- James O'Loghlin
Previously a commercial and criminal lawyer (he studied law at the
Australian National University ), he was for some years a professional stand-up comedian and writer, and hosted his own television show "O'Loghlin On Saturday Night" onABC Television . He also hosts "The New Inventors " on ABC Television.O'Loghlin has also written and performed in the live comedy shows "Lawyer Lawyer" (which concentrated on his years as a criminal lawyer) and "Caught in the A.C.T."
His strong physical likeness to the Sydney financial journalist and television presenter David Koch (see [http://www.andrewtaylormanagement.com/client.asp?comNo=2] and [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
] ) is the subject of a running joke that surfaces on his radio programme at least once a month. Koch and O'Loghlin have been mistaken for each other by members of the public; and, from time to time Koch will call O'Loghlin on air to report a new occasion of such public misidentification.
In November 2007, O'Loghlin announced he would be leaving the radio show to spend more time with his family. He partner is the actor Lucy Bell, daughter of the actors
John Bell andAnna Volska . They have a daughter, Bibi.ee also
ABC Local Radio
*702 ABC Sydney References
* [http://www.abc.net.au ABC website]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.