Muhsin al-Ramli

Muhsin al-Ramli
Muhsin Al-Ramli
Born Muhsin Al-Ramli
March 7, 1967 (1967-03-07) (age 44)
Sedira, Iraq
Occupation writer
Language Arabic
Nationality Iraqi
Alma mater Autonomous University of Madrid
Notable work(s) 'Scattered Crumbs
Fingers of Dates
We Are All Widowers of the Answers


Literature portal

Muhsin Al-Ramli (Arabic: محسن الرملي; born 7 March 1967) is an expatriate Iraqi writer living in Madrid, Spain since 1995. Doctorate in Philosophy and Letters, Spanish Philology. Universidad Autónoma of Madrid 2003, thesis topic: The Imprint of Islamic Culture in Don Quixote. Translator of several Spanish classics to Arabic. Where he is edits Alwah, a journal of Arabic literature and thought which he co-founded. He is a translator, having produced the complete translation of Don Quixote from Spanish to Arabic. He is currently a professor at the Madrid campus of Saint Louis University. He is the brother of the writer and poet Hassan Mutlak.[1][2]


Published works

  • Gift from the Century to Come (Short stories) 1995
  • In Search of a Live Heart (Theater) 1997
  • Papers far from the Tigris (Short stories) 1998
  • Scattered Crumbs (Novel) 2000
  • The Happy Nights of the Bombing (Narrative) 2003
  • We Are All Widowers of the Answers (Poetry) 2005
  • Fingers of Dates (Novel) 2008
  • Asleep among the Soldiers (Poetry) 2011


  1. ^ "Muhsin Al-Ramli (Iraq, 1967)". XX international Poetry Festival of Medellín. Retrieved 11 August 2010. 
  2. ^ Francisco Reina, M. (6 April 2008). "Cultura Dedos de Dátiles" (in Spanish). ABC (Madrid: ABC Periódico Electrónico S.L.U.). Retrieved 11 August 2010. 


1. Laranjas e giletes em Bagdá/Naranjas y cuchillas en Bagdad, Fedra Rodríguez Hinojosa (Trans.), (n.t.) Revista Literária em Tradução, 1 (set/2010), Fpolis/Brasil, ISSN 2177-5141

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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  • Muhsin Al-Ramli — (März 2010) Muhsin Al Ramli (arabisch ‏محسن الرملي‎, DMG Muḥsin ar Ramlī; * 7. März 1967 im Irak[1]) ist ein ir …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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