- Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force
The Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force is a federal drug enforcement program in the United States, overseen by the Attorney General and the Department of Justice. It primarily concerns itself with the disruption of major drug trafficking operations and related crimes, such as money laundering, tax and weapon violations, and violent crime.[1] The task force was created in 1982, and employs approximately 2500 agents.
Together with state and local law enforcement, the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task force utilizes the resources of eleven federal agencies to accomplish its objectives. This includes the Drug Enforcement Administration, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, the U.S. Marshals Service, the Internal Revenue Service, and the U.S. Coast Guard – in cooperation with the Department of Justice Criminal Division, the Tax Division, and the 93 U.S. Attorney's Offices, as well as with state and local law enforcement.
Since the formation of the organization, its operations have led to more than 44,000 drug-related convictions and the seizure of over $3.0 billion in cash and property assets.[2]
Each of the ninety-three federal judicial districts is placed into one of nine OCDETF regions based on geographic proximity. Within each region, a "core city" was designated.
OCDETF Regions Task Force Region Core City New England Boston New York/New Jersey New York City Mid-Atlantic Baltimore Great Lakes Chicago Southeast Atlanta West Central St. Louis Florida/Caribbean Miami Southwest Houston Pacific San Francisco The principal mission of the OCDETF program is to identify, disrupt, and dismantle the most serious drug trafficking and money laundering organizations and those primarily responsible for the nation's drug supply.
OCDETF is the centerpiece of the Attorney General's drug supply reduction strategy. In order to enhance the OCDETF Program's ability to contribute to the President's mandate to reduce the drug supply, the Program focuses its resources on coordinated, nationwide investigations, targeting the entire infrastructure of major drug trafficking. It also assisted in the development of the Attorney General's Consolidated Priority Organization Target (CPOT) List, a unified agency target list of international "command and control" drug traffickers and money launderers. OCDETF's attack on the related components of these major trafficking organizations will not only disrupt the drug market, resulting in a reduction in the drug supply, but will also bolster law enforcement efforts in the fight against those terrorist groups supported by the drug trade.[3]
The OCDETF Fusion Center (OFC) will gather, store and analyze all-source drug and related financial investigative information and intelligence to support coordinated, multi-jurisdictional investigations focused on the disruption and dismantlement of the most significant drug trafficking and money laundering enterprises.
See also
- ^ "D.E.A Programs: Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force". U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency. http://www.dea.gov/programs/ocdetf.htm. Retrieved 2006-10-25.
- ^ "Executive Office for the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force". U.S. Department of Jusice. Archived from the original on 2006-10-01. http://web.archive.org/web/20061001163729/http://www.usdoj.gov/criminal/ocdetf.html. Retrieved 2006-10-25.
- ^ "Executive Office for the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force". U.S. Department of Jusice. http://www.usdoj.gov/dea/programs/ocdetf.htm. Retrieved 2007-03-08.
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