- Penikese Island
Penikese Island lies off the coast of
Massachusetts ,United States , in Buzzards Bay. It is part of theElizabeth Islands , which form the town ofGosnold, Massachusetts . Penikese was originally home to theAnderson School of Natural History , a predecessor to theMarine Biological Laboratory inWoods Hole . It was only open two years, and was destroyed by fire in 1895. In 1904 Penikese became home to aleper colony , and today it houses a reform school.The
United States Census Bureau lumps Penikese along with the smaller nearby Gull Island to the east into Block 6043, Block Group 6, Census Tract 2004 ofDukes County, Massachusetts . The two islands together have a land area of 0.397 km² (98.2acres ) and no permanent population, even though Penikese Island houses a transient population at thePenikese Island School . [http://factfinder.census.gov/servlet/DTTable?_bm=y&-show_geoid=Y&-tree_id=4001&-_caller=geoselect&-context=dt&-errMsg=&-all_geo_types=N&-mt_name=DEC_2000_SF1_U_P001&-redoLog=true&-transpose=N&-search_map_config=|b=50|l=en|t=4001|zf=0.0|ms=sel_00dec|dw=0.12943068778841332|dh=0.07575157103105067|dt=gov.census.aff.domain.map.EnglishMapExtent|if=gif|cx=-76.26691202494183|cy=38.96886154822898|zl=4|pz=4|bo=318:317:316:314:313:323:319|bl=362:393:358:357:356:355:354|ft=350:349:335:389:388:332:331|fl=381:403:204:380:369:379:368|g=01000US&-PANEL_ID=p_dt_geo_map&-_lang=en&-geo_id=100$10000US250072004006043&-CONTEXT=dt&-format=&-search_results=01000US&-ds_name=DEC_2000_SF1_U]External links
* [http://www.penikese.org The Penikese School website]
* [http://www.cuttyhunkhistoricalsociety.org Cuttyhunk Historical Society, the Museum of the Elizabeth Islands]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.