- List of human anatomical features
The major systems of the
human body are:*
Cardiovascular system : the blood circulation withheart , arteries andvein s
*Digestive system : processing food withmouth ,esophagus ,stomach andintestine s.
*Endocrine system : communicating within the body usinghormone s
*Urinary system : eliminating wastes from the body
*Immune system : defending against disease-causing agents
*Integumentary system :skin ,hair and nails
*Lymphatic system
*Muscular system : moving the body withmuscle s
*Nervous system : collecting, transferring and processing information withbrain andnerve s
*Reproductive system : thesex organ s
*Respiratory system : the organs used for breathing, thelung s
*Skeletal system : structural support and protection throughbone sThe detailed list of human anatomical features below is adapted from the table of contents of the 1918
public domain edition ofGray's Anatomy .Embryology * The cell
* Theovum
* Thespermatozoön
* Fertilization of the ovum
* Segmentation of the fertilized ovum
* Theneural groove andneural tube
* Thenotochord
* The primitive segments
* Separation of theembryo
* The yolk-sac
* Development of the fetal membranes andplacenta
* The branchial region
* Development of the body cavities
* The form of the embryo at different stages of its growthOsteology *
* Thevertebral column
** General characteristics of a vertebra
*** Thecervical vertebrae
*** Thethoracic vertebrae
*** Thelumbar vertebrae
*** Thesacral vertebrae
*** Thecoccygeal vertebrae
** The vertebral column as a whole
* Thethorax
** Thesternum
** Theribs
** Thecostal cartilages
* Theskull
** Thecranial bone s
*** Theoccipital bone
*** Theparietal bone
*** Thefrontal bone
*** Thetemporal bone
*** Thesphenoid bone
*** Theethmoid bone
** Thefacial bone s
*** Thenasal bone s
*** Themaxillae (upper jaw)
*** Thelacrimal bone
*** Thezygomatic bone
*** Thepalatine bone
*** Theinferior nasal concha
*** Thevomer
*** Themandible (lower jaw)
*** Thehyoid bone
** The exterior of the skull
** The interior of the skull
* The extremities
** The bones of the upper extremity
*** Theclavicle
*** Thescapula
*** Thehumerus
*** Theulna
*** The radius
** Thehand
*** Thecarpus
*** Themetacarpus
*** Thephalanges of the hand
** The bones of the lower extremity
*** Thehip bone
*** Thepelvis
*** Thefemur
*** Thepatella
*** Thetibia
*** Thefibula
** Thefoot
*** The tarsus
*** Themetatarsus
*** Thephalanges of the foot
*** Thesesamoid bone sSyndesmology * Development of the joints
* Classification of joints
* The kind of movement admitted in joints
* Articulations of the trunk
** Articulations of the vertebral column
** Articulation of the atlas with the epistropheus or axis
** Articulations of the vertebral column with the cranium
** Articulation of the mandible
** Costovertebral articulations
** Sternocostal articulations
** Articulation of the manubrium and body of the sternum
** Articulation of the vertebral column with the pelvis
** Articulations of the pelvis
* Articulations of the upper extremity
** Sternoclavicular articulation
** Acromioclavicular articulation
** Humeral articulation or shoulder-joint
** Elbow-joint
** Radioulnar articulation
** Radiocarpal articulation or wrist-joint
** Intercarpal articulations
** Carpometacarpal articulations
** Intermetacarpal articulations
** Metacarpophalangeal articulations
** Articulations of the digits
* Articulations of the lower extremity
** Coxal articulation or hip-joint
** The knee-joint
** Articulations between the tibia and fibula
** Talocrural articulation or ankle-joint
** Intertarsal articulations
** Tarsometatarsal articulations
** Intermetatarsal articulations
** Metatarsophalangeal articulations
** Articulations of the digits
** Arches of the footMyology * Mechanics of
* Development of the muscles
* Tendons, aponeuroses, and fasciae
* The fasciae and muscles of the head.
** The muscles of thescalp
** The muscles of theeyelid
** The muscles of thenose
** The muscles of themouth
** The muscles ofmastication
* The fasciae and muscles of theanterolateral region of the neck
** Thesuperficial cervical muscle
** Thelateral cervical muscle s
** The supra- andinfrahyoid muscle s
** Theanterior vertebral muscle s
** Thelateral vertebral muscle s
* The fasciae and muscles of the trunk
** The deep muscles of the back
** Thesuboccipital muscle s
** Themuscles of the thorax
** The muscles and fasciae of theabdomen
** The muscles and fasciae of thepelvis
** The muscles and fasciae of theperineum
* The fascia and muscles of the upper extremity
** The muscles connecting the upper extremity to the vertebral column
** The muscles connecting the upper extremity to the anterior and lateral thoracic walls
** The muscles and fasciae of theshoulder
** The muscles and fasciae of thearm
** The muscles and fasciae of theforearm
** The muscles and fasciae of thehand
* The muscles and fasciae of the lower extremity.
