

name = Percidae

image_width = 250px
image_caption = Yellow perch ("Perca flavescens")
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Actinopterygii
ordo = Perciformes
familia = Percidae
subdivision_ranks = Genera
subdivision = "Ammocrypta" "Crystallaria" "Etheostoma" "Gymnocephalus" "Perca" "Percarina" "Percina" "Romanichthys" "Sander" "Zingel" See text for species.
The Percidae are a family of perciform fish found in fresh and brackish waters of the Northern Hemisphere. The family contains about 200 species in ten genera. The darters, perches, and their relatives are in this family: well-known species include the walleye, ruffe, and three species of perch.


FishBase lists 204 species in ten genera: [FishBase family | family = Percidae | month = May | year = 2006]
* Genus "Ammocrypta" (sand darters)
** Naked sand darter, "Ammocrypta beanii" Jordan, 1877.
** Florida sand darter, "Ammocrypta bifascia" Williams, 1975.
** Western sand darter, "Ammocrypta clara" Jordan & Meek, 1885.
** Southern sand darter, "Ammocrypta meridiana" Williams, 1975.
** Eastern sand darter, "Ammocrypta pellucida" (Agassiz, 1863).
** Scaly sand darter, "Ammocrypta vivax" Hay, 1882.
* Genus "Crystallaria"
** Crystal darter, "Crystallaria asprella" (Jordan, 1878).
** "Crystallaria cincotta" Welsh & Wood, 2008.
* Genus "Etheostoma" (smoothbelly darters)
