HIV/AIDS in Asia

HIV/AIDS in Asia

East Asia

Compared with other regions, notably Africa and the Americas, the national HIV prevalence levels in East Asia are very low (0.1% in the adult (15-49) group). However, due to the large populations of many East Asian nations, this low national HIV prevalence still means that large numbers of people are living with HIV.


The picture in this region is dominated by China. Much of the current spread of HIV in China is through intravenous drug abuse and paid sex. In China, the number was estimated at between 430,000 and 1.5 million by independent researchers, with some estimates going much higher. In the rural areas of China, where large numbers of farmers, especially in Henan province, participated in contaminated blood transfusions; estimates of those infected are in the tens of thousands.


[ Official figures] ( [ English] ) for July-October 2006 showed that just over half of domestic HIV/AIDS cases were amongst homosexual men, with the remainder transmitted through heterosexual intercourse, drug abuse, in the womb or via unknown means. Independent research has suggested that actual infection rates may be much higher, especially amongst the young. [] []


As of May 2006, there are 11,000 Taiwanese nationals reported cases. Currently HIV/AIDS patients of Taiwanese nationals can enjoy free medical care (including HAART therapies), with the state covering the cost. Non-governmental organizations have set up "AIDS Half-Way Houses" for homeless patients. The ratio of patients of drug users increases rapidly, which has led the authority to promote a harm reduction program.

outh and South-East Asia

The HIV prevalence rate across this region is less than .35 percent. Due to the population size this brings the total of HIV infections to 4.2 - 4.7 million adults and children. More AIDS deaths (480,000) occur in this region than any other region except sub-Saharan Africa. This sprawling region is not just vast but diverse, with the nature, pace and severity of HIV epidemics differing across the region. The AIDS picture in South Asia is dominated by the epidemic in India, but new data released by UNAIDS shows that India as of 2007 has a relatively low Aids prevalence rate. With an estimated 2-3.1 million infections, India has the third largest number of people with aids after South Africa and Nigeria. [cite web | url = | title= 2.5 million people in India living with HIV, according to new estimates | publisher= UNAids | accessdate=2007-07-06] In South and Southeast Asia, the HIV epidemic remains largely concentrated in injecting drug users, men who have sex with men, sex workers, and clients of sex workers and their immediate sexual partners. New infections occur in Thailand and Cambodia at a steady rate. Prevention strategies in these populations are, for the most part, inadequate. AIDS seems to be under control in Thailand, Myanmar and Cambodia, but new infections occur in those nations at a steady rate. Effective prevention strategies in these populations are, for the most part, inadequate.




ri Lanka

AIDS was first reported in Sri Lanka in 1986. First indigenous transmission was in 1989. As of 2006, 815 persons were diagnosed with the virus. Over 3500 persons are estimated to be infected with the virus. Most common mode of transmission is heterosexual followed by homosexual.

Sex workers are considered most at risk. Number of partners per sex worker is comparatively low (4 per week) compared with other countries (Bangladesh 18-36 per week). There condom use rate is relatively high (67.6). Blood transfusion service is mostly state run and is considered safe. Of the 35,000 drug users less than 1% are thought to be injecting drug users.but there are some people wi


Though, HIV is not a dominant epidemic in the adult population of Pakistan, coupled with the extremely low awareness of HIV/AIDS in Pakistan, as well as growing number of cases, the AIDS epidemic is poised to take a hold in Pakistan. The presence of additional risk factors such as unscreened blood, and low condom use rates make the situation fertile for AIDS to become a major public health issue. The National AIDS Programmes latest figures show that around 3,000 HIV cases have so far been reported since 1986, but UN and government estimates put the number of HIV/AIDS cases between 70,000 and 80,000 with the vast majority going unreported due to social taboos about sex and victimsfears of discrimination.


The Philippines has a relatively low incidence of HIV/AIDS. There have been about 2800 reported cases since 1984, but independent estimates put the number of cases closer to 12000. [ [ HIV and AIDS in Philippines,HIV in Philippines,AIDS in Philippines,social Indicators,social statistics, HIV Estimates,Figures,HIV situation in Philippines ] ] [ [ GMA NEWS.TV, RP HIV/AIDS situation alarming; undocumented cases at 11,000 - solon] ] The majority (70-75%) of carriers are male, 25-39, and the predominant mode of transmission is through sexual intercourse.



ee also

*AIDS pandemic
*HIV in Yunnan


External links

* [ AIDS epidemic update 2005] (PDF)
* [ Specific country data from UNAIDS]
* [ AIDSPortal Asia page] Latest research, case studies and news stories
* [ Aids Crisis in India] Sapna Magazine Article

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