** The muscles and fasciae of theiliac region
** The muscles and fasciae of thethigh
** The muscles and fasciae of theleg
** The fasciae around theankle
** The muscles and fasciae of thefoot Angiology * The
* Development of thevascular system
* Thethoracic cavity
** Thepericardium
** Theheart
** Peculiarities in the vascular system in thefetus
= The Arteries =* The
* The arteries of the head andneck
** Thecommon carotid artery
*** Relations
*** Theexternal carotid artery
*** Thetriangles of the neck
*** Theinternal carotid artery
** The arteries of the brain
* The arteries of the upper extremity
** Thesubclavian artery
** Theaxilla
*** Theaxillary artery
*** Thebrachial artery
*** Theradial artery
*** Theulnar artery
* The arteries of the trunk
** Thedescending aorta
*** Thethoracic aorta
*** Theabdominal aorta
** The common iliac arteries
*** Thehypogastric artery
*** Theexternal iliac artery
* The arteries of the lower extremity
** Thefemoral artery
** Thepopliteal fossa
** Thepopliteal artery
** Theanterior tibial artery
** Thearteria dorsalis pedis
** Theposterior tibial artery The
Vein s* The
pulmonary vein s
* Thesystemic vein s
** The veins of the heart
** The veins of the head and neck
*** The veins of the exterior of the head and face
*** The veins of the neck
*** Thediploic veins
*** The veins of the brain
*** The sinuses of the dura mater. ophthalmic veins and emissary veins
** The veins of the upper extremity and thorax
** The veins of the lower extremity, abdomen, and pelvis
* The portal system of veinsThe
Lymphatic system * The
thoractic duct
* The lymphatics of the head, face, and neck
* The lymphatics of the upper extremity
* The lymphatics of the lower extremity
* The lymphatics of theabdomen andpelvis
* The lymphatic vessels of the thoraxNeurology * Structure of the
nervous system
* Development of the nervous system
* Thespinal cord or medulla spinalis
* The brain or encephalon
** Thehindbrain orrhombencephalon
** Themidbrain ormesencephalon
** Theforebrain orprosencephalon
** Composition and central connections of thespinal nerve s
** Composition and central connections of the spinal nerves
** Pathways from the brain to the spinal cord
** Themeninges of the brain and medulla spinalis
** Thecerebrospinal fluid
* Thecranial nerve s
** Theolfactory nerve s
** Theoptic nerve
** Theoculomotor nerve
** Thetrochlear nerve
** Thetrigeminal nerve
** Theabducent nerve
** Thefacial nerve
** Thevestibulocochlear nerve
** Theglossopharyngeal nerve
** Thevagus nerve
** Theaccessory nerve
** Thehypoglossal nerve
* Thespinal nerve s
** The posterior divisions
** The anterior divisions
** The thoracic nerves
** Thelumbosacral plexus
** The sacral and coccygeal nerves
* Thesympathetic nerve s
** The cephalic portion of the sympathetic system
** The cervical portion of the sympathetic system
** The thoracic portion of the sympathetic system
** The abdominal portion of the sympathetic system
** The pelvic portion of the sympathetic system
** The great plexuses of the sympathetic systemThe Organs of the Senses and the Common Integument
* The peripheral organs of the special senses
** The organs oftaste
** The organ of smell
** The organ of sight
*** The tunics of theeye
*** The refracting media
*** The accessory organs of the eye
** The organ of hearing
*** The externalear
*** Themiddle ear ortympanic cavity
*** Theauditory ossicle s
*** The internal ear or labyrinth
** Peripheral terminations of nerves of general sensations
* The common integumentSplanchnology * The respiratory apparatus
** Thelarynx
** The trachea andbronchi
** Thepleura e
** Themediastinum
** Thelung s
* The digestive apparatus
** Themouth
** Thefauces
** Thepharynx
** Theesophagus
** Theabdomen
** Thestomach
** Thesmall intestine
** Thelarge intestine
** Theliver
** Thepancreas
* The urogenital apparatus
** Development of the urinary and generative organs
** The urinary organs
*** Thekidney s
*** Theureter s
*** Theurinary bladder
*** The maleurethra
*** The female urethra
** The male genital organs
*** Thetestes and their coverings
*** Theductus deferens
*** Thevesiculae seminales
*** Theejaculatory duct s
*** Thepenis
*** Theprostate
*** Thebulbourethral gland s
** The female genital organs
*** The ovaries
*** The uterine tube
*** Theuterus
*** Thevagina
*** Theclitoris
***Bartholin's gland s
*** The external organs
*** Themammae
* Theductless gland s
** Thethyroid gland
** Theparathyroid gland s
** Thethymus
** Thehypophysis cerebri
** Thepineal body
** The chromaphil and cortical systems
** Thespleen Surface Anatomy and Surface Markings
* Surface anatomy of the head and neck
* Surface markings of special regions of the head and neck
* Surface anatomy of the back
** Thelozenges of Aphrodite
* Surface markings of the back
* Surface anatomy of the thorax
* Surface markings of the thorax
* Surface anatomy of the abdomen
* Surface markings of the abdomen
* Surface anatomy of the perineum
* Surface markings of the perineum
* Surface anatomy of the upper extremity
* Surface markings of the upper extremity
* Surface anatomy of the lower extremity
* Surface markings of the lower extremityee also
List of human anatomical parts named after people
*List of regions in the human brain
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