- Buh Cossacks
The Buh Cossack Host ( _uk. Бузьке козацьке військо) ( _ru. Бугское казачье войско) was a
Cossack host, which used to be located along the Southern Buh River.The Buh Cossack Host was formed in
1769 out ofUkrainians ,Vlachs , andBulgarians , who had taken the side ofRussia during the Russo-Turkish War of 1768-1774. After the war, the regiment was quartered on the Southern Buh River. In1788 , the Buh Cossack Host became a part of theYekaterinoslav Cossack Host (disbanded in1796 ) and protected the border. It was disbanded in1800 , only to be created again in1803 under the original name. The Buh Cossack Host had to provide three regiments of 500 men each in the times of war. In1817 , it was included into themilitary settlement s and combined together with the two Ukrainian regiments into a BuhUhlan Division.
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