J. S. Cardone

J. S. Cardone

J. S. Cardone is a film director, producer and writer.

elected filmography


* "Prom Night" (2008)
* "The Covenant" (2006)
* "The Marksman" (2005)
* "Sniper 3" (2004)
* "Mummy an' The Armadillo" (2004
* "Alien Hunter" (2003)
* "True Blue" (2001)
* "The Forsaken" (2001)
* "Outside Ozona" (1998)
* "Exit in Red" (1996)
* "Black day Blue Night" (1995)
* "Shadowhunter" (1991
* "A Climate for Killing" (1990)
* "Crash and Burn" (1990)
* "Shadowzone" (1990)
* "Thunder Alley" (1985)
* "The Slayer" (1982)


* "Prom Night" (2008)
* "Wicked Little Things" (2007)
* "The Covenant" (2006)
* "8mm 2" (2005)
* "The Marksman" (2005)
* "" (2005)
* "Sniper 3" (2004)
* "Alien Hunter" (2003)
* "Sniper 2" (2002)
* "Exit in Red (1996)
* "The Slayer (1982)


* "Wicked Little Things" (2007)
* "8mm 2" (2005)
* "Mummy an' the Armadillo" (2004)
* "True Blue" (2001)
* "The Forsaken" (2001)
* "Outside Ozona" (1998)
* "Black Day Blue Night" (1995)
* "Shadowhunter" (1993)
* "A Climate for Killing" (1991)
* "Shadowzone" (1990)
* "Thunder Alley" (1985)
* "The Slayer" (1982)

External links

* [http://www.yourvideostoreshelf.com/index.php/20070414/js-cardone-interview/ 2007 Audio Interview on the Your Video Store Shelf Podcast]

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