Intertarsal articulations
- Intertarsal articulations
Infobox Anatomy
Name = Intertarsal articulations
Latin = articulationes intertarsales
GraySubject = 96
GrayPage = 352

Caption = Oblique section of left intertarsal and tarsometatarsal articulations, showing the synovial cavities.

Caption2 = Bones of the right foot. Dorsal surface.
System =
Precursor =
MeshName = Tarsal+Joints
MeshNumber = A02.835.583.378.831
DorlandsPre = a_64
DorlandsSuf = 12161357
Intertarsal articulations are the joints of the tarsus. The specific intertarsal articulations are:
* Talocalcaneal articulation
* Talocalcaneonavicular articulation
* Calcaneocuboid articulation
* Cuneonavicular articulation
* Cuboideonavicular articulation
* Intercuneiform articulation
* Cuneocuboid articulation
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