Episcopal Diocese of West Tennessee

Episcopal Diocese of West Tennessee

name = Episcopal Diocese of West Tennessee

province = IV (Southeast)
bishop = Don E. Johnson
cathedral = St. Mary's Cathedral
congregations = 34
members = 11,000cite web |title=About Us |url=http://www.episwtn.org/about.html |publisher=The Episcopal Diocese of West Tennessee |accessdate=2007-12-11 ]

website = [http://www.episwtn.org/ Diocese of West Tennessee]
The Episcopal Diocese of West Tennessee is the diocese of the Episcopal Church that geographically coincides with the political region known as the Grand Division of West Tennessee. The geographic range of the Diocese of West Tennessee was originally part of the Episcopal Diocese of Tennessee, which was partitioned into three separate dioceses during 1982–1985. The Rt. Rev. Don E. Johnson is the current Bishop of West Tennessee.

The diocesan motto, "Ubique Inter Flumina", means "everywhere between the rivers", referring to the Tennessee and Mississippi rivers, which bracket West Tennessee on two sides.

Bishop's seat

St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral, the seat of the Bishop, is located in Memphis. St. Mary's was founded in 1858 and served as the see of the Diocese of Tennessee from 1871 until 1982, when it became the see of the newly formed Diocese of West Tennessee.


There are currently more than 11,000 total baptized members worshiping in 34 Episcopal congregations in West Tennessee.

* St. Elisabeth's Church [http://www.stelisabeths.org] ;Bolivar
* St. James' Church;Brighton
* Ravenscroft Chapel;Brownsville
* Christ Church;Collierville
* Church of the Holy Apostles [http://www.holyapostlestn.net]
* St. Andrew's Church [http://www.standrewscollierville.org] ;Cordova
* Church of the Annunciation [http://www.churchoftheannunciation.com] ;Covington
* St. Matthew's Church;Dyersburg
* St. Mary's Church;Germantown
* Church of the Redeemer [http://www.churchoftheredeemer.org/]
* St. George's Church [http://www.stgeorgesgermantown.org] ;Humboldt
* St. Thomas the Apostle;Jackson
* St. Luke's Church [http://stluke.episcopal.tn.org/] ;La Grange
* Immanuel Church;Mason
* St. Paul's Church
* Trinity Church;Memphis
* All Saints' Church [http://www.allsaintsmem.org]
* Barth House, St. Theodore’s Chapel (University of Memphis) [http://www.barthhouse.org]
* Calvary Church [http://www.calvarymemphis.org]
* Emmanuel Church
* Church of the Good Shepherd [http://www.churchofthegoodshepherd.us] (1928 prayer book)
* Grace-St. Luke's Church [http://www.gslparish.org]
* Church of the Holy Communion [http://www.holycommunion.org]
* Holy Trinity Church [http://www.holytrinityec.org]
* Saint John's Church [http://www.stjohnsmemphis.org]
* St. Joseph 's Church
* St. Mary's Cathedral (Gailor Memorial)
* St. Paul 's Church
* St. Philip Church [http://www.stphilipmemphis.org] ;Millington
* St. Anne's Church [http://www.saintannesepiscopal.org] ;Paris
* Grace Church [http://www.gracechurchparistn.org/] ;Ripley
* Immanuel Church;Somerville
* St. Thomas' Church [http://www.stthomassomerville.com] ;Union City
* St. James’ Church

Bishops of Tennessee before the creation of the Diocese of West Tennessee


ee also

*Province 4 of the Episcopal Church in the United States of America
*West Tennessee

External links

* [http://www.episcopaldiocese-tn.org/directory.htm The Episcopal Diocese of Tennessee]
* [http://www.etdiocese.net/ The Episcopal Diocese of East Tennessee]
* [http://www.episwtn.org/ The Episcopal Diocese of West Tennessee]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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