African mottled eel

African mottled eel

name = African mottled eel
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Actinopterygii
ordo = Anguilliformes
familia = Anguillidae
genus = "Anguilla"
species ="A. bengalensis"
subspecies ="A. b. labiata"
trinomial ="Anguilla bengalensis labiata"
trinomial_authority = (Peters, 1852)
The African mottled eel is a species of eel in the genus "Anguilla" of the family Anguillidae. Showing the typical characteristics of the Anguillidae, this species grows to 1.75 m and as much as 20 kg. The adult diet consists of crabs, frogs and insects as well as fish.FishBase species alt |ID = 1273 | taxon = Anguilla bengalensis labiata | year = 2006 | month = 05] It is found in east Africa: Lake Kariba, middle Zambezi, Pungwe and Buzi systems, Upper and Lower Save/Rhunde system, Umzingwani and Limpopo rivers. The dorsal side of the fish is mottled yellow olive, the ventral surface lighter; adults are less obviously mottled than the juveniles.cite web| url= |title = Species Fact File: African Mottled Eel (Anguilla bengalensis labiata) |publisher = The Zimbabwe Fisherman On-line]


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