- Paul Faure (archaeologist)
Paul Faure was a French archaeologist. He was born in
Paris in 1916 and graduated from École normale supérieure. In 1967, he became professor of Greek language and civilization at the University Blaise Pascal at Clermont-Ferrand. He eventually became Doctor Honoris Causa at theUniversity of Athens . During his life as a scientist, Faure was connected with expeditions and studies of history, historical geography, and linguistics of theMediterranean andNear East . Faure repeated with his friends the majority of Alexander the Great's military campaigns in the Near and Middle East. He has worked and published extensively on topics related toMinoan civilization , particularly on the interpretation of theLinear A writing system. Faure has advanced the hypothesis that the language written in Linear A was a pre-Greek Indo-European language. [P. Faure (1984), "Du Caractère indo-européen de la langue écrite en Crète à l'âge du bronze moyen." "Études Indo-Européennes" 8: 1-23.] He has also proposed a deciphering of thePhaistos disc . His bibliography comprises more than 70 articles and books, published between 1961 and 2003. Faure, an honorary citizen ofIraklion ,Crete , died onJuly 13 ,2007 .Major published works
*1964 - Faure, Paul. Fonctions des Cavernes Crétoises. École française d'Athènes, Travaux et mémoires 14.E. de Boccard, Paris.
*1973 - Faure, Paul. La vie quotidienne en Crète au temps de Minos (1500 av.J.-C.). Hachette, Paris.
*1975 - Faure, Paul. La vie quotidienne en Grèce au temps de la Guerre de Troie (1250 avant Jésus-Christ). Hachette, Paris.
*1976 - Faure, Paul (translated by Isolde and K. F. Eisen) Kreta. Das Leben im Reich des Minos. Reclam, Stuttgart.
*1982 - Faure, Paul. Henri Schliemann: Une vie d'archéologue. Jean Cyrille Godefroy, Paris.
*1989 - Faure, Paul. Recherches de toponymie crétoise. Opera Selecta. Adolf M. Hakkert, Amsterdam.
*1990 - Faure, Paul (translated by Barbara Brumm). Magie der Düfte. Eine Kulturgeschichte der Wohlgerüche. Von den Pharaonen zu den Römern. Artemis Verlag, München and Zürich.
*1992 - Faure, Paul (editor and translator). Henri Schliemann: Une vie d'archéologue. Jean-Cyrille Godefroy, Paris, France.
*1996 - Faure, Paul. Iera spilea tis Kritis (Sifis Kamaris, translator). Iraklion: Vikelea Vivliothiki.References
External links
* [http://classics.uc.edu/nestor/index.html Nestor Bibliographical Database]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.