Rock Against Communism

Rock Against Communism

Rock Against Communism (RAC) started out as series of white power rock music concerts in the United Kingdom in the late 1970s, and is also a name for the subsequent music genre. [ [ B&H / C18 - A Tribute to Ian Stuart ] ] [ [ RAC: A Visual Database of Extremist Symbols, Logos and Tattoos ] ] Despite its name, RAC song lyrics rarely focus on the specific topic of anti-communism. Instead, RAC lyrics typically feature nationalist, neo-Nazi, anti-Semitic and racist themes. [ [ B & H United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland ] ] [ [ The World Today Archive - Nazi accusations against members of 3RAR ] ] [ [ Johnny Rebel and the Cajun roots of right-wing rock | Popular Music and Society | Find Articles at ] ] [ [ ] ] Musically, the RAC genre is mostly comprised of Oi!, punk rock, southern rock and rock and roll.Fact|date=August 2007


The Rock Against Communism (RAC) movement was started in the United Kingdom in late 1978 by far right activists associated with the National Front (NF), notably Ian Stuart Donaldson of white power skinhead band Skrewdriver. It was intended to counter the influence of — and was clearly named after — the successful Rock Against Racism organisation.Fact|date=October 2008 The first RAC concert was in Leeds, England in 1978, featuring the Nazi punk bands The Dentists and The Ventz. [ [ WNP - Memoirs of a Street Soldier Part 8 ] ] RAC held one concert in 1979 and another in spring 1983, which was headlined by Skrewdriver. After that, RAC concerts were held more often. RAC concerts were usually held in secret, due to violence by groups such as Anti-Fascist Action and the Anti-Nazi League. They were often headlined by Skrewdriver, and featured other white power bands such as Brutal Attack, Skullhead, Squadron, Sudden Impact, Ovaltinees, Lionheart, No Remorse, Violent Storm and Battlezone.

In the mid-1980s, summer concerts were often held at the Suffolk home of Edgar Griffin, father of Nick Griffin, a National Front organiser who later became the national chair of the British National Party. By the late 1980s, the RAC name had given way to the White Noise Club (another NF-based group), and later Blood and Honour — which was set up by Donaldson and his friend Nicky Crane when they fell out with the NF leadership.

As hardcore punk music became more popular in the 1990s and 2000s, many white power bands took on a more hardcore-influenced sound. Bands leading this hate-core trend have included Angry Aryans, Blue Eyed Devils and H8Machine. Also popular among white racists is national socialist black metal (NSBM), a racist form of black metal. The lyrics often focus on Norse mythology and a desire to return to a romanticized pre-Christian Europe. Bands in this genre include Absurd and Nokturnal Mortum.

Notable RAC acts

* Gestapo SS
* Landser
* Macht und Ehre
* RaHoWa
* Skrewdriver
* Skullhead


ee also

*Blood and Honour
*British National Front
*Final Stand Records
*National Socialist black metal
*Nazi punk
*Panzerfaust Records
*Punk ideologies
*Resistance Records
*Rock Against Racism

External links

* [,M1 Information about RAC in "Gods of the Blood: The Pagan Revival and White Separatism"]
* [ Information about RAC from Jewish Defense League]
* [ Information about RAC in "Encyclopedia of White Power: A Sourcebook on the Radical Racist Right"]
* [,M1 Information about RAC in "Urban Culture: Critical Concepts in Literary and Cultural Studies"]
* [ Information about RAC from Anti-Defamation League]
* [ Editorial about RAC from Skunk Records]
* [ Information about RAC from Blood & Honour America]
* [ Information about RAC in "Punk Rock: So What? - The Cultural Legacy of Punk]
* [ Information about RAC from the National Alliance]
* [ Information about RAC from Stephen Roth Institute for the Study of Contemporary Antisemitism]
* [ Information about RAC from Searchlight]
* [,M1 Information about RAC in "Popular Music and Society"]
* [ Information about RAC in "Swindle" magazine]
* [ Information about RAC in "The White Separatist Movement in the United States: White Power, White Pride!"]
* [ Information about RAC from]

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