- Casualties of the 2006 Lebanon War
There have been many casualties in the
2006 Lebanon War , leading to condemnation of both sides, however the exact distribution of casualties has been disputed. The Lebanese Higher Relief Council (HRC),Associated Press via Jerusalem Post (January 11, 2007). [http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1167467714626&pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FPrinter "Human Rights Watch raps Israel, Hizbullah, Egypt"] . Retrieved August 4, 2007.]UNICEF , and various press agencies and news organizations have stated that most of those killed were Lebanese civilians, [Washington Post (September 15, 2006). [http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/09/14/AR2006091401542.html?nav=rss_print/asection "Rights Group Accuses Hezbollah of 'Indiscriminate' Killing"] Retrieved Augsut 4, 2007.] [International Herald Tribune (August 7, 2006). [http://www.iht.com/articles/2006/08/07/africa/web.0807lebanon.php "Lebanese PM admits death toll was incorrect"] . Retrieved August 4, 2007.] [BBC News (January 17, 2007). [http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/6271545.stm "Israeli PM faces calls to resign"] . Retrieved August 4, 2007.] [BBC News (July 18, 2007). [http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/country_profiles/819200.stm "Timeline: Lebanon"] . Retrieved August 4, 2007.] [Reuters (July 9, 2007). [http://www.alertnet.org/thenews/newsdesk/L08225712.htm "Factbox - Costs of war and recovery in Lebanon and Israel"] . Retrieved August 4, 2007.] however the Lebanese government does not differentiate between civilians and combatants in death toll figures. TheIsrael i government identified 43 Israeli civilians killed byHezbollah rocket attacks, including four who died of heart attacks during rocket attacks. TheIsrael Defense Force (IDF) death toll ranges from 118 to 121, depending on the source and whether or not casualties that occurred after the ceasefire are included. The figures for the Hezbollah fighters killed are the most varying, with Hezbollah claiming 250 of its fighters killed, while Israel claimed to have identified 532 dead Hezbollah fighters. Sources can be conflicting.contradictOverall
Casualties of involved parties
Foreign civilian casualties in Israel
*flagcountry|Argentina – 1 deades icon cite news|title=Naharía, la ciudad del norte israelí donde una argentina murió bajo fuego de Hezbollah|date=
2006-07-13 |publisher=Clarín|url=http://www.clarin.com/diario/2006/07/13/um/m-01232996.htm]
*flagcountry|United States – 1 dead [cite news|title=Israeli civilian casualty was originally from Boston
date=2006-08-02 |publisher=AP, Boston, USA|url=http://www.boston.com/news/local/massachusetts/articles/2006/08/02/israeli_civilian_casualty_was_originally_from_boston/]
*Total: 2 deadForeign civilian casualties in Lebanon
*flagcountry|Brazil – 6 deadpt icon cite news|title=Itamaraty confirma morte de brasileiros no Líbano|date=
2006-07-13 | publisher=Globo |url=http://oglobo.globo.com/online/mundo/mat/2006/07/13/284847957.asp] cite news|title=Two more Brazilians killed in Israeli strikes in Lebanon |date=2006-07-19 |publisher=People's Daily |url=http://english.people.com.cn/200607/19/eng20060719_284529.html]
*flagcountry|Canada – 8 dead; 6 wounded [cite news|title=Eight Canadians killed in Lebanon: Ottawa|date=2006-07-16 |publisher=Reuters|url=http://today.reuters.com/news/NewsArticle.aspx?type=worldNews&storyID=2006-07-16T190610Z_01_N16250641_RTRUKOC_0_US-MIDEAST-LEBANON-CANADA.xml]
*flagcountry|Germany – 4 deadde icon cite news|title=Deutsch-libanesische Familie umgekommen|date=2006-07-14 | publisher=Süddeutsche Zeitung|url=http://www.sueddeutsche.de/ausland/artikel/706/80626/] de icon cite news|title=Urlauber getötet|date=2006-07-15 | publisher=n-tv.de|url=http://www.n-tv.de/689175.html]
*flagcountry|India – 1 deadcite news|title=First Indian casualty in Lebanon |date=2006-07-21 |publisher=The Tribune, Chandigarh, India|url=http://www.tribuneindia.com/2006/20060722/main5.htm]
*flagcountry|Indonesia – 1 dead [id icon cite news|title=Seorang WNI Tewas Kena Rudal |date=2006-07-26 |publisher=Suara Merdeka|url=http://www.suaramerdeka.com/harian/0607/26/nas01.htm]
*flagcountry|Iraq – 1 dead
*flagcountry|Jordan – 1 dead
