- Kyma (sound design language)
Kyma is a visual programming language for sound design used by musicians, researchers, and sound designers. In Kyma, a user programs a multiprocessor DSP by graphically connecting modules on the screen of a
Macintosh or Windows computer.Background
Kyma has characteristics of both object-oriented and functional programming languages. The basic unit in Kyma is the "Sound" object, not the "note" of traditional music notation. A Sound is defined as:
i) a Sound atom ii) a unary transform T(s) where s is a Sound iii) an n-ary transform T(s1, s2,.., sn), where s1,s2,..sn are Sounds [cite conference
last = Scaletti | first = C.A. | coauthors =Ralph Johnson | title = An Interactive Environment for Object-oriented Music Composition and Sound Synthesis | booktitle =OOPSLA '88 Proceedings | pages = 222-233 | publisher =Association for Computing Machinery | date = September 25-30, 1988 | location = San Diego | id = ACM 0-89791-284-5/88/0009/0222]A Sound atom is a source of audio (like a microphone input or a noise generator), a unary transform modifies its argument (for example, a LowpassFilter might take a running average of its input), and an n-ary transform combines two or more Sounds (a Mixer, for example, is defined as the sum of its inputs).
The first version of Kyma, which computed digital audio samples on a
Macintosh 512K was written in theSmalltalk programming language in 1986 byCarla Scaletti inChampaign, Illinois . In May 1987, Scaletti had partitioned Kyma into graphics and sound generation engines and ported the sound generation code to a digital signal processor called the Platypus designed byLippold Haken andKurt J. Hebel of the CERL Sound Group. [cite book | last = Chadabe | first = Joel | title = Electric Sound: The Past and Promise of Electronic Music | publisher =Prentice Hall | date = 1997 | | pages = 265-267 | id = ISBN 0-13-303231-0 ]In 1987, Scaletti presented a paper on Kyma and demonstrated live digital sound generation on the Platypus at the International Computer Music Conference where it was identified by electronic synthesis pioneer Bob Moog as a technology to watch in his conference report for
Keyboard Magazine :"One new language that acknowledges no distinction between sound synthesis and composition is Kyma, a music composition language for the Macintosh that views all elements in a piece of music, from the structure of a single sound to the structure of the entire composition, as objects to be composed." [cite news | last = Moog | first = Robert | title = International Computer Music Conference: Platypus, Granules, Kyma, Daton, & the DSP56001 in Your Future | publisher =
Keyboard Magazine | date = 1987 | ]When the
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign eliminated the funding for the PLATO laboratory in 1989, Scaletti and Hebel formedSymbolic Sound Corporation in order to continue developing Kyma and digital audio signal processing hardware.elected filmography
*War of the Worlds (2005 Film)
*Revenge of the Sith
*Finding Nemo
*Attack of the Clones
* "For additional films where Kyma has been used for sound design, please see the Eighth Nerve in external links below"elected discography
On An Island
*Today (Junkie XL album)
*The Thunderthief
*Emotional Technology
*Movement in Still Life
* [http://www.cdemusic.org/store/cde_search.cfm?keywords=tw20 Recombinant Art 01]
* [http://cdemusic.org/store/cde_search.cfm?keywords=USO%20PLACIDI%20%20MILANI&CFID=1392002&CFTOKEN=39366286 Unidentified Sound Object] "For additional albums and artists using Kyma, please see the Eighth Nerve in external links below"External links
* [http://www.symbolicsound.com Symbolic Sound Corporation]
* [http://www.symbolicsound.com/cgi-bin/bin/view/Community/WebHome The Eighth Nerve]
* [http://www.carlascaletti.com/Main/HomePage Carla Scaletti]References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.