- Electrosynthesis
Electrosynthesis in
organic chemistry is the synthesis ofchemical compound s in aelectrochemical cell ["The application of cathodic reductions and anodic oxidations in the synthesis of complex molecules" Jeffrey B. Sperry and Dennis L. Wright Chem. Soc. Rev., 2006, 35, 605 - 621, DOI|10.1039/b512308a] ["Topics in current chemistry. Electrochemistry, Vol. 3" (Topics in Current Chemistry, Vol. 148) E. Steckhan (Ed), Springer, NY 1988.] The main advantage of electrosynthesis over an ordinaryredox reaction is avoidance of the potential wasteful other half-reaction and the ability to precisely tune the required potential. Electrosynthesis is actively studied as a science and also has many industrial applications.Experimental setup
The basic setup in electrosynthesis is a
galvanic cell , apotentiostat and twoelectrode s. The reactionsolvent usually ismethanol ,acetonitrile ordichloromethane . Anelectrolyte is added oftenlithium perchlorate or tetrabutylammonium acetate. The electrode can beplatinum ,carbon rod,magnesium , mercury (as a liquid pool in the reactor),stainless steel orreticulated vitreous carbon . In many reactions a sacrificial electrode is used which is consumed during the reaction likezinc orlead . The two basic cell types are undivided cell or divided cell type (connected through a semiporous membrame).Electrosynthesis is carried out with constant potential or constant current.
Organic oxidation s take place at the anode with initial formation ofradical cation s asreactive intermediate s. Compounds are reduced at the cathode to radical anions. The initial reaction takes place at the surface of the electrode and then the intermediates diffuse into the solution where they participate in secondary reactions.Anionic oxidations
* The most well-known electrosynthesis is the
Kolbe electrolysis
* A variation is called the non-Kolbe reaction when aheteroatom (nitrogen or oxygen) is present at the α-position. The intermediateoxonium ion is trapped by a nucleophile usually solvent.:
* In the so-called Crum Brown-Walker reaction an aliphatic
dicarboxylic acid is oxidized forming the elongated di-acid, for example the formation of the dimethylester ofdecanedioic acid from methyl hydrogenhexanedioate [Organic Syntheses , Coll. Vol. 7, p.181 (1990); Vol. 60, p.1 (1981) [http://www.orgsynth.org/orgsyn/prep.asp?prep=cv7p0181 Links] .]
*Amide s can be oxidized through a N-acyliminium ion which can be captured by anucleophile : ::This reaction type is called a Shono oxidation. An example is the α-methoxylation of "N-carbomethoxypyrrolidine" [
Organic Syntheses , Coll. Vol. 7, p.307 (1990); Vol. 63, p.206 (1985). [http://www.orgsynth.org/orgsyn/prep.asp?prep=cv7p0307 Link] ]* Oxidation of a
carbanion can lead to acoupling reaction for instance in the electrosynthesis of the tetramethyl ester of "ethanetetracarboxylic acid" from the correspondingmalonate ester [Organic Syntheses , Coll. Vol. 7, p.482 (1990); Vol. 60, p.78 (1981) [http://www.orgsynth.org/orgsyn/prep.asp?prep=cv7p0482 Link] ]Cathodic reductions
* The cathodic hydroisomerization of activated olefins is applied industrially in the synthesis of
adiponitrile from 2 equivalents ofacrylonitrile ::
* The cathodic reduction of
arene compound s to the 1,4-dihydro derivatives is similar to aBirch reduction . Examples from industry are the reduction ofphthalic acid ::
and the reduction of 2-methoxy
naphthalene ::
* The Tafel rearrangement (
Julius Tafel , 1907) at one time was relevant to the synthesis of certainhydrocarbon s from alkylatedethyl acetoacetate , a reaction accompanied by therearrangement reaction of the alkyl group [ [http://electrochem.cwru.edu/ed/encycl/art-t01-tafel.htm Electrochemistry Encyclopedia - Tafel: his life and science ] ] ["Vollständige Reduktion des Benzylacetessigesters" (p 3312-3318) Julius Tafel, Hans HahlBerichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft Volume 40, Issue 3 , Pages 3312 - 3318 1907 DOI|10.1002/cber.190704003102] ::
External links
* Electrochemistry Encyclopedia [http://electrochem.cwru.edu/ed/encycl/art-o01-org-ind.htm Link]
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