*flagcountry|Kuwait – 2 deadcite news|title=Israel targets Lebanese air bases, Kuwaiti nationals among dead and UN prepares envoy to Region|date=2006-07-13 | publisher=The Daily Star |url=http://www.dailystar.com.lb/article.asp?edition_id=1&categ_id=2&article_id=73939]
*flagcountry|Nigeria – 1 deadcite news|title=Israel decides not to expand Lebanon offensive (Roundup) |date=2006-07-27 |publisher=Monsters & Critics |url=http://news.monstersandcritics.com/middleeast/article_1184504.php/Israel_decides_not_to_expand_Lebanon_offensive__Roundup_]
*flagcountry|Palestinian Authority – 3 dead; 13 wounded [cite news|title=One dead in attack on Lebanon refugee camp |date=2006-08-09 |publisher=Ireland Online |url=http://breakingnews.iol.ie/news/story.asp?j=191571688&p=y9y57z394] cite news|title=NO LET UP IN ISRAELI OFFENSIVE|date=2006-07-25 |publisher=Special Broadcasting Service |url=http://www9.sbs.com.au/theworldnews/region.php?id=130425®ion=6]
*flagcountry|Philippines – 2 dead; 6 wounded [ cite news|title=Two Filipinos die in Lebanon|date=2006-08-04 |publisher=Inq7.net|url=http://newsinfo.inq7.net/inquirerheadlines/nation/view_article.php?article_id=13378]
*flagcountry|Sri Lanka – 1 dead
*flagcountry|Syria – 17 dead [cite news|title=Israel kills 33 farm workers in Lebanon air strike|date=2006-08-04 |publisher=Reuters |url=http://www.alertnet.org/thenews/newsdesk/L04814952.htm]
*flagcountry|Ukraine – 1 dead [cite news | title= Ukraine man in Lebanon feared killed in bombings | date=2006-07-19 | publisher=Kanal 5 (Ukraine) |url=http://5tv.com.ua/newsline/188/0/28422/]
*Total: 51 dead; 25 woundedLebanese
*According to various media, between 1,000 and 1,200 people are reported dead. Additionally, there have been between 480 and 1100 people wounded, and over 1,000,000 have been temporarily made refugees, with an unknown number of missing civilians in the south. cite news | title= Lebanon 'torn to shreds' | date=
2006-07-20 | publisher=Al Jazeera |url= http://english.aljazeera.net/NR/exeres/3D2487E0-32C8-4C57-8291-BBE2977EBF29.htm] cite news | title= Lebanon shudders under deadly strikes as toll soars | date=2006-07-18 | publisher= AFP|url=http://www.afp.com/english/news/stories/060718095717.n0k96lc0.html] [ [http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/5193662.stm Dozens die in fresh Lebanon raids] ,BBC News Wednesday,19 July 2006 ] cite news | title= Crude Oil Rises From One-Week Low as Lebanon Conflict Continues | date=2006-07-19 | publisher=Bloomberg|url= http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601085&sid=adw2qxp2yrrM&refer=europe] [cite news|title=Annan urges Lebanon action 'now' |publisher=BBC |date= 2006-07-30 |url=http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/5229058.stm]*On
28 July Lebanese Health Minister Mohammad Khalifeh announced that hospitals in Lebanon had received 401 dead Lebanese people since12 July . He also reportedly said: "On top of those victims, there are 150 to 200 bodies still under the rubble. We have not been able to pull them out because the areas they died in are still under fire". [cite news | title=WRAPUP 14-Lebanon says up to 600 killed in Israel's assault | url=http://today.reuters.com/business/newsarticle.aspx?type=tnBusinessNews&storyID=nL26525463&imageid=2006-07-27T173605Z_01_CAB14_RTRIDSP_2_MIDEAST.jpg&cReuters | date =2006-07-27 ]*Hezbollah acknowledges 49 killed. [cite news | title=Israel 'to control Lebanon strip' | url=http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/5214046.stm | publisher=
BBC | date =2006-07-25 ] cite news|title=Israeli Forces Gather at Border|url=http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/07/21/AR2006072100968.html|date=2006-07-22 |publisher=Washington Post ] IDF Chief of Staff Lt. GeneralDan Halutz has claimed that close to 100 Hezbollah fighters have been killed at22 July , in land fighting in South Lebanon. [ [http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/741318.html IAF strikes religious building in southern Lebanon, 4 wounded] ] IDF claimed the killing of more than 300 Hezbollah fighters (which Hezbollah denied) as ofAugust 1 . [ [http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/story/0,20867,19992536-1702,00.html "300 Hezbollah fighters killed: Israel"] ,The Australian ",August 2 ,2006 ]
*The Kuwait Times reported that Hezbollah has buried over 700 fighters with more to follow, August 30.
