honor Guard, and the families for nearly a year. Images from "Final Salute" project were published by "Time", "Paris Match", "Stern", the "Sunday Times", "Communication Arts", and other publications in addition to the "Rocky Mountain News".

Images from "Final Salute" also won first prize in the "People in the News" category at the World Press Photo awards, ["People in the News: 1st prize stories." World Press Photo. [] ] first place in newspaper feature photography for the National Headliner Awards ["Newspapers–Feature Photography." National Headliner Awards. [] ] and the American Society of Newspaper Editors Award for the "Community Service Photojournalism" category. ["Winners of the 2006 Awards." American Society of Newspaper Editors. [] ] Heisler also has won honors from Visa Pour L'Image, ["The Exhibitions–From September 2nd TO September 17th, 2006." Association Visa Pour L'Image. [] ] and first prize in the National Press Photographers Association's Best of Photojournalism award for best published picture story in a publication over 115,000 circulation, ["BOP 2006 > Still Photography Winners > Best Published Picture Story (Over 115,000 circulation." National Press Photographers Association. [] ] as well as both first and second place in general news reporting in a newspaper from Pictures of the Year International [Pictures of the Year International. [] ] , the Lead Award for "Photo of the Year," ["Lead Award 2006." [] ] and first prize for "People in the News" of the China International Press Photo Contest. ["People in the News: 1st prize." [] [ Heisler also judged for the 2006 Atlanta Photojournalism Seminar. ["2006 Saturday Speakers." Atlanta Photojournalism Semina. [] ]

Todd Heisler was also a member of the Rocky Mountain News team that won the 2003 Pulitzer Prize for its coverage of wildfire season in Colorado.


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