** Sharphead darter, "Etheostoma acuticeps" Bailey, 1959.
** Coppercheek darter, "Etheostoma aquali" Williams & Etnier, 1978.
** Redspot darter, "Etheostoma artesiae" (Hay, 1881).
** Mud darter, "Etheostoma asprigene" (Forbes, 1878).
** Cumberland snubnose darter, "Etheostoma atripinne" (Jordan, 1877).
** Conchos darter, "Etheostoma australe" Jordan, 1889.
** Emerald darter, "Etheostoma baileyi" Page & Burr, 1982.
** Teardrop darter, "Etheostoma barbouri" Kuehne & Small, 1971.
** Splendid darter, "Etheostoma barrenense" Burr & Page, 1982.
** Corrugated darter, "Etheostoma basilare" Page, Hardman & Near, 2003.
** Warrior darter, "Etheostoma bellator" Suttkus & Bailey, 1993.
** Orangefin darter, "Etheostoma bellum" Zorach, 1968.
** Buffalo darter, "Etheostoma bison" Ceas & Page, 1997.
** Greenside darter, "Etheostoma blennioides" Rafinesque, 1819.
** Blenny darter, "Etheostoma blennius" Gilbert & Swain, 1887.
** Slackwater darter, "Etheostoma boschungi" Wall & Williams, 1974.
** Holiday darter, "Etheostoma brevirostrum" Suttkus & Etnier, 1991.
** Brook darter, "Etheostoma burri" Ceas & Page, 1997.
** Rainbow darter, "Etheostoma caeruleum" Storer, 1845.
** Bluebreast darter, "Etheostoma camurum" (Cope, 1870).
** Chickasaw darter, "Etheostoma cervus" Powers & Mayden, 2003.
** Vermilion darter, "Etheostoma chermocki" Boschung, Mayden & Tomelleri, 1992.
** Relict darter, "Etheostoma chienense" Page & Ceas, 1992.
** Greenfin darter, "Etheostoma chlorobranchium" Zorach, 1972.
** Bluntnose darter, "Etheostoma chlorosoma" (Hay, 1881).
** Lipstick darter, "Etheostoma chuckwachatte" Mayden & Wood, 1993.
** Ashy darter, "Etheostoma cinereum" Storer, 1845.
** Creole darter, "Etheostoma collettei" Birdsong & Knapp, 1969.
** Carolina darter, "Etheostoma collis" (Hubbs & Cannon, 1935).
** Coastal darter, "Etheostoma colorosum" Suttkus & Bailey, 1993.
** Coosa darter, "Etheostoma coosae" (Fowler, 1945).
** Crown darter, "Etheostoma corona" Page & Ceas, 1992.
** Arkansas darter, "Etheostoma cragini" Gilbert, 1885.
** Fringed darter, "Etheostoma crossopterum" Braasch & Mayden, 1985.
** Choctawhatchee darter, "Etheostoma davisoni" Hay, 1885.
** Golden darter, "Etheostoma denoncourti" Stauffer & van Snik, 1997.
** Stone darter, "Etheostoma derivativum" Page, Hardman & Near, 2003.
** Coldwater darter, "Etheostoma ditrema" Ramsey & Suttkus, 1965.
** Tuskaloossa darter, "Etheostoma douglasi" Wood & Mayden, 1993.
** Black darter, "Etheostoma duryi" Henshall, 1889.
** Brown darter, "Etheostoma edwini" (Hubbs & Cannon, 1935).
** Cherry darter, "Etheostoma etnieri" Bouchard, 1977.
** Etowah darter, "Etheostoma etowahae" Wood & Mayden, 1993.
** Arkansas saddled darter, "Etheostoma euzonum" (Hubbs & Black, 1940).
** Iowa darter, "Etheostoma exile" (Girard, 1859).
** Fantail darter, "Etheostoma flabellare" Rafinesque, 1819.
** Saffron darter, "Etheostoma flavum" Etnier & Bailey, 1989.
** Fountain darter, "Etheostoma fonticola" (Jordan & Gilbert, 1886).
** Barrens darter, "Etheostoma forbesi" Page & Ceas, 1992.
** Strawberry darter, "Etheostoma fragi" Distler, 1968.
** Savannah darter, "Etheostoma fricksium" Hildebrand, 1923.
** Swamp darter, "Etheostoma fusiforme" (Girard, 1854).
** Slough darter, "Etheostoma gracile" (Girard, 1859).
** Rio Grande darter, "Etheostoma grahami" (Girard, 1859).
** Tuckasegee darter, "Etheostoma gutselli" (Hildebrand, 1932).
** Harlequin darter, "Etheostoma histrio" Jordan & Gilbert, 1887.
** Christmas darter, "Etheostoma hopkinsi" (Fowler, 1945).
** Turquoise darter, "Etheostoma inscriptum" (Jordan & Brayton, 1878).
** Blueside darter, "Etheostoma jessiae" (Jordan & Brayton, 1878).
** Greenbreast darter, "Etheostoma jordani" Gilbert, 1891.
** Yoke darter, "Etheostoma juliae" Meek, 1891.
** Kanawha darter, "Etheostoma kanawhae" (Raney, 1941).
** Highland Rim darter, "Etheostoma kantuckeense" Ceas & Page, 1997.
** Stripetail darter, "Etheostoma kennicotti" (Putnam, 1863).
** Tombigbee darter, "Etheostoma lachneri" Suttkus & Bailey, 1994.
** Headwater darter, "Etheostoma lawrencei" Ceas & Burr, 2002.
** Greenthroat darter, "Etheostoma lepidum" (Baird & Girard, 1853).
** Longfin darter, "Etheostoma longimanum" Jordan, 1888.
** Tufa darter, "Etheostoma lugoi" Norris & Minckley, 1997.
** Redband darter, "Etheostoma luteovinctum" Gilbert & Swain, 1887.
** Brighteye darter, "Etheostoma lynceum" Hay, 1885.
** Spotted darter, "Etheostoma maculatum" Kirtland, 1841.
** Pinewoods darter, "Etheostoma mariae" (Fowler, 1947).
** Smallscale darter, "Etheostoma microlepidum" Raney & Zorach, 1967.
** Least darter, "Etheostoma microperca" Jordan & Gilbert, 1888.
** Yellowcheek darter, "Etheostoma moorei" Raney & Suttkus, 1964.
** Lollipop darter, "Etheostoma neopterum" Howell & Dingerkus, 1978.
** Niangua darter, "Etheostoma nianguae" Gilbert & Meek, 1887.
** Blackfin darter, "Etheostoma nigripinne" Braasch & Mayden, 1985.
** Johnny darter, "Etheostoma nigrum" Rafinesque, 1820.
