- Multiple cross products
Multiple cross products is a
mathematical term.Using multiple cross products
mathematics , one must be careful when using multiplecross product s. The cross product operation is notassociative : we have in general:("A"×"B")×"C" ≠ "A"×("B"×"C").
Since the cross product is also
anticommutative , left and right can be switched with a change of sign.In traditional treatments of tensors, this question is handled in terms of the
Levi-Civita symbol defined by:
and a basic identity for it.
Since the cross product as a
cartesian tensor is:ε"ijk""a""i""b""j"
with the
summation convention understood, the required identity would be for:ε"ijk"ε"klm".
This is shown to be a combination of
Kronecker delta s:δ"il"δ"jm" − δ"im"δ"jl".
This can be proved by a short direct argument on
permutation s; it is also equivalent to an identity on triple cross products.Armed with this formula, any multiple cross product can be simplified. Those of odd length come out without cross products, since an even number of ε symbols will always 'cancel' into δ symbols. For long products the result does grow exponentially.
exterior algebra , which "is" associative, can also be used to simplify multiple cross products.See also
Vector triple product
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