List of Qassam rocket attacks

List of Qassam rocket attacks

Campaignbox Al aqsaThis is a list of notable and/or newsworthy Qassam rocket and mortar attacks in the background context of the larger number of both rocket and mortar attacks. The high frequency of background attacks does not generally appear in the international news. Qassams were first fired at Israeli targets in April 16, 2001 and have both continued and increased since then. The first time an Israeli city was hit was on March 5, 2002, when two rockets struck Sderot. Some rockets have hit as far as the edge of Ashkelon. From 2001 until May 2008, there have been over 3,050 Qassam rockets fired at Israeli targets, [ cite news | url = | title = Hamas terror war against Israel | publisher = Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs | date = June 2008 ] "Palestinian terrorists in Gaza continue to fire Qassam rockets at Israeli civilian targets.", mainly against Sderot and the Western Negev. Fifteen (15) Israelis have been killed and over 433 injured, along with significant property damage. Additionally, more than 2,500 mortar attacks have been launched against Israel from Gaza. [ Background on Qassam Rocket Fire against Sderot and the Western Negev] by Sderot Media Center] This has resulted in eight (8) Israeli deaths.cite news |title= List of Deaths Caused by Qassam Rockets and Mortar Fire. Total: 23 |url= |publisher= The Israel Project] |date=November 27, 2006] . Qassam's have a range of 3 to 10 kilometers. Mortars have a range of 1.7 to 6.0 kilometers. The Palestinian Sariya-1 is a 240 mm mortar with a 15 kilometer range. [cite news |title= Mortars |url= |publisher= Weapon's Survey |date=June 10, 2008] . The Grad rocket has a 20.5 kilometer range. Most of Israel remains out of range of these weapon systems. However, over time the range of the weapons used has increased. For example the transition from Qassam 1 through Qassam 3 the range went from 3 to 10 kilometers and the explosive payload went from .5 kilograms to 10 kiograms. Since at least October 2007 Gaza terrorists have been using Google Earth to guide their targeting.cite news | url = |title= Google Earth used to target Israel |publisher= The Guardian|date= October 25, 2007]

A radar system or "red dawn alarm", was installed by the Israeli government. Sderot had a system installed before September 2005. [cite news | url =,7340,L-3139815,00.html |title = Sharon region prepares for rockets |publisher= YNET |date= September 9, 2005] Ashkelon began installation in July 2005, by April 2006 the system was completely installed.cite news |title= Red Dawn: Introduction |url= |publisher= Weapon's Survey |date=June 10, 2008] . Red Color alerts Israelis to incoming rocket fire, but does not alert Israelis to mortar shelling. On cold or rainy days, the radar is ineffective in detecting the rocket launches. Sderot residents have 15 seconds, once the siren goes off, to escape to a bomb shelter. In 2005 Israel started a program to fortify homes and public buildings within range of Gaza missiles. This program was expanded in 2008, the cost estimates are over one billion shekels. An Iron Dome anti-rocket system is under development by Rafael. It is expected to be operational by 2011.

The Qassam rocket attacks have resulted in Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in both children and adults, with 33% of children living in Sderot suffering from PTSD [cite news |title=Sderot traumatic stress center sees steep rise in new patients |url= |publisher=Haaretz |date=May 21, 2007] [cite news |title=Report: 33 percent of Sderot kids suffer post-traumatic stress |url= |publisher=Haaretz |date=November 27, 2006] .

Timeline of attacks


;May 2000:Israel withdraws from its Israeli Security Zone in Lebanon. It was an artifact of the 1982 Lebanon War. This withdrawal under asymmetric military attacks is the a major precedent. The IDF can apparently be forced to give up territory.;July 2000:At the 2000 Camp David Summit hosted by President Clinton, Israel offers to form a Palestinian State initially on 73% of the West Bank (that is 27% less than the Green Line borders) and 100% of the Gaza Strip. In 10 to 25 years, the West Bank area would expand to 90-91% (94% excluding greater Jerusalem). In return, the Israelis would cede 1% of their territory in the Negev Desert to Palestine. A limited number of refugees would be allowed to return to Israel on the basis of humanitarian considerations or family reunification (i.e., limited Palestinian right of return). All other people currently classified as Palestinian refugees would be settled in their present place of inhabitance, the Palestinian state, or third-party countries. An international fund would be set up, to which Israel would contribute along with other countries. Yassar Arafat Chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization, President of the Palestinian National Authority, and leader of the secular Fatah political party, rejects this proposal and makes no counter-proposals.;September 2000:The Second Intifada begins in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. The first Israeli Gaza Strip barrier is torn down.


;January 2001:The first mortars deployed by Palestinian terrorist groups during the Second Intifada were fired at the Israeli community of Netzarim located in the Gaza Strip in January 2001.;April 16, 2001:The first Qassam rocket fell on Israel on April 16, 2001. [cite news | title = The Hamas terror war against Israel |url = | publisher = Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs | date = May 27, 2009 ] ;June 2001:From December 2000 and June 2001 the part of the Israeli Gaza Strip barrier separating the Gaza Strip from Israel was rebuilt. A one-kilometer buffer zone was added, along with new high technology observation posts. Israeli Soldiers were also given new rules of engagement.;November 24, 2001:St.-Sgt. Barak Madmon, from Holon, 26, was killed by a mortar strike while on reserve duty in Kfar Darom, an Israeli settlement inside the Gaza Strip.


;February 10, 2002:A Qassam-2 rocket was fired from Gaza into Israel on Sunday, landing in a field six kilometers from the Gaza border near Kibbutz Sa'ad in the Negev Desert. Israel views the use of the Qassam-2 rockets as a major escalation in fighting, since the missiles have a range of six to 10 kilometers - sufficient to hit Israeli cities if fired from the West Bank. Israel responded with air force attacks and an armored incursion. Seventeen militant prisoners were released from Gaza jail as a result. No deaths were reported. [cite news | title=Israel responds to Palestinian missile attack | url= | publisher = CNN | date = February 11, 2002 ] [ cite news | title = The Homemade Rocket That Could Change the Mideast |url =,8599,202159,00.html | publisher Time | date = February 11, 2002 ]


;March 20, 2003:Second Iraq War begins when the United States invades Iraq


See: List of Qassam rocket attacks, 2004


See: List of Qassam rocket attacks, 2005


See: List of Qassam rocket attacks, 2006


See: List of Qassam rocket attacks, 2007


See: List of Qassam rocket attacks, 2008

ee also

Timeline of violence in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

*Second Intifada
*Israel-Gaza conflict
*Timeline up to 2006 Gaza crisis
*2004 Israel-Gaza conflict
*2006 Israel-Gaza conflict
*2006 Israel-Gaza conflict casualties timeline
*2007–2008 Israel-Gaza conflict
*2008 Israel-Gaza conflict
*Palestinian factional violence
*Gaza Division
*Israel's unilateral disengagement plan
*Israeli Gaza Strip barrier
*Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)


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