*The Australian reports that Israel has the names of over 430 Hezbollah fighters it killed and estimates total Hezbollah dead at over 800, August 29.(Abraham Rabinovich recently reported in the Washington Times on Sept. 27 that Israel now had 532 names.) [ [http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/story/0,20867,20286580-2703,00.html] ]*As of 8/5, The American University of Beirut Medical Center, the largest and most important hospital in Lebanon, has only enough power to continue operations for a week. A shipment of fuel from the oil tanker Aphrodite is awaiting in the Mediterranean but does not have written assurance of safe passage. [http://blogs.abcnews.com/theblotter/beirut_hospital_out_of_gas/index.html]
*According to the Lebanese government's "Council for Development and Reconstruction" the Lebanese damage incurred amounted to US $3.5 billion: US $2 billion for buildings and US $1.5 billion for infrastructure. [cite web
title=Amnesty International report
*According to Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 119 Israeli soldiers have been killed (including one pilot, killed in a collision between two helicopters, and two in another helicopter crash, also four servicemen were killed after INS "Hanit" was hit), nine more wounded.
*According to Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 43 civilians have been killed, out of which 18 were Israeli Arabscite news
title=Listing of all Israeli casualties in 2006 Lebanon war with photos
publisher=Israel, Prime Minister's Office
date=unknown] cite news
title=Listing of all Israeli casualties in 2006 Lebanon war with links to corresponding reports
date=2006-08-14] , while another 418 civilians were treated in hospitals, 19 of whom were seriously injured, and another 875 treated for shock.cite news|title=Some 1,300 Israelis hurt since fighting began|publisher=Ynetnews |date=2006-07-23 |url=http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3279994,00.html] Many civilians have left their homes in northern Israel and went south. Fact|date=February 2007*$1.6 billion cost to the Israeli economy
*The war cost Israel $5.3 billion
*Northern Israeli businesses lost $1.4 billion
*Estimated compensation to be given to the population of northern Israel is $335.4 million
*Israel plans to given $460 million to local governments and emergency services in northern Israel
*630 factories in Israel were closed
*Israel lost 1.5 percent inGDP
*300,000 Israelis were displaced
*Over 1 million Israelis lived in bomb shelters
*6,000 homes were hit by rockets
*Israel's forests are expected to recover in 50-60 years
*6,178 of grazing land in Israel was burned
*618 acres of natural or planted forests were burnedForeign nationals
Indonesia n migrant worker in Lebanon was killed on11 July due to Israel missile attack. [(Indonesian) [http://www.suaramerdeka.com/harian/0607/26/nas01.htm Seorang WNI Tewas Kena Rudal] . "Suara Merdeka (newspaper) "]
*SevenCanadian members of a Lebanese family fromMontreal , including four children, were killed and six severely injured by an Israeli attack onAitaroun inSouth Lebanon on16 July . An eighth member of the family died later from injuries sustained in the blast. [cite news|title=Eight Canadians killed in Lebanon: Ottawa|date=2006-07-16 |publisher=Reuters|url=http://www.redorbit.com/news/international/574790/eight_canadians_killed_in_lebanon_ottawa/index.html]
*A family of fourBrazilians , including two children, was killed in the Israeli bombings in Srifa, drawing condemnation from foreign relations ministerCelso Amorim . [es icon cite news|title=IBrasil consternado por ataque que mató a cuatro brasileños en el Líbano|date=2006-07-13 | publisher=La Tercera |url=http://www.latercera.cl/medio/articulo/0,0,3255_5702_221811535,00.html] Another Brazilian child was killed in an Israeli strike in Tallousa. [pt icon cite news|title=Leia íntegra do Itamaraty sobre morte de criança brasileira no Líbano|date=2006-07-18 | publisher=Folha de S. Paulo |url=http://www1.folha.uol.com.br/folha/mundo/ult94u98086.shtml]
*Four members of a German-Lebanese family, including two minors, fromMönchengladbach , Germany were killed in an Israeli airstrike inChehour in southern Lebanon while on vacation.
