- Tim Finin
Tim Finin (born 1949, Walworth,
Wisconsin ) is a Professor of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering at theUniversity of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC). His research has focused on the applications ofArtificial intelligence to problems ininformation system s and has included contributions toNatural language processing ,expert systems , the theory and applications of multiagent systems, thesemantic web , andmobile computing .Finin holds degrees from MIT and the University of Illinois. Prior to joining the UMBC, he held positions at
Unisys , theUniversity of Pennsylvania , and theMIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory . He is the author of more than 250 refereed publications and has received research grants and contracts from a variety of sources. He has been an organizer of several major conferences, including the IEEE Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Applications, The ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, ACM Autonomous Agents conference and the ACM Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing. He is currently on the editorial board of several journals and is an editor in chief of the Journal of Web Semantics. Finin is a formerAmerican Association for Artificial Intelligence councilor and on the board of directors of theComputing Research Association .ee also
*Swoogle External links
* [http://umbc.edu/~finin/ Home page of Tim Finin]
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