- Perfect group
mathematics , in the realm ofgroup theory , a group is said to be perfect if it equals its owncommutator subgroup , or equivalently, if the group has no nontrivial abelian quotients.The smallest (non-trivial) perfect group is the
alternating group "A"5. More generally, any non-abeliansimple group is perfect since the commutator subgroup is anormal subgroup with abelian quotient. Of course a perfect group need not be simple, as thespecial linear group "SL"(2,5) (or thebinary icosahedral group which is isomorphic to it) is an example of a perfect extension of theprojective special linear group "PSL"(2,5) (which is isomorphic to "A"5). A non-trivial perfect group, however, is necessarily not solvable.Every acyclic group is perfect, but the converse is not true: [A. Jon Berrick and Jonathan A. Hillman, "Perfect and acyclic subgroups of finitely presentable groups", Journal of the London Mathematical Society (2) 68 (2003), no. 3, 683–698. MathSciNet|id=2009444] "A"5 is perfect but not acyclic (in fact, not even superperfect).
Grün's lemma
A basic fact about perfect groups is Grün's lemma: the quotient of a perfect group by its center is centerless (has trivial center). [cite book
last = Rose
first = John S.
title = A Course in Group Theory
publisher = Dover Publications, Inc.
location = New York
pages = 61
year = 1994
isbn = 0-486-68194-7 MathSciNet|id=1298629]I.e., if "Z"("G") denotes the center of a given group "G", and "G" is perfect, then the center of the quotient group "G" ⁄ "Z"("G") is the
trivial group ::G mbox{ perfect} implies Z left( frac{G}{Z(G)} ight) cong {1}.
As consequence, all higher centers of a perfect group equal the center.
External links
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.