*TheKuwaiti Foreign Ministry has reported that twoKuwait i nationals have been killed by Israeli bombing.
*OneSri Lanka n the source indicates they are UNIFIL civilian staff, and there is no evidence that a second Nigerian couple was killed in an Israeli bombing.
* OneIraqi was killed by Israeli bombing.
* OneJordanian was killed when Israeli missiles hit trucks near Zahleh in the mountains above the eastern Bekaa Valley.
* ABrazil ian businessman was killed in an IAF missile attack on a factory he owned in Lebanon.
* APalestinian was killed in an Israeli bombing that hit a Palestinian refugee camp at Rashidiyeh.
* An Argentine woman who recently immigrated to Israel died13 July in a Hezbollah rocket attack onNahariya , Israel.
* ANigerian domestic worker was killed during an airstrike as he rode his motorbike south of Tyre on27 July in an Israeli air raid.
* AnIndia n glass factory worker in Lebanon, Devendra Kumar Swain was killed on21 July by an Israeli bombing.United Nations
UN personnel were subjected to dozens of attacks and near misses from both sides during the present conflict, most prominently the
25 July Israeli bombing of aUNTSO position,cite news|title=Israel troops 'ignored' UN plea|date=2006-07-26|publisher=BBC News|url=http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/5217176.stm] which killed fourUNTSO unarmed observers (Austria n, Canadian, Chinese and Finnish).cite web|date=2006-07-26|url=http://www.un.org/Depts/dpko/missions/unifil/pr010.pdf|title=Press Release (pdf)|publisher=UNIFIL |format=PDF] Diplomats familiar with the probe say that the strike was carried out with a precision-guided missile.
Secretary-GeneralKofi Annan said in a statement from Rome that he was " ... shocked and deeply distressed by the apparently deliberate targeting by Israeli Defence Forces." [cite news|title=Israeli bomb kills UN observers|date=2006-07-25 |publisher=BBC News |url=http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/5215366.stm] On26 July 2006 , Israeli Prime MinisterEhud Olmert phoned Kofi Annan and expressed his deep regret over the death of the four UN observers. He promised that Israel would thoroughly investigate the incident and would share the findings with Annan, but says he was taken aback by secretary general’s statement saying that the Israeli attack on the UN post was "apparently deliberate". [cite web|date=2006-07-27|url=http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3281510,00.html|title=PM apologizes for UN observers' death, criticizes Annan|publisher=ynetnews.com] After the attack, Dan Gillerman, Israel's UN representative, said Israel would not allow the UN itself to participate in an investigation of the airstrike that killed the four UN observers. [cite news|url=http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/743541.html|publisher=Haaretz|date=July 29 2006 |title=Israel rejects UN call for 72-hour halt in fighting; France 'regrets' decision]Just before the end of bombing, on 14 August, the IDF targeted what it said was a Palestinian faction in the Ein el-Hilweh refugee camp in Saida. Two missiles were fired into a civilian residential area and killed UNRWA/UN staff member
Abdel Saghir [http://www.thenews.com.pk/update_detail.asp?id=7780] . Few days before two civilians were killed.ee also
Arab-Israeli conflict
*United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon - UNIFIL (1978-current)
*Arab-Israeli conflict facts, figures, and statistics
*2006 Qana airstrike
*Attacks on United Nations personnel during the 2006 Israel-Lebanon conflict
*Targeting of civilian areas in the 2006 Israel-Lebanon conflict References
External links
* [http://www.boston.com/news/world/middleeast/articles/2006/12/28/lebanon_sees_more_than_1000_war_deaths/ Over 1200 Lebanese killed, 120 israeli soldiers]
* [http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3289147,00.html Israel Casualties] , Ynetnews
* [http://www.lebanon-israel.info www.lebanon-israel.info An ongoing discussion on the Lebanon-Israel conflict]More background
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.