- Alternating group
mathematics , an alternating group is the group ofeven permutation s of afinite set . The alternating group on the set {1,...,"n"} is called the alternating group of degree "n", or the alternating group on "n" letters and denoted by A"n" or Alt("n").For instance, the alternating group of degree 4 is A"4" = {e, (123), (132), (124), (142), (134), (143), (234), (243), (12)(34), (13)(24), (14)(23)} (see
cycle notation ).Basic properties
For "n" > 1, the group A"n" is the
commutator subgroup of thesymmetric group S"n" with index 2 and has therefore "n"!/2 elements. It is the kernel of the signaturegroup homomorphism sgn : "S""n" → {1, −1} explained undersymmetric group .The group "A""n" is abelian
if and only if "n" ≤ 3 and simple if and only if "n" = 3 or "n" ≥ 5. A5 is the smallest non-abeliansimple group , having order 60, and the smallest non-solvable group .Conjugacy classes
As in the
symmetric group , the conjugacy classes in A"n" consist of elements with the same cycle shape. However, if the cycle shape consists only of cycles of odd length with no two cycles the same length, where cycles of length one are included in the cycle type, then there are exactly two conjugacy classes for this cycle shape harv|Scott|1987|loc=§11.1, p299.Examples:
*the twopermutation s (123) and (132) are not conjugates in A3, although they have the same cycle shape, and are therefore conjugate in S3
*the permutation (123)(45678) is not conjugate to its inverse (132)(48765) in A8, although the two permutations have the same cycle shape, so they are conjugate in S8.Automorphism group
For "n" > 3, except for "n" = 6, the
automorphism group of "A""n" is the symmetric group S"n", withinner automorphism group "A""n" andouter automorphism group Z2; the outer automorphism comes from conjugation by an odd permutation.For "n" = 1 and 2, the automorphism group is trivial. For "n" = 3 the automorphism group is Z2, with trivial inner automorphism group and outer automorphism group Z2.
The outer automorphism group of "A"6 is the Klein four-group "V" = Z2 × Z2, and is related to the outer automorphism of "S"6. The extra outer automorphism in "A"6 swaps the 3-cycles (like (123)) with elements of shape 32 (like (123)(456)).
Exceptional isomorphisms
There are some
isomorphism s between some of the small alternating groups and smallgroups of Lie type . These are:
* A4 is isomorphic to PSL2(3) and thesymmetry group of chiraltetrahedral symmetry .
* A5 is isomorphic to PSL2(4), PSL2(5), and the symmetry group of chiralicosahedral symmetry .
* A6 is isomorphic to PSL2(9) and PSp4(2)'
* A8 is isomorphic to PSL4(2)More obviously, A3 is isomorphic to the
cyclic group Z3, and A1 and A2 are isomorphic to thetrivial group (which is also SL1("q")=PSL1("q") for any "q").ubgroups
"A"4 is the smallest group demonstrating that the converse of Lagrange's theorem is not true in general: given a finite group "G" and a divisor "d" of |"G"|, there does not necessarily exist a subgroup of "G" with order "d": the group "G" = "A"4, of order 12, has no subgroup of order 6. A subgroup of three elements (generated by a cyclic rotation of three objects) with any additional element (except e) generates the whole group.
Group homology
group homology of the alternating groups exhibits stabilization, as instable homotopy theory : for sufficiently large "n", it is constant.H1: Abelianization
The first
homology group coincides withabelianization , and (since A_n is perfect, except for the cited exceptions) is thus::H_1(A_3,mathbf{Z})=A_3^{ ext{ab = A_3 = mathbf{Z}/3;:H_1(A_4,mathbf{Z})=A_4^{ ext{ab = mathbf{Z}/3;:H_1(A_n,mathbf{Z})=0 for n=1,2 and ngeq 5.H2: Schur multipliers
Schur multiplier s of the alternating groups A"n" (in the case where "n" is at least 5) are the cyclic groups of order 2, except in the case where "n" is either 6 or 7, in which case there is a triple cover. In these cases, then, the Schur multiplier is of order 6.:H_2(A_n,mathbf{Z})=0 for n = 1,2,3;:H_2(A_n,mathbf{Z})=mathbf{Z}/6 for n = 6,7;:H_2(A_n,mathbf{Z})=mathbf{Z}/2 for n = 4,5 and n geq 8.
*Citation | last1=Scott | first1=W.R. | title=Group Theory | publisher=
Dover Publications | location=New York | isbn=978-0-486-65377-8 | year=1987
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