AU-rich element — An AU rich element or ARE is a region with frequent A and U bases in a mRNA that targets it for degradation [cite journal |author=C Barreau, L Paillard and H B Osborne |title=AU rich elements and associated factors: are there unifying principles? … Wikipedia
University of Otago — Māori: Te Whare Wānanga o Otāgo Motto Latin: Sapere aude Motto in English Dare to be wise … Wikipedia
Three prime untranslated region — The three prime untranslated region (3 UTR) is a particular section of messenger RNA (mRNA). It follows the coding region.An mRNA molecule codes for a protein through translation. The mRNA also contains regions that are not translated. In… … Wikipedia
SECIS element — In biology, the SECIS element (SECIS: selenocysteine insertion sequence ) is an RNA element around 60 nucleotides in length that adopts a stem loop structure. [cite journal | last = Walczak | first = R | coauthors = Westhof E, Carbon P, Krol A |… … Wikipedia
Cis-regulatory element — A cis regulatory element or cis element is a region of DNA or RNA that regulates the expression of genes located on that same molecule of DNA (often a chromosome). This term is constructed from the Latin word cis, which means on the same side as … Wikipedia
List of online databases — This is a list of online databases accessible via the internet.0 9* 10eastern A B ;A * Acronym Finder * Adult Film Database * aeiou Encyclopedia * * * All Media Guide * Allmovie * Allmusic * African American Registry … Wikipedia
Iron response element — The Iron response element or Iron responsive element (IRE) is a short conserved stem loop which is bound by iron response proteins (IRPs, also named IRE BP or IRBP). The IRE is found in UTRs (Untranslated Regions) of various mRNAs whose products… … Wikipedia
Vimentin 3' UTR protein-binding region — The vimentin 3 UTR protein binding region is an RNA element that contains a Y shaped structure which has been shown to have protein binding activity. [cite journal | last = Zehner | first = ZE | coauthors = Shepherd RK, Gabryszuk J, Fu TF, Al Ali … Wikipedia
List of biology websites — This is an annotated list of biological websites, including only notable websites dealing with biology generally and those with a more specific focus.*Animal Diversity Web created by the staff at the Museum of Zoology at the University of… … Wikipedia
C-rich stability element — The C rich stability element is a short part of a gene sequence important for the proper synthesis of globin and several other human proteins.Differences in the stabilities of individual mRNAs can dramatically affect the overall level of… … Wikipedia