Chief Engineer

Chief Engineer

A Chief Engineer is a licensed mariner in charge of the engineering department on a merchant vessel. "Chief Engineer" is the official title of someone qualified to oversee the entire engine department; the qualification is colloquially called a "Chief's Ticket".

Commercially, a Chief Engineer is the individual with overall responsibility for the engineering projects undertaken for or by a company.


Land-based Chief Engineers are responsible for all facets of asset performance in commercial, industrial, institutional and governmental buildings. Chief Engineers must have a strong understanding of both construction and maintenance practices. Blueprint and schematic reading, understanding of building codes, federal, state and municipal laws and regulations; as well as strong computer skills are most commonly a prerequisite for employment within the title. Licensing by federal, state and local governments is most often required.

At sea, the Chief Engineer (commonly referred to as "The Chief" or just "Chief") is responsible for all operations and maintenance that has to do with any and all engineering equipment throughout the entire ship.

The Chief Engineer also determines the fuel, lube oil, and other consumables required for a voyage, required inventory for spare parts, oversees fuel, lube, and slop oil transfers, prepares the engine room for inspection by local marine/safety authorities (i.e. U.S. Coast Guard), oversees all major maintenance, is required to be in the engine room during maneuvering operations, and is in charge of the engine room during emergency situations. This is the short list of a Chief Engineer's duties aboard a merchant vessel.

The Chief's primary assistant, the First Assistant Engineer/Second Engineer, supervises the daily operation of the engine room and engine department and reports directly to the Chief.

Chief Enginner's Licenses are divided into different types for the various types of engine- and power-plant found on ships. These are commonly divided as Steam (Reciprocating) (now almost obsolete), Steam (Turbine), Diesel, Diesel-Electric, Gas Turbine etc.. These catergories are often further divided into various horsepower ranges. Obtaining a Chief Engineer's License for Unlimited Horsepower is, by far, the highest achievement a licensed engineering officer can reach on a merchant vessel. Sailing as Chief Engineer is an immense undertaking of great responsibility.

ee also

*Engine room
*Engineering department

External links

*cite book
author =International Maritime Organization
authorlink = International Maritime Organization
coauthors =
editor =
others =
title = International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978
origdate =
origyear =1978
origmonth =
url =
format =
accessdate =
accessyear =
accessmonth =
edition =
series =
date =
year = 1995
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publisher =
location =
language =
isbn =
oclc =
doi =
id =
pages = Section A-III/1
chapter = III: Standards Regarding the Engine Department
chapterurl =
quote =

*cite web |url= |title=Ship-Engineer (Machinist) |accessdate=2007-05-26 |author=International Labour Organization |authorlink=International Labour Organization |coauthors= |date=2000-12-05 |format= |work= International Hazard Datasheets on Occupation|publisher= |pages= |language= |archiveurl= |archivedate= |quote=

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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