** Watercress darter, "Etheostoma nuchale" Howell & Caldwell, 1965.
** Barcheek darter, "Etheostoma obeyense" Kirsch, 1892.
** Okaloosa darter, "Etheostoma okaloosae" (Fowler, 1941).
** Sooty darter, "Etheostoma olivaceum" Braasch & Page, 1979.
** Tessellated darter, "Etheostoma olmstedi" Storer, 1842.
** Guardian darter, "Etheostoma oophylax" Ceas & Page, 1992.
** Candy darter, "Etheostoma osburni" (Hubbs & Trautman, 1932).
** Paleback darter, "Etheostoma pallididorsum" Distler & Metcalf, 1962.
** Goldstripe darter, "Etheostoma parvipinne" Gilbert & Swain, 1887.
** Duskytail darter, "Etheostoma percnurum" Jenkins, 1994.
** Waccamaw darter, "Etheostoma perlongum" (Hubbs & Raney, 1946).
** Rush darter, "Etheostoma phytophilum" Bart & Taylor, 1999.
** Riverweed darter, "Etheostoma podostemone" Jordan & Jenkins, 1889.
** Chihuahua darter, "Etheostoma pottsii" (Girard, 1859).
** Cypress darter, "Etheostoma proeliare" (Hay, 1881).
** Egg-mimic darter, "Etheostoma pseudovulatum" Page & Ceas, 1992.
** Stippled darter, "Etheostoma punctulatum" (Agassiz, 1854).
** Firebelly darter, "Etheostoma pyrrhogaster" Bailey & Etnier, 1988.
** Orangebelly darter, "Etheostoma radiosum" (Hubbs & Black, 1941).
** Kentucky darter, "Etheostoma rafinesquei" Burr & Page, 1982.
** Alabama darter, "Etheostoma ramseyi" Suttkus & Bailey, 1994.
** Yazoo darter, "Etheostoma raneyi" Suttkus & Bart, 1994.
** Bayou darter, "Etheostoma rubrum" Raney & Suttkus, 1966.
** Redline darter, "Etheostoma rufilineatum" (Cope, 1870).
** Rock darter, "Etheostoma rupestre" Gilbert & Swain, 1887.
** Arrow darter, "Etheostoma sagitta" (Jordan & Swain, 1883).
** Saluda darter, "Etheostoma saludae" (Hubbs & Cannon, 1935).
** Bloodfin darter, "Etheostoma sanguifluum" (Cope, 1870).
** Cherokee darter, "Etheostoma scotti" Bauer, Etnier & Burkhead, 1995.
** Río Salado darter, "Etheostoma segrex" Norris & Minckley, 1997.
** Maryland darter, "Etheostoma sellare" (Radcliffe & Welsh, 1913).
** "Etheostoma sequatchiense" Burr, 1979.
** Sawcheek darter, "Etheostoma serrifer" (Hubbs & Cannon, 1935).
** Snubnose darter, "Etheostoma simoterum" (Cope, 1868).
** Slabrock darter, "Etheostoma smithi" Page & Braasch, 1976.
** Orangethroat darter, "Etheostoma spectabile" (Agassiz, 1854).
** Spottail darter, "Etheostoma squamiceps" Jordan, 1877.
** Speckled darter, "Etheostoma stigmaeum" (Jordan, 1877).
** Striated darter, "Etheostoma striatulum" Page & Braasch, 1977.
** Cumberland darter, "Etheostoma susanae" (Jordan & Swain, 1883).
** Gulf darter, "Etheostoma swaini" (Jordan, 1884).
** Swannanoa darter, "Etheostoma swannanoa" Jordan & Evermann, 1889.
** Tallapoosa darter, "Etheostoma tallapoosae" Suttkus & Etnier, 1991.
** Shawnee darter, "Etheostoma tecumsehi" Ceas & Page, 1997.
** Missouri saddled darter, "Etheostoma tetrazonum" (Hubbs & Black, 1940).
** Seagreen darter, "Etheostoma thalassinum" (Jordan & Brayton, 1878).
** Tippecanoe darter, "Etheostoma tippecanoe" Jordan & Evermann, 1890.
** Trispot darter, "Etheostoma trisella" Bailey & Richards, 1963.
** Tuscumbia darter, "Etheostoma tuscumbia" Gilbert & Swain, 1887.
** Current darter, "Etheostoma uniporum" Distler, 1968.
** Variegate darter, "Etheostoma variatum" Kirtland, 1838.
** Striped darter, "Etheostoma virgatum" (Jordan, 1880).
** Glassy darter, "Etheostoma vitreum" (Cope, 1870).
** Wounded darter, "Etheostoma vulneratum" (Cope, 1870).
** Boulder darter, "Etheostoma wapiti" Etnier & Williams, 1989.
** Redfin darter, "Etheostoma whipplei" (Girard, 1859).
** Banded darter, "Etheostoma zonale" (Cope, 1868).
** Backwater darter, "Etheostoma zonifer" (Hubbs & Cannon, 1935).
** Bandfin darter, "Etheostoma zonistium" Bailey & Etnier, 1988.
* Genus "Gymnocephalus" (European ruffes)
** Donets ruffe, "Gymnocephalus acerinus" (Güldenstädt, 1774).
** Danube ruffe, "Gymnocephalus baloni" Holcík & Hensel, 1974.
** Ruffe, "Gymnocephalus cernuus" (Linnaeus, 1758).
** Schraetzer, "Gymnocephalus schraetser" (Linnaeus, 1758).
* Genus "Perca" (yellow perches)
** Yellow perch, "Perca flavescens" (Mitchill, 1814).
** European perch, "Perca fluviatilis" Linnaeus, 1758.
** Balkhash perch, "Perca schrenkii" Kessler, 1874.
* Genus "Percarina"
** Percarina, "Percarina demidoffii" Nordmann, 1840.
* Genus "Percina" (roughbelly darters and logperches, c.45 species)
* Genus "Romanichthys"
** Asprete, "Romanichthys valsanicola" Dumitrescu, Banarescu & Stoica, 1957.
* Genus "Sander" (pike-perches)
** Sauger, "Sander canadensis" (Griffith & Smith, 1834).
** Zander, "Sander lucioperca" (Linnaeus, 1758).
** Estuarine perch, "Sander marinus" (Cuvier, 1828).
** Walleye, "Sander vitreus" (Mitchill, 1818).
** Volga pikeperch, "Sander volgensis" (Gmelin, 1789).
* Genus "Zingel"
** Rhone streber, "Zingel asper" (Linnaeus, 1758).
** "Zingel balcanicus" (Karaman, 1937).
** Danube streber, "Zingel streber" (Siebold, 1863).
** Zingel, "Zingel zingel" (Linnaeus, 1766).


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