United States Army School of Advanced Military Studies

United States Army School of Advanced Military Studies

Located at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, the United States Army's School for Advanced Military Studies is both a training ground and a think tank for some of the Army's brightest officers. Officials say the Army chief of staff, and sometimes the Joint Chiefs of Staff, ask SAMS to develop contingency plans for future military operations. During the 1991 Persian Gulf War, SAMS personnel helped plan the coalition ground attack that avoided a strike up the middle of Iraqi positions and instead executed a "left hook" that routed the Iraqi Army in 100 hours.

Subject matter

Subjects taught at SAMS include:

* Military campaign
* Effects Based Operations
* Joint warfare
* Philosophy
* Military History
* Middle East
* Military Strategy
* Military theory
* Red Team
* Special Forces
* Important military commanders
* Systemic Operational Design

Advanced Military Studies Program

The Advanced Military Studies Program (AMSP) is a graduate-level program of the School of Advanced Military Studies that provides education in military art and science. All enrolled officer students are graduates of the Army Command and General Staff Officer Course or U.S. service-equivalent intermediate level school. Focus is on the military art and science of planning, preparing and executing full spectrum operations in joint, multinational, and interagency contexts. Curriculum combines integrated study of military history, military theory, and execution-based practical exercises, and enables students to develop cognitive problem-solving skills to overcome tough operational challenges at the tactical and operational levels of war. Course emphasizes both command and staff perspectives on military decision making, doctrine, and force employment. State-of-the-art information technologies enable student interaction with the field, and provide an exercise environment for collaborative joint and multinational operations planning. Graduates earn a Masters Degree in Military Arts and Sciences. Following graduation, officers serve twelve-month utilization tour in critical battle staff positions within division or corps headquarters.

External links

* [http://www-cgsc.army.mil/sams/ Official homepage]
* [http://cgsc.leavenworth.army.mil/carl/contentdm/sams.htm School of Advanced Military Studies Monographs] Combined Arms Research Library Digital Library

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