Fabio Cardone

Fabio Cardone

Fabio Cardone (born October 14, 1960) is an Italian physicist of the Italian National Research Council (CNR).

Scientific career

From 1983 through 1984 Cardone has been working on diofantine algebra (numerical equation) and combinatorial analysis applied to the quark model of hadrons. [Lettere al Nuovo Cimento, 40, 16, 497 (1984)]

From 1984 through 1985 he has been member of the Gran Sasso Group of the Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN) for the Gran Sasso Laboratory working on proton decay experiments by a cherenkov detector and then by a liquid Argon detector within the first ICARUS project at Madison University. From 1985 through 1986 he has been member of the LVD international collaboration and studied the neutron background in the Gran Sasso Laboratory. [Nuovo Cimento C, 9C, 2, 237 (1986)]

From 1987 through 1989 he has been studying superconducting detector for measuring the neutrino mass and in general he studied the properties of the low temperature detectors. This activity has been examined with interest by the Nuclear Physics Committee of the European Physical Society (EPS) which invited him to held a lecture at the Europhysics Conference on Nuclear Physics, Bratislava 1990. Moreover he studied a measurement of the neutrino mass by inner bremsstrhalung radiation of K-capture using intense Fe55 source (more than 3 Curie). [Journal of Physics G, 18, L141 (1992)]

In 1989, within the renewed interest in piezonuclear phenomena, he characterized a possible method for evaluating the energy of neutron produced by these reactions using the crossed measurement of two detectors, BF3 and He3, having different efficiency functions.

From 1989 through 1990 within the new program for the ICARUS detector at CERN he resumed the study of the proton decay in liquid Argon developing a computer simulation of such event in an ICARUS-like detector.

He studied the possible experimental proof of the existence of a stochastic radiation in the vacuum using the inverse Compton radiation of the electrons in the LEP and proposed to repeat the measurements of the LEP5 detector. [Nuovo Cimento A, 104A, 5, 757 (1991) ]

Then he studied the Bose-Einstein correlation using UA1 data under the professor G. Salvini supervision, the deviation from a linear energy dependence of the K° lifetime and the introduction in Special Relativity of an energy dependent Minkowski metric obtained by the deformation of the Minkowski space. [Journal of Physics G, 18, L61 (1992)] [Journal of Physics G, 18, L141 (1992)]

From 1991 he started to investigate the 'metric description of interaction' or rather the representation of an interaction by energy dependent metric and applied this method to weak (leptonic), strong (adronic ), electromagnetic and gravitational interactions.Energy and Geometry, F. Cardone, R. Mignani World Scientific , Singapore 2004] Deformed Spacetime, F. Cardone, R. Mignani Springer , Heidelberg 2007]

On this topic he hold two series of seminars at Mathematical Department of La Sapienza University in Rome in 1992 and 1993, a talk at the Scientific Meeting of the GNFM in Rome on October 1993 and a lecture at the 81st National Congress of the SIF, Italian Physical Society, in Perugia on October 1995.

The highest result obtained in this framework has been the description of hadronic interaction by such an energy dependent metric which set new highlights on the hadronic components confinement and asintotic freedom through the proper time measurement of hadronic interaction (in analogy with gravitation). [ European Physics Journal (Zeischrift fur Physik-Journal de Physique) C, 4 , 705 (1998)] Then he got the possibility to write the Helmoltz equation for waves in Minkowski deformed space whose deformation results described by a Cauchy-like space-time deformation tensor.

In 1997 he succeeded in representing also the gravity by energy dependent metric using the analysis of Prof. Carroll O. Alley experiment on atomic clocks in gravitational field at different positions. [General Relativity and Gravitation, 30, 11, 1619 (1998)] [International Journal of Modern Physics A, 14, 24, 3799 (1999)] [Annales de la Fondation L. de Broglie, (special iussue) Contemporary Electrodynamics (Ed. by) V. Dvoeglazov and G. Lochak , 27, 423 (2002)]

The next step investigated is to represent these metrics in a penta-dimensional formalism (Kaluza-Klein like) where the fifth coordinate is the energy, in order to get the action principles and the Einstein equation with the geodesic equations for the four interactions, already described in a phenomenological way. [Foundation of Physics Letters, 12, 281 (1999)] [General Relativity and Gravitation, 31, 7, 1049 (1999)] [ Foundation of Physics Letters, 12, 347 (1999)]

The most important goal achieved is that the minkowskian energy limits for the four known interactions are in exact ratio.

From 1998 through 2000 he tested the local Lorentz invariance as a foundation of the previous representation of interactions and performed a new type of electromagnetic experiment which showed the lower limits of the Lorentz invariance verifying the minkowskian energy already got by previous experimental analysis. [Physics Essays, 13, 4, 645 (2000)] [Foundation of Physics Letters, 14, 1, 51 (2001)] [ Recent Research Developments in Physics 6, II, 619 (2005)] [Foundations of Physics Volume 36, Number 2 / February, 2006]

In 2000 he wrote a book, in collaboration with R. Mignani, on the history of physics, illustrating unknown facts about the discovery of slow neutron and nuclear fission. [Enrico Fermi e i secchi della Sora Cesarina, F. Cardone, R. Mignani, Edizioni Di Renzo, Roma 2000]

Moreover he explored the problems of the superluminality and of the stochastic electrodynamics.

During 2001-06 he, in collaboration with Roberto Mignani, summarized the previous results in two books entitled "Energy and Geometry" (World Scientific Editions, New York Singapore, 2004) and Deformed Spacetime (Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, 2007.

During the scientific activity he hold many invited lectures, the most relevant ones: to the II Workshop on Hadronic Mechanics, Como, August 1984 (ref. r2) ; to the International Workshop on Superconducting Particle Detector, ISI Turin, October 1987 (ref. p1) ; to the European Workshop on Low Temperature Devices for the Detection of Low energy Neutrinos and Dark Matter, LAPP Annecy May 1988 .

On invitation of the Nuclear Physics Committee of the European Physical Society he hold a lecture on "Neutrino Mass from Beta Spectrum of Tritium : Perspectives", at the 14th Europhysics Conference on Nuclear Physics, Bratislava October 1990.

In 1999 Crakow (Poland) he held an invited lecture on superluminal tunnelling at First Crakow-Clausthall International Workshop on Quantum Mechanics. In 1999 and 2000 he held invited lectures on the test of the Lorentz invariance at International Conferences on the Relativity Theory in Cesena (Italy) and London (England).

In 2001 he has been invited to hold a lecture on the nuclear matter modification by ultrasounds at the International Conference Cosmion 2001, Moscow (Russia).


His scientific works produced three patents owned by CNR.
*Apparatus and process for the quenching of the radioactivity of radioactive materials by means of piezonuclear reactions induced by ultrasounds and cavitation. [http://www.dpm.cnr.it/elenco_brevetti_en.htm www.dpm.cnr.it/elenco_brevetti_en.htm] ]
*Process and plant for the production of endothermic and exothermic piezonuclear reactions by means of ultrasounds and the cavitation of substances.
*Apparatus and process for the production of neutrons by means of ultrasounds and the cavitation of substances.


External links

* [http://cardonefabio.awardspace.com/ Cardone's Homepage]
* [http://arxiv.org/find/all/1/au:+cardone_f/0/1/0/all/0/1 some of Cardone's works published at arXiv.org]
* [http://scientificethicsrebuttal.awardspace.com/ Rebuttal to the accusal made by] Ruggero Santilli

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