Košice public transit

Košice public transit

The Košice public transit system operates in Košice, Slovakia. Services are managed by the "Dopravný podnik mesta Košice" (DPMK), or Košice Transit Company.


The Košice public transit system includes trams, buses, and trolleybuses. There are 16 tram lines, 39 bus routes, and two trolleybus routes. The system extends from the city center to industrial areas and outlying villages near the city.

DPMK must comply with stipulations regarding arrival times at stops and connections or face financial penalties.Fact|date=February 2007

Travellers must have a valid travel ticket. As of 2006, tickets cost 6 SKK for students and children less than 15 years, and 12SKK for people 15 years and older. Passengers older than 70 years, handicapped people, and members of parliament travel free. Tickets are single-use and are time-limited to a particular day, week or month, though students have concessions to this requirement. Travel cards, which are not time-limited, are available to employees.Fact|date=February 2007



All trams used in the Košice public transit system were made by ČKD between 1982-1992. There are 4 types of trams:

* T3SUCS trams manufactured between 1982-1989; 90 are in use by DPMK.

* T6A5 trams manufactured 1991-1992; 30 are in use.

* KT8D5 trams manufactured 1986-1991; 19 are in use.

* "KT8D5R.N2" modernized KT8D5 trams, which have a low-floor middle carriage. They were modernized in 2003-2006. Five are in use.


The DPMK employs 15 models of buses of 4 makes:

* Karosa-brand buses, manufactured 1994-2005 by Iveco in Vysoké Mýto, Czech Republic. These buses are diesel or CNG powered. The C734, C744, B731, B732, B741, B932 and B941 models are in use.

* Solaris buses, manufactured 1999-2006 by Solaris Bus & Coach SA. The Urbino 12, Urbino 15, Urbino 15 CNG and Urbino 18 models are in use.

* Ikarus buses, manufactured 1989-1997 by Ikarus Bus. The Ikarus 280, Ikarus 415 and Ikarus 435 models are in use.

* Novoplan model C12 buses, manufactured 2002.

* TEDOM model C12 G buses, manufactured from 2007


The transit system's trolleybuses are four models—the "Škoda 15Tr", "Škoda 15TrM" "Škoda 14Tr" "Škoda 14 TrM"— manufactured by Škoda (1989-1993) and modernized (1998-2006) by Škoda Works Ostrov;


Košice transit company was founded in 1891 by Stefan Popper, who built the first track for a horsedrawn tramway.Fact|date=February 2007 The company had the Magyar name "Kassai villamos vasut", in Slovak "Košicke pouličné drahy", or in English "Košice street roads". In 1914, all tracks were electrified, and the transit company was renamed to "Kassai villamos kosuti vasut" (Slovak '"Košicke elektrické pouličné drahy" and English "Košice electric roads").

This system was destroyed in World War I and again in World War II. In 1945, at the end of hostilities, the system was again rebuilt and the current company name "Dopravné podniky mesta Košice" was adopted.

See also

* Košice
* Transport in Slovakia

External links

* [http://www.dpmk.sk/ Website of DPMK] sk icon

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